Out in the Mountains VERMONT AREA RESOURCES B-164 Billings UVM P.O. Box 325 St. Paul's Cathedral Political Burlington, VT 05405 No. Clarendon, VT 05759 Battery and Pearl Streets or anizcttions and ‘ Burlington, VT - - Vennont Statewide Coall- SAMS - Social Alternatives ubhcahons tlon for Lesbians & Gay iplbGgy M299 l;l_=LI:jG -fP|arei)i_ts and d . . OX nen S 0 GS lans an ---- nfizittziiiiitz:§fidmmt,;WE6565E:::::§:“::§§Gays C0-Liaisons from the peetgsslzosmmztzzzzaieeaa strzsegteztttztzzzzz Statewide C°a"“°" 1' *:::§:::::::::::::::::::gs@ 33mr.::::::::::::: P.O. Box 715 Lesbians and Gay M wet * “:tat::::::::a:::..::::::::::::::::::t::::“ Manchester, VT 05254 1° ‘"9 G°V°"“°" le§§§§fi§é§W§ir¥§33§3§§13fiWl*6ll§3§f6'fi1§nV’§ 33: :3: Heathervifishik 229-4 - 3%“ "‘“'駧§:§*‘%(§2::: §§.i”:::::::::::,::::::::::: Bmtang Area Keith G°5'a"‘ 454' mrtm :: :-«::-;;, iii?‘ netgfiééééiiiiié-EEEEEEEEEEE 11 North St. - - imni ::::::t:::::::::: 3Mm$i:0ot.:Yi:0583a::::: Rutiand, VT 05701 “.°'-”.'A”‘9“°a" C‘ *' 28:i:::::::2:2:22:::18m7sflt8ti.4&::::::t:::t:: (802)773-7601 L'b°”'°3U"'°" 2 meet:::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::* 43 State. Street 22:2:::::::::::::zzzitmttsteanbtnteayzvot-:2: UULGC - Unitarian M°"‘P°"e'~VT°56°2 ::::::::::::‘:::::::::::ieyban::::::::::::::::::: Universalist Lesbian and (502)223-5304 tamg Imtfi 2 ::ttee&t:a0atteue§roa1nwr* Gay Concerns 3"“ 3;‘, W~**“”::::::mret\za l g:..:::: (open to all) i3:Ut"0£i1i°"W°me"'3 :::.....e......§§?....r.93r:::::n.n:%§t§?::«:tt:: 152 Pearl Street 5I§5S$B§K88§§§SS:::: lfliifli RN§ $ E Q B r City Hail m‘;“m°’“§:::: :::::::% ~§‘§,§;'%.e,,fi5 O 3t';§_'§§t3°o" Burlington. VT 05401 egtmi ::::::;:;::u:i8t:: 2nd, 4th Wednesdays, (802)658-9300 ext 125 iltfiiiiiit §‘m§9§;7$ ** : : :::::;::::;: 5:30pm EE%§% 8. : flfiqgfizrganlzatlons New (newspaper) ” “ ” “ " t 2 2 2 Z .. Agenda N'H'C'A'G'L'R' Mé&§lblit'Women’s Health 134/2 P93” 31- t'3,;§?r1§2°e*t.Zi:’6~ H 03229 nearer Montpelier, VT 05602 336 North Ave. wfl. ’ $505401 a 3% QPEW an g means: a mmeaeaflfiannwwnnes tssewaaesaa-neaniaannnmnseewwwwens aaeaaaaaamameaaaaaaaaaams aauaaaaeeaasaennaanaaaaus Bsawaaztaeaasaaeneannnanneas VPLG - Vermont Parents 666 Broadway H££S$S$&fl%I|%I88888lfl 0 §§§§ . . 3 t ' ht rt New york_ NY 10012- rid rbtmmu bums flfl:::: vérmom C A R E S gC(;;%r£ag%unPgt.ners) 2317 “3“§§9?3§i§‘i§§§?9E§§::::.hcimmmee to,‘ A'.D'3' Marketplace National Association of Big: 5. E Education and Mlddlebury, VT 05753 s°°'a' w°"‘°'s’L°s"'a" §:ii§:9%?£'§;:2::::::§§§E§§§E§téducation, support, and Women Helping Bat- “““' G°V"s"°s °°"" pwtgzm::::::::::::::::::a islation) tered Women '“'“°° (92*.::::::::::::::::::::::n%. Box 5243 F’-0-BoXi535 i,’ic?6Ci:‘t’;‘ci(4i,T 05091 1 tgaggggttts:::::::;:mrlingten, VT 05401 Burlington, VT 05402 ’ Bttmmtfittttiisazsiiii9°2’°“3'24"°’ 332%?-5é’5;?§?3r Peace and Justice (39i§8@2i‘3 ::::s:ia0tlaMlimutsauam ' Center :::::m:::::::::::::::::: 135 College street mast::::::::::§§§§§§§§§§j 3UPP0ii NeiW°ik$ Burlington. VT 05401 R“”§W’W,.i%??§: : mt: : : :2, I L b. d <8°2>863'8326 Bé%ir§»”i“rléra:niai:raii=t:£;°°é" ‘ °§r;fi£S“" 92 I” 3 2 at W (op)en ?cl>s§l‘|))p UVM-GLBA University of Vermont Rutland WOITIVI1 TO‘ BOX 126 Gay Lesbian and Bisex- gethef BUrl|ngtOn, uai Amance 1st, 3rd Saturdays, 7:55pm Lambda Defense frompage3 which concerned a statute that covered all people - heterosexual and homosexual, married and nonmarried,” Mr. Stoddard said. But, Mr. Stoddard said, it has been AIDS that has given the homosexual rights movement widespread legitimacy. “With- out AIDS, Lambda would not be getting grants from the mainstream foundations.” 12 impact of the AIDS epidemic. Even as the benefit marked the gains made by Lambda and by homosexuals, it was just as evident that some stigmas re- main. For instance, newspaper photogra- phers were restricted in the pictures they could take because, according to Jonathan Potter, the organizer of the benefit, some participants feared that if their presence became known, others would assume that they were homosexual. Lambda brings test cases, publishes a manual for lawyers handling AIDS and a monthly newsletter called AIDS Update to keep lawyers and others abreast of arapidly developing area of law. Lambda works with volunteer lawyers and about 14 other civil liberties and homosexual rights or- ganizations in the country to develop com- mon strategies for addressing the legal