special events lV International Labor Day 8V Mothers’ Day l3V Womyn’s Night at Pearl's 5-9pm 147 7th Annual Northhampton (Ma.) Lesbian/Gay 15 March (see article this page ) 237 Memorial Day (observed) 28V Maine’s Lesbian/Gay Pride march and rally. May 1988 77 lnteg rity W V UULGC, 6.30 pm we Burlington Peace Coalltlon Board meeting, 7:00 pm V QIIM Article deadline. 16V Q|IMTyplng, HELP!! 5:30 pm. Forinfo call 864-3617. l9V Benefit Dance for 6th Annual Lesbian/Gay Pride 2] In VT, Pearl's 9pm, $3 donation V Integrity Kit‘ 7 UULGC W Porlland,Me. Info call: (207) 883-6934. 91/[ot/ierfs flay only comes once a year flowers a card a pfione ca[[ 531 gentfe reminrfen. 1 . /;»;r:=.';;5'/fgoy/~ Aids Memorial Quilt Seeking New Panels, Volunteers Boston, March 1]- New England residents who have lost a friend or loved one to AIDS are invited to create panels for the National AIDS Memo- 1’131Qlli1l. to be displayed in Boston on June 17 as part of a 24-city national tour. Volun- teers are needed to assist with the tour and to provide local assistance in building the Quilt. _ First displayed at the October 11 Na- tional March on Washington for Lesbian “Pd G3)’ Rights, the giant quilt is a memo- rial to the tens of thousands of Americans Who have died of AIDS. The Quilt now contains more than 3,000 fabric panels, each bearing the name of a single person lost to AIDS. It covers more than 100,000 Square feet. _ “The Quilt illustiates the enormity of “"5 °P1d6II}ic by showing that there are Elames behind the statistics,” says Cleve Onf‘-S. the Executive Director of the Names Pmlect, the group that created the Quilt. “It ':‘15_°Pf0v1des a positive means of expres- M Please Note New Date VT's 6th Annual Lesbian/Gay Pride — June ll State House, Montpelier sion for those whose lives have been touched by AIDS.” New panels are being sought for the Quilt. Local quilting bees are planned to allow friends, families and co-workers of those who have died to create panels to- gether. For more information on panels, call 451-9003. In addition, volunteers are needed. The task forces are: Fundraising, Media, Out- reach, Quilting, and Support Services. Call 396-8642 for more information on volun- teering. Local planning meetings are held on alternate Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in the Piemonte Room at Boston City Hall. The next meetings are scheduled for March 23, April 6, April 20, May 4, and May 18. Please use the Congress Street entrance. "@599 Vermont Area Resources back page JUNE 5VVT coalition of Lesbians and Gay Men Meeting, S. Royalton, 10 am I lVVT’s 6th Annual Lesbian/Gay Pride. Montpelier (more info in OITM's June issue) 25v NH’s 1st Lesbian/Gay Pride Day. |nfo:NHCAGLR Are we ready for Lesbian and Gay Pride?! 7th Annual Northhampton Lesbian & Gay March The Northhampton Lesbian & Gay March Committee is pleased to inform you of the particulars of this year’s March and Rally. The March’s theme is “Friends and Neighbors”. The March and following Rally will be held on Saturday, May 14, 1988. The March route begins in Larnpron Park on Bridge Street/Rte.9 at noon and proceeds to Pulaski Park through the center of town. The Rally commences at one o’clock and will include a variety of multi-etlinic speak- ers and performers, including feminist au- thor and publisher Barbara Smith. The entire event will be interpreted for the hear- ing impaired. Typical attendance at the March and Rally is about 1500-2000. Northhampton is the smallest incorporated area in the nation holding an event of this type on an annual basis. Please feel free to contact us at P.O.Box 1223, Northhampton, MA 01061, or call Micki Seigel at (413) 247-5917. 11