....._l' ‘i£§é."-r-‘-‘I=%r s:=-e-¥-=.-s¢_a_s—:2s- Help Bring Out‘ in the Mountains to All of Vermont $4 OITM Contributions $450, twelve page issue :_ $300, eight page issue $150, half an issue _ $40, one page other Call for a quote. Take a minute and compare Allstate for value. You may find we can save you some money on your home or auto insurance. Call me today...lt’Il only take a minute. Ellen Hetherington '~ _40 Malletts Bay Ave. A May 1988 Central VT Lesbians: Not All Work and No Play Sunday, April 10, 25 lesbians gathered for brunch in Worcester to initiate the for- mation of the Lesbian Social Club. The purpose of the LSC is to provide situations for lesbians to socialize outside of the bar and so rural lesbians will not feel so iso- lated. Eventually, we would like to have ongoing interest groups with the monthly brunches as the re-grouping time. Some interests which were expressed by the women were bicycling, hiking, game nights, support groups, gardening, sketch- ing, mother’s groups, movie going, danc- ing, fishing and potlucks, picnics and bar- be-ques. The following events are scheduled for May onward: -May 7th - Weekend Campout in Plain- field -May 15th - BBQ in Williamstown at 11:00 a.m. -June 12th - Hike up Mt. Elmore. Meet at 10:30 a.m. at Elmore State Park, Route 12. Bring a lunch -June 26th - Brunch in Worcester at 9:30 a.m. Also Gay Pride March later this day. - Lesbians who are unable to attend Pride Day can stay at the house -July 30th - A“Pass the Bar Exam” Party in Chelsea. Come after 2 p.m. BBQ at 5:00 p.m. “Stream Dipping” available. For more information please call Holly at 229-0109. Please remember to respect the security and privacy of any lesbian as- sociated with the Lesbian Social Club. V Gay National News Gay Sci Fi Convention in P-town Gaylaxicon, the first science fiction and fantasy convention for gay people and their friends ever to be held, will take place on June 3-5 in Provincetown, Massachusetts. Presented by the Gaylaxian Science Fiction Society, a central New England organiza- tion for gay science fiction fans and the oldest gay science fiction group in the world, Gaylaxicon will have as its guest of honor J.F. Rivkin. Ms. Rivkin is the author of the fantasy novels ‘fSilverglass” and “Web of Wind.” Memberships in Gaylaxicon are $15.00 until February 29, 1988 and are $20.00 afterwards. All memberships are by pre- registration; none will be sold at the door. For more information about Gaylaxi- con, please write: Gaylaxicon, P.O. Box 1051, Back Bay Annex, Boston, Massa- chusetts 02117. Catholic Gays Protest New York City, April 3 - Eighteen members of the Cathedral Project, an or- ganization of lesbian and gay Catholics, were arrested outside St. Patrick’s Cathe- dral today as they demonstrated on the sidewalk blocking Easter Sunday worship- pers. The demonstration began when 60 protesters in the last pews of the church stood up five minutes before the start of mass and walked out of the church singing “We Shall Overcome.” Across the street, 150 protesters held their own Easter service as part of a monthly protest against Cardi- nal John O’Connor’s outspoken con- demnation of homosexuality. Protesters waiting outside the church chanted “Shame! Shame!” at the departing cardinal’s procession. Gay Dollar Power The Human Rights Campaign Fund is now the ninth largest independent PAC in the United States, and the 24th largest PAC overall, according to new rankings just . . 9, . . "your mailbox ‘(in._a__dispre‘et ‘plain’ " I :w_rite the s.izable.co._stiotassemblifig | agdition.to’§=’su_bscription’s,‘fw'e,j,welcornehontributionssto“support I‘ 'ex,rsten.C.e_. Ch‘eCks‘sh‘ould_'be made‘ p"ayabl'e‘to Out in the Mountai rls_”o‘r. OITM, and -I -sent, along with thislorm lfvr,-_o54o2 Outln the M main 0 Box177 Burlington