Out in the Mountains Letters to the Editor Last month we ran a letter from a Gay Community News reader about the lack of coverage of the March on Washington in Time and Newsweek. This month the outrage seems to be growing with another call to action from a Hartford, Connecticut Metroline reader. He writes, ‘‘...Personally, I’m sick and tired of writing letters to people who continue to believe that gay people are a silent minority and are best left ignored. It’s time for something completely different. I would like to see Time and Newsweek pay for their unacceptable omission. I suggest taking those postage prepaid subscription cards and mailing them back to Time and Newsweek with a personalized message on the back. Tell them how you feel about their lack of coverage of the March. It's a great way to let them know we’re as mad as hell and we’re not going to take 3% . -.49’. . 1.‘? Randy Shilts, author of the contro- versial bestselling book “And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic,” will speak at the University of Vermont on Tuesday, January, 26. Shilts, a San F ranciso Chronicle re- porter who has been following the AIDS epidemic full time since 1982, will speak in Ira Allen Auditorium at 7:30 PM. “And the Band Played On...” is a comprehensive history of the AIDS epi- demic in this country, chronicling the po- litical, scientific and human aspects of ‘And Th a yed On" We received no letters from our read- ers this month. We know the holiday season is busy, but please write and let us know what you think about our new format. ‘\>\ it anymore! It’s also an easy and safe form of protest — it’s fun, it’s anonymous, and best of all, it’s free! So let them know they “forgot” the March, and we won’t forget that! AIDS. The book has made national best seller lists and has been featured on CBS’s “Sixty Minutes.” Shilts’ appearance is sponsored by a variety of campus, community, govem- ment and health promotion groups. Admission is $2.00 for the general public and $1.00 with a valid student ID. For further information contact Emina McCormick, University of Ver- mont Wellness Promotion Program, 655- 0607 or Terje Anderson, Vermont C.A.R.E.S., 863-2437. O.|.T.M., You’re Looking Better Than Ever! Desktop Publishing facilities donated by 187 St. Paul Street, Burlington 863-1884 About This Issue: We are pleased and proud to present our new format. This is- sue of Out in the Mountains was done an desk top publishing equipment. We think it looks new and improved. Please write and let us know your opinions!