Out in the Mountains ..,..,, ‘ 1 Randy Shilts, author of the best-selling book “And the Band Played On: Politics, People and the AIDS Epidemic” spoke in Burlington on January 26. More than 800 peoplepacked Ira Allen Chapel UVM to hear Shilts recount the history of the AIDS epidemic in this country. Recounting the ineptitude, indiffer- ence and inexcusable delays by govem- ment, scientists, and institutions, Shilts maintained that the problems were best summed up as “insane.” The failure to begin basic research early, the American] French battles over discovery of the virus, delays in clinical trials of new drugs, the lack of direct education, and scientific labs scrambling for research money were among his examples. “The government and the scientific community seem to feel no great need to ,,.,..x1»! #60. Shilts Blasts Government Dela s rush on research and treatment, or them it is business as usual. But in the face of an epidemic of these proportions, we cannot afford to carry on business as usual. Time lost can be measured in lives lost.” Shilts’ harshest words were saved for the Reagan administration. “First the Re- agan adminisuation did as little as they possibly could do to fight AIDS, and then they lied about it,” he told the crowd. He was amazed, he said, that in the President’s State of the Union address, not once did Ronald Reagan mention AIDS. The press, said Shilts, ignored AIDS for a long time, “going through fits of minor interest and then forgetting it, returning to the topic only when it appeared white, non- drug using heterosexuals were vulnerable.” The media coverage of AIDS changed dramatically in 1985, when it became Find out who Csertvucle, ‘I Alice. full»; are. Join OlTH's start’. known that Rock Hudson was diagnosel with AIDS. “In AIDS coverage, Rocl Hudson was the equivalent of the Christiar calendar’s BC and AD, the period befor and after the birth of Jesus.” “Today, we see more media coveragt of AIDS than before,” Shilts told the and ence, “but much of it is shallow and super ficial, ignoring the real issues of federt politics and funding, instead giving undue attention to insignificant developments art‘ scare stories.” He was outspoken about the medial COL 20 Elliot Street Brattleboro, Vermont Downstairs in the old church A Nightclub of RS Distinction GONG SHOW, Every Wednesday Night ° Dancing Nightly (802) 254-8646