Dear 017‘ M , I am very pleased once again to be able to make a donation to your wonder- ful newsletter. Please accept this check as a simple monetary gesture of my appre- ciation for your work celebrating and supporting gay and lesbian Vermonters. As always, my wishes are with you and I still get chills from the articles about the M.O.W. Thanks to you, we’re working. With sincerity and love, Pat Fontaine Dear Pat, Thank you for your generous donation and your kind words! ——The stafi’ at OIT M Church, 7:00pm International ‘Women's Week March 2 — Kpyrwte speaker Diane flaiser. Burlington City Hall 7:30pm ‘Images qf ‘Women and ‘Work’ Photography by Joan Knight, Burlington City Hall, 6:30pm March 3 - film §Te5ti1/af. Methodist Church, 7:00pm March 4 - ‘Women’: Open {Poetry Rpazfing. Burlington College, 7:30pm March 5 - "Women's ‘Work-‘Women’: Lir/es, "workshops, speakout, rally, parade. Burlington City Hall, 11—5:30 LI9’£LI9\[£ all-woman rock band. Memorial Auditorium, 8:00pm March 7 - Jwfitfi Mack, feminist storyteller. College St. Congregational March 8 - acwmgzzz am{Mfll‘1'RIx music, drumming and sing along. Burlington City Hall, 7:30pm J March 9 - ‘Women and ‘Wor&1’aneIQ)1'scussion. City Hall, 7:00pm March 11 - ‘Z1111: ‘W/’1.$9{I9\[Q‘1'09‘£5LS‘I"£iR5, gospel, a capella funk, jazz and pop rock. Burlington City Hall, 8:00pm Dear Friends: I was touched to receive the 2nd anni- versary issue of OIT M , and to see how wonderful the paper looked. The quality of work that went into each article, graphic, and design caused me to reflect on the paper’s beginning. Having been one of the individuals that was with the paper from its birth, I began thinking about how far the paper has come. I remember one of our first layout meetings on a cold day in January in a I-Iinesburg farmhouse. There were at least a dozen of us cutting funny clip art, meas- uring lines and using an exacto knife. Most of us didn’t have a clue as to how to design a newspaper but we did have a great deal of energy and determination to see it happen. All one has to do is take a look at some of our early issues to really see how far we’ve come! Over the years we have had some en- joyable and trying times. Sometimes we wondered whether OITM was going to make it financially and commitment-wise from the gay and lesbian community. O.|.T.M., You’re Looking Better Than Ever! Desktop Publishing facilities donated by 187 St. Paul $treet. Burlington 863-1884 ‘IfianK9’oa! ‘Ifiere fiave 6een dozens and dozens of people worfgirg for tfie passage of Senate 6i[[2 78. ‘lfieir names are many. ‘We extend a Big ‘17ianK9’ou for a[[ your flara’ worfl Out in the Mountains Letters to the Editor Many hard working people have come an gone, myself included. Somehow I stj feel very close to the ties I made in in “coming out” years in Burlington. Beir involved with the paper helped me to mot from feelings of real isolation to a sense community. I know OIT M is alive at strong but the energy comes and got sometimes like wind! With OIT M kicking off its annualfm raising drive, I encourage every readeri Vermont and through out the New Engla1 area to make a contribution. Your letw mm;, and support are so appreciated. I miss you all, Brian