‘lL[,.tfi3-W fOut in the Mountains VERMONT'S NEWSPAPER FOR LESBIANS AND GAY MEN Volume III, Number 4 May ‘1 988 UVM "Kill Queers" Raises Fear-Controversy UVM Cynic by Karen Giles Two UVM gay students chose not to attend a group discussion on human sexual- ity scheduled on April 12 at Sigma Phi Epsilon, a UVM fraternity because the ' phrase “KILL QUEERS” was spray- , painted on the fender of a car in front of the house. '. In a letter sent to UVM President Lattie F. Coor, Dean of Students Keith Miser, and j several student leaders in the Greek com- . munity, the two gay students (identified only by their initials to protect themselves from further harrassment) - S.C. and J .W. - wrote “As part of a UVM Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Alliance ouueach project carried out in conjunction with the University of Vermont College of Education and Social ~ Services through Professor James Barbour, we were scheduled to appear at 7:00 p.m. as guests at an ECHD 65 discussion group, to 3 be held at Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, to discuss the issue of homosexuality. At6:45 p.m., in the driveway of Sigma Phi Epsilon, we saw a parked car on which was spray- painted the phrase “KH.L QUEERS”, in addition to the Greek letters of the chapter.” After talking with Barbour and the fra- temity man who was a member of the discussion group, it was decided that S.C. and J.W. would not attend the session. “It (the fraternity house) didn’t seem like a very friendly place to go,” said S.C. “That’s why we didn’t go, not because they were directly addressing our presence.” S.C was told by the fraternity member that the spray-painting had occurred during a party at happy hour. “He (the fraternity member) didn’t seem very upset by it,” said ‘ S.C. “He told me he was going to repaint the car that evening.” Andy Elias, president of the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity and owner of the car, said the incident was part of a spring ritual known as the Car Wrecking weekend. “There was no direct connection or intent to threaten S.C or J.W.,” said Elias. “We (the fraternity brothers) feel strongly that people can do whatever they want.” Elias was concerned that it would look like Sigma Phi Epsilon was following in the footsteps of the Lamba Iota fraternity. “I don't want (the spray painting) to look con- nected with the Lambda incident because it would look pretty bad for us,” he said. “I don’t need the controversy.” Last week, the Lambda Iota was the subject of controversy because “DRINK BEERS, KILL QUEERS” was written on the fratemity’s bus parked in front of the house. “The reason this needs to be addressed is because of Lambda Iota,” said S.C. “It seems to be a developing trend.” (Continued on page 4 ) Innocents Abroad: Expert Vacation Advice by Gus Vacation travel should be an experi- ence that enriches the soul, refreshes the body and doesn’t do permanent damage to one’s financial security. If you go to the good places through the right people, this may even happen. Looking for Bargains? There is a scheduled carrier that offers fares to exotic places at ridiculously low prices: Shang- ‘ ha1—$868.00, Sydney-$1099.00, Auck- 3 land-$930.00, Tokyo-$576.00, Hong K0ng—$81o.oo, Lima-$574.00, Santiago- , $776.00, Buenos Aires-$776.00, plus Eu- T0136. They are one of the better carriers in N0rth America. They also fly from Boston at Slightly higher prices. This winter we were selling tickets to Acapulco for $97.00 round trip from Montreal. You couldn’t book until the Monday before the weekend of travel but the uncertainty seemed not to worry many people. According to one book I read on Gay and Lesbian travel (written by aEuropean), the meccas for action and acceptance are New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Boston. Maybe so, but New York scares me, the blondes of L.A. and those tiny- waisted creatures of San Francisco intimi- date me, so I would opt for less well-known and more fun spots: New Orleans - great food, central action, and great accents; Key West - a great selection from a transient population who are not the clones of New York or California; Montreal - with thirty- three establishments that boast of a Gay/ Lesbian affiliation, there is much to do in this sister city. If you want a rare experi- ence, try out the one gay bar in either North or South Dakota (now they must be thirsty). My idea of nothing is Provincetown or Fire Island (do I date myself?) or any place where there is a pennanent gaggle. I did enjoy the feeling of being in the majority when I attended the March on Washington, but that was a special situation. I have also noticed through the years that some exclu- sively Gay establishments take advantage of their clientele and are not so clean nor attractive as they advertise or should be. I want to go where I am wanted, where I am safe, but I want to have quality. (Continued on page 5 )