Gay UU's to Meet in Portland The Fourth Annual Convocation of Unitarian Universalists for Lesbian and Gay Concems(UULGC) will be held from Feburary 12 through 14 at First Parish Church in Portland, Maine. A lot of excite- ment surrounds this year’s Convocation because of an anticipated appearance by presidential candidate Jesse Jackson. A spokesperson for the Jackson Campaign said that Mr. Jackson plans to make a guest appearance and keynote address at the Convocation unless some “major compli- cation prevents his attendance.” According to Fred Rabidoux, Convocation coordina- tor, Jackson’s appearance has become “more a probability than a possibility be- cause many of the obstacles to his appear- ance have been eliminated.” The Convocation, entitled “A Passion For Justice,” will also feature Ms. Eleanor (Ellie) Haney as the Worship Service Keynote Speaker. Ms. Haney has been the leader of the Feminist Spiritualist Group in Maine for a number of years and a leading New England activist in behalf of feminist Forconfidenfial AIDS Information CaH 1-800-882-AIDS causes for the past decade. according to income and range from I $35.00 to $60.00. The UULGC Chapter in Burlington is planning to charter a van to the event scheduled to leave Burlington Friday afternoon, February 12 and return the evening of the 14th. a block of rooms at the Sonesta Hotel in downtown Portland, only six blocks from the church. Requests may be made for two double beds or aking size bed when calling I for a reservation. The price is $32.00(U S) per person per night plus tax. The hotel is fully accessible. Hotel reservations can be I Pride ceIebr3II°"- HGIP make It made by calling 207-775-5411 between 9:00 and 5:00 and asking for reservations for Convocation’88. Efforts will also be made to place those who cannot afford hotel accomodations in homes in the Port- land area. Additional information may be obtained by calling the First Unitarian February 1988 Registration fees are on a sliding scale I I I I |t’s the time of year again, folks, I to start thinking about this year's Gay I I Pride celebration. To make sureI | 1988’s celebration is as successful I las it has been in previous years, I ltee’rif§é‘;"r?§$‘.§;§a”vi'§’ vliliéélilrfi I I and publish your responses in next I month's issue. REMEMBER: your responses I land participation will determine] I whether or not there is a 1988 Gay I Convocation planners have reserved happen! 1. Should a Lesbian/Gay Pride Celebration (march, rally, etc.) be held in 1988? yes no 2. Where should it be held? Universalist Church at 862-5630 or Gilles BUrIIn9I9” __.. Bonneau at 865-3941. M°mPeI'e’ j Rutland Brattleboro L &: M Handywork Other 3. If you live in the Burlington area, would you travel as far as Brat- I tleboro? yes no Remodeling, sheetrocking, landscap- in , or ma be more!! No "ob too smal — we'll 0 them all S tework, painting — in and out, I just gwe us a shout. 4. Would you be willing to help I plan the event (attend meeting, make I arrangements, plan fundraisers, I I I I I I I I I I Do you have a chore? | I I I I I I I I I Call us at: etc)? V95 —— “° — I if s: 879-4381 ,;:, I phone | l_ _________ _ _ _l Announcing the third annual Burlington celebration of International Women’s Week, March 2-1 I, 1988!! Help us organize and plan this special event! The international Women's Week organizing committee is meeting every Monday at 5:30pm at the Peace and Justice Center, 186 College Street, Burlington. All women are welcome. This year’s celebration will focus on Women as Workers. The struggles and strides taken by women around the world to improve and change their workplaces and the workday world will be explored in workshops, discussions, films, concerts, poetry readings and a speakout rally. We are seeking to explore and support a feminist vision for transforming the world of work. The international Women's‘Week Organizing Committee was initiated by KWANZAA which is working in collaboration with other groups and individuals to sponsor this third annual celebration. If you would like to help plan this unique event or have a workshop or speaker idea related to our theme: “Women's Work/Women's Lives" please attend a meeting or contact Cathy Hunter 878-3964 or Pat Fontalne 862-3561.