Out in the Mountains frompage 1 “How dare you discriminate against us?” thundered Scondras. He proceeded to engage in a fist-shaking verbal confronta- tion with forrner House Speaker Thomas McGee (D-Lynn) who leaned over a bal- cony rail screaming, “Gay rights never!” McGee had filed legislation earlier this year proposing an investigation of funding for an explicit safer sex brochure distrib- uted by the AIDS Action Committee. Arline Isaacson, co-chair of the Mass. Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus, first drew boos and hisses, apparently in re- sponse to her earlier public statements criti- cizing direct political activism, but she soon swayed much of the crowd with stormy rhetoric. “I told the senators,” Isaacson shouted, “that these people, you and me, have every damn right to be here, every damn right to be angry, every damn right to demand our rights! They want us to go away but we won’t go away..We’11 be back again and again...” Isaacson said the gay rights bill has already been reintroduced into the 1988 legislative session which began on Jan. 6. Gay rights supporters are already strate- gizing about how to pass the bill this year. Continued on a e 15 El $20 Individual Name D3330 Joint Easy Lobbying Suggestions Here are some facts that have been com- piled by The Vermont Statewide Coalition of Lesbians and Gay Men (The Coalition) to help you talk to your legislator about S.278. -Discrimination is a problem in Ver- mont. The point is not whether one’s sexual or affectional orientation is right, but whether discrimination is tolerable! No person should be denied a job, a home, an education, or the use of a public place because of her or his sexual orientation. -This bill does not advocate homosexu- ality. -Over 90% of all sexual offenses in- volving children are committed by adult male heterosexuals. There are laws, regula- tions and rules that cover misconduct by all persons, homosexual or heterosexual, in- cluding criminal laws against child moles- tation. This bill would not change any such laws. -Defending this bill is not a political liability. No legislator who has supported civil rights for lesbians and gay men has been defeated on this ground alone. In 1983, the Wisconsin State Assembly passed such a bill. No one who voted for it Support the Organization that Supports Your Freedom 1 l I- AMERICAN CIVIL LIBEHTIES UNION was defeated for re-election. Two assem blymen who opposed it WERE defeated. -Verrnont has a long tradition of pro tecting equality. It constitutionally prohib ited slavery before any other state. On quest is no different from the battle agaim ignorance and bigotry that blacks foughti the south. -Remember: most people do not kIl0l that rights for lesbians and gay men ill unprotected. Contact your senator (see th list of legislators in this issue.) Ask yo: friends, family, co-workers to call or writ their senators. Write letters to the editorr your local newspaper in support of the bil Ask your church, labor, social, profer sional, or charitable group to join the grow ing list of Vermont organizations that sup port lesbian and gay civil rights. -For a complete list of organization that support lesbian and gay rights in Va mont and nationally, and for more fun fail to know and tell, send for a fact sheet. Mi to: The Vermont Statewide Coalition of Lesbians and Gay Men (The Coalition P.O. Box 1125 Montpelier, VT 05602 I WANT TO SUPPORT THE ACLU. D Enclosed is my contribution of $ D I want to join. Credit my contribution towards membership: l:I$50 Contributing 1:! $100 Patron Address City State 10 Send coupon and check to: ACLU, 43 State St., Montpelier, VT 05602 Zip