Out in the Mountains To send your queer queries to Gertrude and Alice, write to us c/o Out in the Mountains, P.0. Box I 77, Burlington, VT, 05402. Anonymous questions are fine. We'll even hide your identity for you! Dear Alice and Gertrude: (Alice always did seem to get the bum deal, at least in the literatrrre if not in her life with Gert, which we’ll never know, so I thought I‘d give her top billing for a change.) I’ve been thinking about getting more involved in the gay and lesbian activities going on around Burlington. But I’m hesi- tantbecauseI’ve foundinthe past thatwhat I’m willing to offer is not seen as good enough. you see, I’m not very “out.” My friends know and that feels okay, but I’m not yet comfortable being more public about my lesbianism. I feel like this is not okay in the groups I’ve tried to join, like I’ve been put down because of it. Why can’t people accept what I do have to give and respect that I’m not ready to do more? They can wish I was [more out] (I do too) and evenbedisappointed,butitdoesn’thelp me or them to put me down, or to not respect my wishes to stay behind the scenes. I give myself enough heartache over this, but I know the time will come when I’m ready to do more. For now, I just accept myself and try to move forward at my own pace. How can I start giving what I do have to give instead of staying away because of what I don’t? Sign me- —Wary of working in the Community Dear Wary: WHO won’t accept you as you are!l?? We want names, dates, places! We’ll write an expose! We’l1 thrash them with month old tunas! But, before we lapse into threats of violence, we should confess that we, too, are sometimes intolerant of not-”out” people, Gertmuch more so than Alice (who appreciates, and deserves, top billingl). Gert, however, recognizes the error of her ways. FE «$@—.e%”l ” Prevent 0lTr~l Volunteer lOmfn~ovt{,’ Land at l’\av\¢l(. .. _ JOAN KNICHT Photography : (Traditional and non-traditional) vvmiston - Iéfixiaridums W 879-7810 - en cred“ roach Black 9 White or Color “PP 10 We think that the discrimination you are feeling results because the people who are so “out” and who do so much for the lesbian/gay/bisexual cause might be think. ing, “hey, I’m fighting for YOUR rightsas well as my own—why aren’t you fighting ' as much as I am?” Such people, whih necessary to the gay rights movement, need to become more sensitive to individual - differences and differences in priorities. Please don’t give up! While we can’; speak for other groups, at OITM thereare . LOTS of “behind the scenes” activities: typing, editing, distribution, even writing? withoutaby-line! As for what you can doto get others to understand: have you tried’ confronting these people and saying, in very straightforward (no pun intended) manner, “This is what I’m comfortable’ with giving at this point in my life. A little is better than nothing at all, right? If I’m not welcome here, where do I go?” Let us know - how it turns out. Closet from page 7 “staying in the closet” seemed to manyal the conference to be appropriate; Black participants reminded the rest of the people‘ present that “passing” has never been ac-, ceptable or ethical within the Black com-' munity, and suggested that it was time the lesbian and gay community took a similarly strong stand against closeting. While the» conference was not prepared to make any sweeping statements about whether closel- ing is ever justifiable, participants did rec-‘ ognize that coming out is a process that lasts for years and perhaps for lifetimes. and supported the idea of a national event» where every individual could find a waytt continue their own process of coming out Further organizing for National Com-_ ing Out Day in Vermont will begin witht request for volunteers to be made at the next Vermont Coalition meeting which willbev held June 5 in South Royalton. If youttt interested in volunteering you can 3190 write to the Coalition at P.O. Box 1125» Montpelier, Vt. 05602 ‘ from page 9 munity, not a major city. “This fact malt?‘ this case more difficult since the judges” not yet used to having lesbians appeal‘ fore them, much less lesbians having Chll" dren. This case will serve as an import?” educational tool.” Founded in 1973, Lambda is it nation’s oldest and largest legal organ“ tion dedicated to the rights of lesbians gay men, and to educating others al)0lll__”‘€,- gay and lesbian community. The organ“ tion celebrates its 15th anniversary in 1933, :4