Volume III, Number 3 Out in the Mountains VERMONT'S NEWSPAPER FOR LESBIANS AND GAY MEN April 1988 S.278 Passes VT Senate: House Awaits by Heather Wishik On March 3 the Vermont Senate voted 19-11 in favor of S.278, the bill to prohibit sexual orientation discrimination in Ver- mont. The bill had a third reading vote in the Senate the next day, and that vote was 17-12: Senator Douglas Baker was absent for the second vote and Senator William Doyle changed his vote from a yes to a no. The bill must next be assigned to a House committee, voted on by that com- mittee, brought to the House floor, and voted on by the full House. Public state- ments by the House leadership the day after the Senate vote indicated the bill would be assigned to the House Judiciary Commit- tee, which last year voted in favor of similar legislation. Also, House Democratic Ma- jority leader Paul Poirier indicated publicly on March 4 that he felt the bill had a good chance of passing in the House if the focus remained upon the legislation as a civil rights issue. S.278 would prohibit sexual orienta- tion discrimination in sales and rentals of housing, public accomodations, public and Welch Speaks Out for Lesbians and On Wednesday, March 9, 1988, Presi- dent Pro Tempore of the VT Senate Peter Welch addressed the bi-weekly meeting of the Unitarian/Universalists for Lesbian and G3)’ Concerns (UULGC) in Burlington. _His_talk followed close on the heels of the invigorating victory of S-278 in the Senate, abill strongly supported by Senator Welch. _ In the course of his talk and the ques- tions following it, the Senator discussed the Passage of the bill and the politics and strategies that will need to be followed as the bill proceeds throught the Vermont House. He expressed strong support for lesbian and gay rights, although he con- curred with the political decision to drop two sections of the bill, those concerning child custody and domestic abuse. The Sénate Judiciary Committee’s decision to eliminate these two areas from the private employment, public accomoda- tions, insurance and credit services. De- spite objections from lobbyists for the gay and lesbian community, the sections of the bill relating to child custody in divorce and to domestic violence protections were cut Heather Wishik: Former caliason to Gov. Kunin and staunch S ..278 advocate. protections of the bill was a disappointment to many of us, but the Senator’s arguments were based on political concerns rather than the merits of the clauses. Perhaps more important to many of us, and certainly to the Senator, was the fact that the UULGC meeting provided the Senator with an opportunity to address lesbians and gays concerning our issues as he launches his campaign for Congress. Senator Welch is pursuing the berth soon to be vacated by Representative James Jef- fords. He promised to continue to support gay and lesbian rights and the rights of people with AIDS if he is elected to na- tional office. In light of the conservative trend of today, it is heartening to listen to politicians who do not fear to take a stand on controversial issues such as our human rights. from the bill by the Senate Judiciary Com- mittee; an exemption for non-profit reli- gious organizations which have a doctrinal objection to employing persons due to their sexual orientation was also added to the private employment section by the Com- mitee. The debate of the bill on the Senate floor beganwith Senator Chester Ketcham, a Republican Senator from Addison County, who reported the bill out for the ‘Judiciary Committee. In an eloquent ten minute speech Ketcharn explained why he had changed from opposition to support of the legislation, and walked the Senate through the sections of the bill. He quoted the Vermont constitution in stating that he had become persuaded at the hearing by both proponents and opponents that sexual orientation discrimination was a serious problem in Vermont In response to Senator Gilbert Go- dnick of Rutland’s claim that if the bill passed “people like that” would flock to (Continued on page 5) Gays *:<;: Peter Welch: Candidate for U .S . Rep.