Out in the Mountains Anderson Speaks at AIDS Forumrmm page1 ter), he contends that the failure rate is primarily a result of improper use rather than faulty rubbers. In the third program, attended by 130 people Michael Ferrell moderated a panel consisting of individuals with AIDS and their families and friends. “Living With AIDS: A Psychological, Social and Per- sonal Perspective,” reminded us that peoplemust live with AIDS sometimes for years before they die from pneumonia or other diseases that the weakened immune system cannot battle. The first speaker, Reverend Robert J. Heam, a Baptist minister and father of three, was diagnosed with AIDS in Sep- tember 1987. He encouraged those with AIDS not to be ashamed, not to feel like lepers and urged us all to be as supportive as possible. He said, “All of us live one day at a time. I want to use my time in a meaning- ful way—live to the fullest—live today as if it’s the last day that I live.” Bob's daughter Lyndra Hearn then discussed what it feels like to love someone with AIDS. She began, “ To those of you who are meeting my father for the first time he’s simply a man with AIDS. But to me, he’s my dad, my one remaining parent; he’s a special friend; he’s a housemate——I love him very much, and I’m not ready for him to die.” She credits Bernie Siegel’s Love, Medicine, and Miracles for her present ac- ceptance and peace. Other speakers included: Pat Allen whose borther died of AIDS in 1984; Sonny, a person with AIDS , who appeared on the podium wearing a mask; Sonny’s lover who was unable to attend. The final two speakers were Steve Shepard, Chair of the Board of Directors of Vermont C.A.R.E.S., and Terje Anderson, Executive Director of VerrnontC.A.R.E.S. The fourth program in the “Action for Life” series concerned “The Legal, Politi- cal, and Social Response to AIDS.” This presentation featured Sen. Sally Conrad of Chitt. Co. and Rep. Bennett Truman of Chitt. District 7-4. Sen. Conrad is co- sponsor of S-278, the anti-discrimination bill currently pending in the Senate. Rep. ruman is a co-sponsor and leading advocate of certain AIDS-related legislation in the House. .Another speaker on the panel was Timothy Mazur, Legislative Director of the ACLU in Vermont. JOAN KNIGHT Photography Black 8' White or Color : (Traditional and non—traditional) Vvimston - Individuals . z 879-7810 0 Children «WU op? 0 Partners in Recovery and Growth, Therapist Erica Marks, B.A.S.A.C. Substance Abuse, Sexuality, Parenting, Grief} Gestalt, Spirituality, Individuals, Couples, Families, Groups Hearthstone Assoc. 182 Main St. Burlington, VT 05401 Sliding fee scale° Phone: 865-2403 A . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v . v v General Contractors 0 M ea‘ 5 Construction T == Remodeling ° No Job Too Small ° Free Estimates Sally Fellows 862-4175 /ex ,-6:: Mary Twitchell 878-3129 The final two speakers in the sen‘: were attorneys Heather Wishik and Dav} Curtis. Wishik serves on the Governor Commission on Women, as a liaison tol governor from the Vermont Coalitiom Lesbians and Gay Men, and as a coopen ing attorney for Lambda Legal Defens Wishik detailed the prejudices and di crimination experienced by those wi AIDS or positive HIV tests, e.g., AIDS tel ing for immigrants. David Curtis, a piiva practitioner and former Vermont Defend General , expressed his feelings aboutl legal crisis surrounding AIDS as follow “I’mjustvery angry. I’m angry becausel legal, political, and social response l AIDS has been atrocious. I’m angryli cause even today not one single pennyu of the funds of the state of Vermontl been spent for the treatment, care, educ tion, or anything else relative to AIDS. l the same time there is room for hope. It‘: hopeful sign that there are people out tht who have the courage, who have the cot mittrnent to human rights and individi rights to sponsor a bill like [S-278].” The series was a comprehensiveat informative program on AIDS in the St: of Vermont. Let us hope that this progn will help elicit a strong communityt sponse to a very difficult public problen L &: M Handyw Do you have a chart Remodeling, sheetrocking, landscup in , or ma be more! No 'ob too smal - we'll o themal S tework, painting — in and oil just give us a shoul I-‘ll our repairs, we'll be there Call us at: 879-4381 "massage for women "‘ all that we touch is more .¢ beautiful Leah Wittenberg 864-6764__& orl