AIDS Campaign Launched The Vermont Department of Health has launched a multi-media campaign designed to prevent the spread of HIV infection. ~ The campaign which kicked off July 15th and which is financed by a federal grant from the Center for Disease Control, features television, radio and newspaper ads, posters, and bus signs. The campaign opened to publicity and some controversy over the tag line for many of the ads: "Don’t forget your rubbers", which is designed to promote the use of condoms to prevent HIV infection. WCAX television (Channel 3) and WEZF - FM have refused to air the condom promotion announcements. WCAX is, however, airing another ad aimed at young adults and teenagers promoting abstinence as a risk reduction measure -- an ad which advocates "Why not wait?" The abstinence ad was designed as a companion piece for the condom ad, to reach people who were not yet sexually active and to mollify potential opponents of the condom ad. The ads were designed by the Charles Burch advertising agency of Burlington, which was selected by the Health Department’s Citizen's Review Panel after presentations by six local advertising companies. The panel approved the final ads, which were introduced by Governor Kunin at a Montpelier press conference on July 15. Keith Goslant, Chair of Vermont C.A.R.E.S. and a member of the Review Panel, praised the state for "choosing such a direct and important risk reduction message. This ad campaign, coupled with more in depth AIDS education, will save lives. It is a tasteful, light and ‘user-friendly’ campaign, and I am very pleased that it is happening." f"07"P0ge10 Jeffords and Stafford right wing Republicans Jesse Helms and William Dannemeyer. The sponsorship by Jeffords and Stafford is considered significant for two reasons: they are among the handful] of Republicans who have signed onto the bill .(only one other in the Senate, three others in the House) and they are among the few sponsors from non-metropolitan areas. Eric Rosenthal, a lobbyist for the Human Rights Campaign Fund, said they were "delighted and impressed that both Republicans in the Vermont delegation are on the bill. The support of moderate Republicans like Jeffords and Stafford is crucial to the Bill’s success." A spokesperson for Senator Patrick -Leahy said that "the Senator is looking at the bill and seriously co-sponsorship." No final decision was available at deadline time. If ‘Leahy does sponsor the bill, Vermont would be the only state whose entire congressional delegation put their name on the legislation. considering President Reagan Names National AIDS Panel President Reagan’s recent naming of a panel to study AIDS has sparked controversy and disagreement. Stacked heavily with political supporters and lacking in medical and scientific efforts, many AIDS activists have said that the commission’s report will be meaningless and that proposals for widespread testing are inevitable given the commission’s make-up. Gay activists have been particularly upset by the naming of New York Cardinal O'Connor to the commission. O'Connor, a vocal opponent of lesbian and gay rights, has argued against the use of government money for education which mention condoms or which stress issues other than abstinence and heterosexual monogamy. Right wingers have attacked the decision of Reagan to appoint Dr. Frank Lilly, a noted research scientist and openly gay man to the commission, Other commission members have been described in the press as "flakes." Consensus is that the commission is biased in favor of testing and against explicit education about sexual practices. September 13th Statewide Coalition Meeting Agenda Statewide Coalition Meeting September 13, 10:30 AM General meeting from 10:30 - 11:45 Separate Lesbian/Gay meetings 11:45 -1:30 Entire group for time left Initial Statement (asking persons present to state their business if not Lesbian/Gay). Report from 6/10 and 8/6 VT-ACLU Planning Meetings regarding H-247. Report from Media Committee. Report from Lesbian/Gay Pride. Discussion of Coalition action re: H-247. Discussion of March On Washington. Report from Susan A. re: Archives. Discussion re: P.O. Box, stationary, and telephone. 2 Discussion re: Purpose - political, S0018”? Discussion/Announcement of Tim Mazure Addison County Political Coordinator for Lesbian/Gay Rights. Report from PFLAG. Rutland County Coordinator report? Washington County Coordinator report? September 1987, Page 11 Calendar Saturday, August 29 March On Washington (M.O.W.) Garage/Bake Sale. 17 Foster St., Burl., VT, 9am - 4pm. Info: call Gus, 864-9827. Just say "the march" when calling. Thursday, September 3 VLGR Monthly Meeting. Discussion will focus on VLGR’s future and purpose. 7:30pm, Peace and Justice Center, 186 College St., Burl., Vt. Saturday, September 5 Integrity. Service 7:55pm. Social 8:45pm. St. Paul's Cathedral, Burl., VT. Wednesday, September 9 Burlington Peace Coalition Board Meeting. 7:00pm. Peace and Justice Center. 186 College St., Burl., VT Thursday, September 10 March On Washington planning meeting. 7:30pm. Peace and Justice Center. 186 College St., Burl., VT Saturday, September 12 Caregivers brunch, 11 am - 1 pm Sunday, September 13 Vermont Lesbian/Gay Statewide Coalition meeting. 10:30am. Royalton Meeting House, So. Royalton, VT. (see agenda) Tuesday, September 15 O.I.T.M. Articles Deadline. Content and Editing Meeting. 6:30pm Peace and Justice Center, 186 College, Burl., VT Thursday, September 17 _ March On Washington Fundraiser "Pearl’s" 8pm till closing (Zam). $2 Donation. Burl., VT Tuesday and Thursday, September 15 & 17 Volunteer Orientation and Training; Two part introduction to Vermont C.A.R.E.S. and basic AIDS information for office, hotline, and services volunteers; 7-9pm both evenings Friday, September 18 O.I.T.M. TYPING 5:30pm. We need typists. No experience necessary. Call 864 - 3617. Saturday, September 19 Integrity. Service 7:55pm. St. Paul's Cathedral, Burl., VT Sunday, September 27 Vermont C.A.R.E.S. Fundraising Committee meeting, 2pm. Planning for fall fundraising events Social 8:45pm. Services Committee meeting, 10am, developing caregiver training program Education Committee meeting, 6 pm, Reviewing educational materials; developing training for additional speaker’s bureau members Sunday, October 11 Lesbian/Gay MARCH ON WASHINGTON, Washington, D.C. Tuesday, October 13 Lesbian/Gay CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE. Supreme Court. Washington, D.C. Note: All Vermont C.A.R.E.S. meetings listed take place at the office at 30 Elmwood Avenue, 2nd floor, Burlington, unless otherwise noted.