Out in the Mountains ,_l 1, _. 1+1; . _ l To send your queer queries to Ger- trude and Alice, write to us c/o Out in the Mountains, P.0. Box 177, Burlington, Vt. 05402. Please write! Anonymous ques- tions are fine. Dear Gert and Alice: I am discouraged with the extent of intolerance for different kinds of lifestyles that I see in the Burlington lesbian community. Must one be writing a book on incest or making less than $6.00 an hour to be considered “politically cor- rect.” Why do so many lesbians equate modest material comfort with “selling out”? In their effort to free themselves from mainstream, heterosexist America, many lesbians seem to have bought into an equally confining alternative — i.e., toe our high-minded, morally correct line or don’t bother us. Whatever. What do you think of all this? Am I off base or is there some truth in this? -Irritated in Burlington Dear Irritated: You aren’t off base, you’re right on. target! There is definitely some truth in what you say. We too have been discouraged by the “more-organic—than- thow” attitude held by parts of the lesbian communityin Burlington and elsewhere. Perhaps it is natural, when people are going against everything that is the norm, to sometimes lose a little flexibility along the way. It is really unfortunate, however, when a woman who makes good money, or eats meat, or wears make-up, or enjoys S/ M, or is bisexual, or anything else feels excluded from the lesbian community. On the positive side, there are always indi- viduals who do not fit into this generaliza- tion. We suggest that you seek out these individuals. If you’re feeling brave, you might also ask your intolerant aquintances to examine their own exc1usionistbehav- ior. Meanwhile, readers with money to spare can make their checks payable to the “Gert and Alice Vacation Condominium Fund”, because WE don’t believe in stop- ping at mere “modest” material comfort! Dear Gert and Alice, I have made a decision to come outta my mother, who seems to be “fishing” for ways to open up the subject, but whenever she does, I am the one who gets nervous& changes the subject. A few years ago, my mother displayed strong verbal efforts to deny that her daugh- ter was alesbian & Ihave since, always felt justified about my suspicions that I need to keep myself and my sexual preferencea secret. But, how can I tell the difference between dynamics of mistrust that I am keeping alive needlessly, and those or actual reality? How can I tell what to, allow my imagination to entertain alone, and which to give my serious considera- tion? How can I learn to trust my mother, or should I? Sign me as -Perplexed Dear Perplexed, First of all, we applaud the courageil I took for you to make the decision to come out to your mother. As for being able to tell the difference between imagined and real dynamics of mistrust- in many ways you‘ can’t. In the situation you are in, where everything is left unsaid and messages 20 Elliot Street Brattleboro, Vermont Downstairs in the old church Distinction GONG SHOW, Every Wednesday Night ° Dancing Nightly Nightclub (802) 254-8646 A of 10 -I-;-u--—¢.—o-—..._...-