VERMONT’S NEWSPAPER for LESBIANS and GAY MEN 1 Vol.2, No. 7 u October, 1987 , March on Washington to Send a Message "Depriving individuals of the right to choose for themselves how to conduct their intimate relationships poses a far greater threat to the values most deeply rooted in our nation ’s history than tolerance of nonconfomtity could ever do." U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hany Blackmun, dissenting from the Court’s 1986 ruling that upholds sodomy laws WE OF THE U.S. LESBIAN AND GAY COMMUNITY urgently need to bring a message to this nation and its leaders - it is not we, but the threats to us, that endanger the entire nation and its values. The agenda of our enemies is all too familiar. It’s an agenda of hatred, of fear, and of bigotry - against us, against freedom, and against love. Lesbians and gay men are denied the rights to make love, even in the privacy of our own homes. Lesbians must survive in a society that renders us invisible and which denies equitable compensation for a woman's labor. We're told we're unfit to nurture our own children, or to adopt otherwise unwanted ones. Young lesbian and gay people are taunted and beaten, or rejected by their families. Many of us have been victims of violent attacks; some are even driven to suicide by the hostile and alienating society - all in the name of "morality." The AIDS crisis is manipulated to advance this agenda. The public is frightened by irresponsible voices in the media and by lack of accurate information from health officials. Politicians pander to misguided fears, disregarding the plain facts of both science and justice. The federal government plunders already-underfinanced social programs, pitting victim against victim, as it offers too little too late to combat AIDS. Meanwhile, though medical evidence continues to show that AIDS is not transmitted through casual contact, the Justice Department sanctions discrimination against people with AIDS and people with ARC. Vermont Organizes for March The Vermont Organizing Committee for the March on Washington is in f11ll swing, preparing for what looks to be a major historical event in Washington, D.C. on the weekend of October 11, 1987. Estimated crowds for the lesbian/gay march range from 100,000 to 250,000!! Successful events thus far for the Vermont contingency include a "shopper’s bargain" garage and bake sale, and a M.O.W. dance at Pearls. The primary goal of these fundraisers was to raise money for transportation to Washington. With help from G.L.B.A. at UVM, the cost for those in need of cheap transportation has been greatly reduced. A round‘trip seat in a van will be $15.00. "People who have helped with these events can feel good about providing a way for some others who otherwise might not have attended," commented Philip Roberts of VLGR, a group helping to organize the march. At press deadline (September 18), there .are seats available for Burlington to Washington, DC. Two fifteen passenger vans will be leaving the Peace and Letters to the Editor 2 AZT Questions 4 Donating Blood 4 March on Washington 6 AG’s Office “9 Letters Home 10 Dear Gert & Alice» ., 11 people from Calendar 11 Happy Halloween , - The United States is in danger of becoming a place where everyone’s privacy and freedom yield before the prying eyes of a fearful, lunatic fringe. The "LaRouche Initiative" in California would, if not soundly defeated, set the stage for forced HTLV-III testing, identification cards and detention camps. The chill of a dreadful deja vu permeates the air as a community is scapegoated to divert the society from dealing with its real problems. The escalating attacks on our community are part of a pattern of assaults on human rights. As the rights of lesbians and gays are threatened, racist attacks increase; the hard-won civil rights of People of Color are dismantled. The Federal government gathers intelligence for the continued, page 7 Justice Center, 186 College St., Burlington on Saturday, October 10, 6:45pm. A third van leave at 2:00pm, Friday, October 9, from the Billings Center at UVM. Cost will be $15.00 for a round trip seat. The UVM van will give first priority to UVM students. , There will be no-cost, or low-cost lodging for those who need it in Washington. Deadline fog registration for van transportation is Monday, October 5th. For further information, call Terje at Vermont CARES, 863-2437. Let’s have a huge, enthusiastic group from Vermont in Washington!! Table of Contents ,3 J l j: