Mmfiufii /71.! , ,. ; VERMONT’S NEWSPAPER for LESBIANS and GAY MEN l Vol. 2, No.9 Immigration Bill Introduced Member of Congress Barney Frank (Democrat, Massachusetts), an openly gay member of the U.S. Congress, has introduced a t".l to overhaul part of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Act. HR. 1119, which has over 60 sponsors, would repeal the legal authority for excluding gay men and lesbians from entering this country. Section 212(a), a 1950's McCarthy-era law, excludes a wide variety oi aliens from Visiting the U.S. This bill, which would give Congress the opportunity to "bring our nation’s immigration law into the twentieth‘ century", would remove the term, "sexual deviate". Despite the determinations by the American Psychiatric Association, other professional organizations, and the Surgeon General that homosexuality is no longer considered a "medical condition", the U.S. Supreme Court let stand a 1984 lower court ruling that permits gays to be excluded under this provision. At public hearings, representatives of the Reagan administration did not object to the repeal of Section 212(a)(4), the "sexual deviate" exclusion. Those testifying in favor of the bill were the American Bar Association, the American Association of University Professors, and People for the American Way. Testifying against it were the Heritage Foundation, the American Legion, and William Rusher, publisher of the National Review. CANADIANS PLEASE NOTE: Until this section of the U.S. Immigration law is repealed, you can be excluded from entry into the United States solely because you are a lesbian or gayman. As long as you do not identify yourself as being gay, by wearing gay t-shirts or buttons, or telling U.S. Immigration officials of your sexuality, there is no problem crossing the border. AMERICANS ARE URGED TO WRITE YOUR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS and demand that they support H.R. 1119. December, 1987 I RISTMAS! MOW Coffers Grow ‘ The March on Washington organization recently reported it will have a surplus of at least $70,000. Activists from across the country have begun imagining what could be done with such a large sum of money. According to March staffperson Kay Ostberg, an audited -report will be made public as soon as all the financial information is compiled. Ostberg noted the March office is still receiving bills for the October 11 March and related events. In addition, said Ostberg, further bookkeeping is required to determine how much was spent by the organization and how much was raised on the day of the March. Ostberg estimated that about $40,000 was raised from the sale of T-shirts and buttons. The Executive Committee, a 7-member body elected by the Steering Committee to oversee .the coordination of the March, will meet later this month to discuss the distribution of the surplus funds. The distribution is "something that is on 01. National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights OCTOBER 11, 1987 0 WASHINGTON, D.C. everyone’s mind," said Executive Committee member Steve Ault from New York. "We have to be very careful and scrupulous." Jim Morgan, :1 Burlington member of the National Association of Social Workers/Lesbian and Gay Issues Committee, suggested some of the money go toward continual lobbying on the AIDS issue. Citing the Senate’s recent decision to cut funding to the Gay Men's Health Crisis in New York, Morgan said, "it’s important to maintain a steady presence." Boston March organizers have come up with the first official proposal for distribution of the money. At an October 28 meeting they proposed the money be- used to pay debts incurred by local March organizations. The Boston committee further proposed that the remaining money be divided‘i_nto thirds, with two portions going to the National Coalition of Black Lesbians and Gays (NCBLG) and the newly-formed National Latino Lesbian and Gay Activist Coalition (NLLGAC). The remaining third should be given to grassroots political projects, according the proposal. "We feel at this time the strength of the movement is in the grassroots," said Boston organizer Nancy Wechsler. She added that new groups which are forming nationwide as a result of the March and established activist organizations need money and encouragement. Gay Community News Table of Contents Letters to the Editor page 2 AIDS Education page 3 Recipes page 4 Letters Home page 5_ Africa and AIDS page 7 Gert & Alice page 11 Calendar page 11 HAPPY HANUKKAH! MAI