Out in the Mountains Coalition Liaisons Report From Montpelier by Heather Wishik During the past two months co-liai- sons Heather Wishik and Keith Goslant have advocated on behalf of the lesbian and gay community in the following concerns ; 1. H-460. This House originated bill specifically addresses H.I.V. antibody test- ing by the insurance industry, both health and life. The insurance industry contends that a positive antibody test increases the actual risk such that the industry could face insolvency if policies were issued to sero- sitive individuals. It is the position of both liaisons that the insurance industry has overstated the accuracy of current testing ‘protocols and their long range implica- tions. The industry has quoted statistics pertaining to high risk individuals in high virus concentrated areas as being relevant to all persons (99% accurate with 60+% developing A.I.D.S. within five years). Dr. R. Vogt, Department of Health Epidemiologist,has estimated current pro- tocals are 50 to 75% accurate in a low risk population and low virus concentrated area such as Vermont. Womyn’s Cocktail Party - Thurs. Dec. 31 ° bpm — 8pm upstairs bar ° Champagne and Hors D’oeuvres ° $3.00 PearI’s New Year's Evse Celebration - starts 8pm 5.00 Womyn’s Dance - Fri. Jan. 8 ° 5pm - 9pm ° $3.00 All You Can Eat Pasta Night - Wed. Jan. 20 we open at 5pm ° $3.75 UVM-GLBA 2nd Annual Homohop - Tues. Jan. 26 starts 9pm ° asking $2.00 donation Downstairs is Open Tues, Thurs, Fri., and Sat. 135 Pearl Street BurIington,VT (802) 863-2343 Tues. Ed ’s Si Bud Night Wed. Ladies Night Thurs. Boys Night Out The industry has already utilized na- tional lobbyists for preliminary testimony before the Senate Finance Committee. Heather, at the recommendation of State Finance Chairperson Parker, has been in- cluded in negotiations with the insurance industry to work on compromise language. It is hoped that as part of any compromise agreement health insurance will be viewed as an essential service and seperated from any testing requirements granted to under- writing life insurance. Blue Cross/ Blue Shield does not currently require antibody testing and has stated their intention to continue coverage for A.I.D.S. and A.I.D.S. related conditions. 2. H-247. The liaisons want to ac- knowlege and thank the Coalition Steering Committee, especially Susan Aranoff, and the A.C.L.U. ,especially Tim Mazur, for the work being done on the bil1.Heather has helped provide information on lobbying techniques and strategies. If you missed the last Coaltion meeting ask someone about the role play with “Senator Wishik”. Both liaisons will continue close contactwiththe steering committee and advocate whenever possible for this urgently needed hill. 3. H-239. H-239 will provide antidis- crimination protestion for persons who are seropositive or have A.R.C; it is believed that persons with clinical A.I.D.S. are cov- ered by Federal and Vermont State handi- cap statutes. There has been ongoing dis- cussions since the last session with Sally Conrad, Chairperson Senate Health and Welfare, to provide education regarding H.I.V. related concerns. In addition liai- sons have talked with members of the Vermont Medical Society regarding the “access to care” language of this bill. 4. Attorney General’s Office. Keith. had met with one of the Civil Rights Inves- tigators to ensure incidents of lesbian and gay related discrimination were being documented. Since that meeting the rights investigator has resigned and there have been complaints people are being told the Attorney General does not track discrimi- nation unrelated‘ to existing employment and housing statutes. Keith will do additional follow up with the current rights investigators to re-estab- lish reporting procedures. Please, if you feel you have been discriminated against due to sexual orientation report it to the Attorney General Office. You may want to ask specifically for a Civil Rights Investi- gator rather than explaining to whoever happens to answer the phone. If there con- tinues to be problems, either contacting an