Out in the Mountains Notes from the Editor To the Editor: A copy of this letter from members of the Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Alliance was sent to UVM President Lattie Coor, Deanof Students Keith Miser, as wellas student leaders within the fraternity and sorority system. We find ourselves with the unfortu- nate obligation of informing you of an incident that occurred on April 12, 1988 concerning Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity located at 371 Main Street. As part of a UVM Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Alliance outreach project carried out in conjunction with the University of Vermont College of Education and Social Services through Professor James Bar- bour, we were scheduled to appear at 7:00 p.m. as guests at an ECHD 65 discussion group, to be held at Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity to discuss the issue of homosexu- ality. At 6:45 p.m. in the driveway of SigmaPhi Epsilon, we saw aparked car on which was spray-painted the phrase “KILL QUEERS”, in addition to the Greek letters of the chapter. In light of the fact taht it was know in advance that we had been invited to come to address the group at Sigma Phi Epsilon, we felt it was an irresponsible and possibly hostile action on the part of the brothers ‘A Lobbyist Reports Patti York, an OITM reader from St. Johnsbury, recently wrote an editorial in support of S .278 to the extremely conserva- tive family owned Caledonian Record. She was the first gay person to come out, politi- cally (or for any reason) in the history of the paper. In her editorial she wrote, “if we are truly a nation that respects the rights of every person, then passing this bill means the fulfillment of the most basic constitu- tional principles that our country was built on. Yes, a fulfillment of our existing laws, to allow the vehicle to remain in the Sigma Phi Epsilon parking lot, and we felt that our safety mightbe in jeopardy, For the time being, we have postponed our appear- ance. This is a deeply felt affront, not only to the gay community but to the University community and the city of Burlington as well. Such a display of violent sentiments is intolerable, especially following the recent episode at Lambda Iota fraternity, in which the same message was displayed on their house vehicle. We would strongly encourage you to recognize this as a devel- oping trend which deserves an immediate and strong response on the part of the Inter-Fratemity and Panhellenic Councils, as well as the University. We understand that the Greek system functions independently of the University. However, since the University has hired aCoordinator of Greek Affairs to maintain close ties with the system, we are sure that you will want to take action to enforce the non-discrimination clause which the Uni- versity adopted. You have shown concern in the past for the rights of gays and lesbians at UVM. We hope that you will recognize the gravity of this situation and follow through on your tradition for the civil rights of homosexuals. S.C. and J.W. Time/Newsweek Boycott The Media Watch and Boycott Ac- tion groups of CRY OUT! are sponsoring a boycott of Time and Newsweek. “Your gloves don’t match your shoes” was Newsweek’s total coverage of the National March on Washington. Time did not cover it at all. Silence = Death. Something we know to be true, even in America. When 600,000 people gather to do anything, it is news! When 600 people choose to arrested, it is also news! ~ Our response to Time and Newsweek must not be silence. We urge you to join us in a boycott of these magazines. For more info, contact: CRY OUT!, S-278 Status Report As of this printing of OITM, Senate Bill 278 was still sitting in the House Judi- ciary Committee waiting for action. The expected adjournment of this legislative session will probably be in the first part of May. So keep your eyes and ears tuned to the mainstream media! 0.l.T.M., You’re Looking Better Than Ever! Desktop Publishing facilities donated by lose///nage 187 St. Paul Street. Burlingt°“ 863-1884