frompage1 Homosexuality can be punished by death in certain Moslem countries and near death in others; it is wise to avoid travel in a lot of Africa, parts of South America, and the Middle East if you are intent on acting out or are out cruising. Homosexuality is legal in Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, East and West Germany, Ghana, Greece, Honduras, Iceland (but they are strange wanted, why go elsewhere? You did notice the US of A isn’t on the list, right? There are Gay and Lesbian travel com- panies that organize charter cruises, Euro- pean tours, et cetera, or better yet, find a Gay or Lesbian travel agent and organize your own group departure; did you know that for every sixteen people you book on a cruise, one is free? about it), Indonesia, Italy (be careful), Ja- p pan, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Nether- lands, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Nor- Way. Spain, and Switzerland. The age of consent varies widely and surprisingly: in Switzerland 20 years, in Japan 13 years, so check before you leap. With so many places in the world to go where one is accepted and If you travel for business or pleasure, get yourself a resource guide: the Gaye1- low Pages for the U.S. and Canada (Les- bian and Gay), Spartacus for worldwide information (most Gay info), or GAIA’s Guide (strictly for Lesbians). And don’t leave home without them, or the travel guides. German, and Spanish. Q. Tutor Available for Private Lessons Help with grammar and conversation in French, Q‘ Specializing in Music Theory and Piano Techniques. Reasonable rates and convenient scheduling. o/* J‘ N -J‘ «con Gilles at 865-3941 May 1988 M.O.W. Grant $ Available The March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights is calling for grant propos- als to disburse about $70,000 in surplus funds in the national office accounts. Grants will be awarded by the seven member Executive Committee based on criteria approved by the 65 member na- tional Steering Committee. “We were shocked to find that we had any surplus funds given our struggles to raise money before the October 11th march,”reported Kay Ostberg, national co- chair in Washington, D.C.,“however the amount of money we raised during the week of events was evidence of the overwhelm- ing success of the March.” In order to be awarded a grant, a project mustbe lesbian, gay, and/or AIDs related and have national or state significance. Proposals for amounts up to $5000 will be considered. At least one half of the recipients will be lesbians and at least one quarter will bepeople of color. Preference‘ will be given to grassroots projects, proj- ects born of March organizing and projects working toward one of the March demands. Those interested in applying for a grant should get a copy of the request for propos- als. Write the March on Washington at P.O. ‘ _‘ The ' I Forsberg Center Walter I. Zeichner M.A.C.P., N.C.C. Psychotherapy 6* Bodywork Gay Positive Counselmg -4”;,‘.; 1 323 Pearl Street Burlington, VT 05401 863-5510