Older Gay Men Organize Despite adverse weather conditions, 42 men from throughout New England enthusiastically participated August 15th in the birth of a new organization for older gay men. Those present-agreed that a program for older gays was long overdue, and a number of interesting projects were suggested for the group. The organization (still unnamed) will meet on the third Saturday of each month at 2 p.m. at 6 Hamilton Place, third floor, in downtown Boston. The members took home a questionnaire which they will fill out and return to the chairman indicating areas of special interest. From this information, the organization hopes to build a network of special interest groups that can meet separately to pursue common interests. Suggested activities included trips, parties, lectures, discussion groups, movies, safe sex parties, etc. The group hopes also to develop an outreach program for shut-ins that could include phone calls, letters, cards and visits. The mood varied from humor to pathos as the participants told of their marriages, families, deaths of lovers, loneliness, discrimination, etc. The organization hopes to provide an opportunity for each person to find some people and activities that will add pleasure to his life. If you are an older gay man in New England, or if you enjoy the company of older gay men, you should plan to attend the next meeting. If you feel fairly sure you will be joining the group and would like to have a part in defining the activities and directions, send a letter to P.O. Box 352, Reading, MA 01867, and request a questionnaire. Also, if you know of other older gays that might enjoy the opportunities presented by the group, please pass the word along that they are welcome to come to the meetings. Anonymity is assured if desired. Attendees on August 15 came from all New England States (except Vermont) as well as New Jersey and New York. If you are eligible, become a part of this exciting new organization! Add a new dimension to your life! There is a lot of fun to be had "out there"! O or October 1987, Page 3 O Tues. Ed's $1 Bud Night Wed. Ladies Night Thurs. Boys Night Out Womyn’s Dance First Friday of the Month Special and Wild Halloween Party Saturday, October 31 O 0 Downstairs Is Open Tues., Thurs., Fri., and Sat. 0 135 Pearl Street Burlington, VT 802 863-2343 1' P-FLAG News P-FLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) is alive and well in Rutland County. Julie and Pete Cooper have contacted the national P-FLAG and are pleased and proud to become listed contacts in the Rutland area. Have you come out to your parents and/or friends? Have they met your disclosure with understanding? Or did they act as if they didn’t hear you? Whatever the reaction, ask them to call us at (802)773-7601. We offer understanding, education, and wonderful gay thoughts. We, and another person, are planning a get-together for people each of us knows, or who has been referred. to us, on Sunday, October 4th at 2:00pm for the purpose of organizing a supportive group--a group that can be asked to help. For directions call us at 773-7601. support,’ ‘Out in the Mountains‘ Resource/Calendar will list, free of choifie, any roups or events of interest to lesbians and ay men. I? your group is not included here, or if ou ove an upcoming activity you would like to see isted, send the details to: ‘Out in the Mountains,‘ Listings should be received by the l5th of the month prior to publication, and should Include a contact name and phone number so we can confirm the listing.