‘Be friendly, get into their heads. Page 10, Out in the Mountains Letters Home Dear Carol, If you want to be yourself (and I think that’s a reasonable goal) then you can’t be a slave to anyone else, to a political party, one economic theory, a racist group, a sexist philosophy, or anything else. Most people become slaves of something, don‘t they? The boys did. They were so completely "themselves" that they did just what "everybody" was doing -- looked the same, sounded the same, thought the same, blew it the same. A person is a slave to anything that has conquered him! Surely you understand that even if you agree with someone‘s views and admire them - you can still be their slave. Or, if you are committed to a single political party, slave-like, you are forced to accept all the bad along with the good. Economic Let Your Fingers Do the Walking THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF TOLL-FREE NUMBERS. EACH TIME THEY ARE CALLED, IT COSTS THE RECIPIENT ONE DOLLAR. MORE IF THEY ARE KEPT ON THE PHONE. GET THE PICTURE? GOT A FREE AFTERNOON? HAVE FUN. 1-800-368-3336...Jerry Falwell’s advice for pregnant women & girls. 1-800-446-0700...Pat Robertson's 700 Club. (Major Contra funder). 1-800-HIS-LOVE...Prophecy Countdown (Anti-gay, anti-pagan). 1-800-334-9141... Accuracy in Academia (Defining accuracy as pro-US). 1-800-525-7436...Honeywell (bombs, bombs). 1-800-621-Z847...Morton-Thiokol ($31,000,000 in defense contracts). 1-800-843-8762...Marine recruitment. 1-800-247-0507...Navy. 1-800-USA-ARMY...Enough said... 1-800-732-7463...National "We Tip" Hotline. (For turning in info. about criminals. Tell them about CIA cocaine deals). Remember, the operators aren't the big wigs. Many people will be convinced by a considerate voice. ACT NOW !! -you to be yourself, too! theories have, just as obviously, not solved the things they set out to solve but only added new slaves to old problems. Being a slave to racism almost surely leads to dishonor for the race being "served", and then there is this sexist women’s lib stuff! Half the people are left out (because they are men) and half the women are left out because they have found a satisfactory measure of what the other half are still looking for. How do you think the great women of all ages became great? - Well, the first thing they all had in common was that they weren’t slaves of any "slavery"! But the worst thing about being a slave to someone or to being a sexist is that either one, if let go in a free-running and uncontrolled drive, so often results in the other (additional) slavery also. The thing that first haunted me was your "slavery" to Janet - then Ellen - now Mary. The second thing that chilled me was your "slavery" to women’s liberation. Now I'm not quarreling with your choice of friends - I have enjoyed them and we all need friends. And I’m not quarreling with the fact that women are usually taken advantage of in one way or another. But when you act/sound/live like you’re married or act/sound/live like your sex (personal or collective) has been exceptionally and deliberately degraded - then I’m concerned that these unnatural tendencies will run away with you! What’s going on back there? I wonder why you act/sound/live more and more like someone else instead of the Carol that once was? You are still my daughter and I want Do you need another change of surroundings? How about coming in this direction? Or, can you really effect a change in your life style right there? Call for a quote. Take a minute and compare Allstate for value. You may find we can save you some money on your home or auto insurance. Call me today it'll only take a minute. Ellen Hetherington 340 Mallets Bay Avenue Colchester, Vermont ,.x?'" I" 863-3808 /Illstates Allstate Insurance Company If you want to read what women are stuck with, read Genesis 3:16. If you think men have it made, read what they are stuck with in Genesis 3:17-19. Now tell me if you really think you can change the situation. Well, in spite of your first reaction: No!, you can the situation; not through "joining in the fight" but in taking yourself out of it - become an intentional spirit-filled Christian! Lots of love, Dad Dear Dad, Now to answer your last letter, which was quite a shock to me. I hardly know where to begin. Your perspective, or interpretation is probably so different from mine, that I question how much good it will do for me to attempt to clearly explain myself, and my life. But I will try. This i_s my real self, here and now, and constant for many years. If anything has changed about me, perhaps it’s that I don’t hide my private life and beliefs as much as I used to. I think you’ve changed a great deal over the past few months - perhaps you see me differently? Your letter didn’t sound at all like the father I know: understanding, supportive, open-minded, considerate. It sounded more like my "master", or minister. Where is the real you now? It’s ironic that you seem to be saying "be yourself", and yet "be what I think you should be". I can’t do both - they’re different. I can accept that you 1a_n_t_ me to fulfill certain hopes and live up to your expectations, but surely you can’t expect me to be what you want and imagine. This i_s me - a woman, a separate person with unique needs, desires, plans. You apparently criticize Tom and Bill for conforming, and criticize me for n_ot conforming! This "slavery" thing, even as you have defined it, is incredible to me. First - my alleged "slavery" to Mary: not true. I'm confident that any of our friends would support the facts: that we are in a sharing, egalitarian relationship domestically, socially, financially, interpersonally. Where did you get the other idea? Probably the reason I "act/sound/live like I’m married" is that it "shows" that I'm involved in a permanent, loving relationship with Mary. I g love her dearly, and think of her as my mate: housemate, helpmate, soul-mate. I really enjoy life with her. We share the important things like values, goals, interests, and yet we are different enough to make it interesting, and complementary. This relationship is perfectly natural and comfortable for each of us. Secondly - my alleged "slavery" to this "sexist women’s lib stuff‘: not true. I am becoming aware, becoming educated, becoming more supportive of women’s needs, but I hardly qualify as a radical. I Q a feminist - I believe in equal rights, privileges, and responsibilities for women and men. I want to help recognize, nurture, and continued, page 11