Out in the Mountains "Ki|| 0ueers"rrompag-1 NGLTF Surveys the Candidates S.C. is also concerned about the vio- lence expressed in the spray-painting. “This is not just offensive to the gay com- munity,” she said. “It’s guys being very violent. It could be violence directed at any sort of group. It's just being directed at the gay group right now.” “It’s the violence that needs to be ad- dressed in addition to the homophobia," said S.C. “It’s a bad attitude that needs to shaped up. Anybody with sensibilities wouldn’t condone this behavior.” Dean of Students Keith Miser agrees. “It is completely unacceptable to have this happen regardless of who did this and where it happened,” he said. Pat Brown, director of Student Activi- ties, and Lisa Falcone, coordinator of Greek Affairs, are presently looking into what happened and what could be done about it. One issue that is being considered is possible violation of the non-discrimina- tion clause which includes sexual prefer- ence and the policy on sexual harrassment. “We are looking at both policies and the boundaries of where they apply and don’t apply,” said Miser. However, Miser feels that the policies wiH not “precisely apply, but it is certainly no way to behave in a campus community.” The policies apply to activities specifically on campus, and probably do not include fraternities because they are located off campus. Editors note: After this art:icle,appeared in the UVM Cynic both students received numerous harrassing phone calls and the 8 James R.Morgan ACSW CSW Clinical Social Worker Individual, Couples, Family and Group Therapy By Appointment 186 College St. #202 Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 864-9101 Presidential preference: This ranking is based on tallies of 2,347 completed surveys returned by March 31 out of 9700 mailed. -Jesse Jackson - 36% -Michae1Dukakis - 22% -Paul Simon - 12% -Bob Dole - 5% -Al Gore - 5% -Dick Gephardt - 3% -Mario Cuomo - 3% -George Bush - 2% -Undecided - 7% -All other candidates - 5% (Hart, Kemp, Robertson and write-ins each received less than 1% of the vote) Demographic information on NGLTF members responding: This information is based on detailed analysis of 1236 of the 2347 completed surveys. Registered voters - 98% Voted in '84 pres. election - 96% Democrats - 69%’ Republicans - 3% Independent - 25% Contributed campaign 35 - 70% v Volunteered campaign time - 46% Top ten gay/lesbian issues: This rang. ing is based on detailed analysis of 1236ol. the 2347 completed surveys. 1) Fed. G/L rights legislation - 25% 2) Funding for AIDS research - 20% 3) Gay/Lesbian family benefits - 12%) 4) Fed. health insurance for PWA's - 9% 5) $ for AIDS education - 7.3% 6) More G/L Gov't appointments - 7% V’ 7) Anti-gay/lesbian violence - 6% 8) Discrimination legislation - 5.9% 9) Exec. order banning disc. - 4.5%- 10) immigration exclusion of G/L -3% Gay Republicans Organize Statement of Purpose: Republicans for Individual Freedoms seeks to serve two purposes. First to educate Republican of- fice-holders and candidates about the need to be more sensitive to the gay community. Second, to inform the gay community that the struggle for gay rights must be bi- partisan and include the Republican Party. History: Republicans for Individual Freedoms was founded in the winter of 1987 by several gay Republicans in the New York metropolitan area. These voters, of varying degrees of political involve- ment, had two areas of concern; that the Republican Party was “writing off" the gay voter and that the gay voter was “writing off” the Rep. Party. Programs: Republicans for Individ- ual Freedoms will keep it's members in- formed of the positions taken on gay issues by Rep. Legislators and candidates. In turn, GOP officials will be made aware of the views of the thousands of gay Republicans in the northeast on matters of concern such as AIDS funding and discrimination laws. Partners in Recovery and Growth, Therapist Erica Marks, B.A.S.A.C. Substance Abuse, Sexuality, Parenting, Grief, Gestalt, Spirituality, Individuals, Couples, Families, Groups Hearthstone Assoc. 182 Main St. Burlington, VT 05401 Sliding fee sca1e° Phone: 865-2403 The National Picture: Republicans for Individual Freedoms is only one of a: number of gay Republicans groups across the country. Organizations such as ours’ exist in: Baltimore, Chicago, Dallas, Den- ver, Orange County (Calif), Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington, “ D.C. A member of Republicans for Individ- ual Freedoms is on the board of directorsol the newly formed United Republicans fol, Equality & Privacy, a national gay Repnb lican organization. Membership: Republicans for lndily vidual Freedoms respects the privacy of it's members. The names of members, con- tributors and the mailing list will neverbe released to anyone and will always remain‘ confidential. Membership is open toall gay Republicans, their friends & families and support is welcome from all who believeil the importance of a bi-partisan approach: For more information write: Republl cans for Individual Freedoms, P.O.B0l, 172, White Plains, NY 10605.