Page 2, Out in the Mountains 333333333233??? I Happy 7th Anniversary John & Julius eeeeeaeeeeeeeea Two feminist researchers would like to interview lesbians who are going through or have gone through menopause, for a study on sexuality. Please call or write to Ellen Cole, 454-7709, or R.D. #1, Box 1490, Plainfield, Vermont 05667. In Memoriam SPEAKING BIITERNESS I tremble On the shorelines of terror, Believing That someday Someone will decide They do not wish To hear me Speak of the need for change. I will be dead. Then, my daughter, Who will love you? Michiyo Fukaya (born Margaret Cornell) April 25. 1953 - July 9, 1987 Purpose The purpose of Out in the Mountains is to serve as a voice tor lesbians. gay men and our supporters In Ver- mont. We wish the newspaper to be a source at infor- mation support and affirmation tor lesbians and gay men We also see it as a vehicle for celebration of the goodness and diversity of the lesbian and gay cornmunlty. Editorial Policy We will consider for publication any material which broadens our understanding of our lifestyles and of each other. Views and opinions appearing In the paper do not necessarily represent those of the start. This paper cannot, and will not endorse any candl- dates and actions of public otficlals on Issues at partlcir iar Importance to lesbians and gay men We will not publish any material which is overtly racist, sexist. anlI—Semitlc, agelst, ciassist, or hompohoblc. All materials submitted must be signed and Include an address and/or phone number so we can contact the author should we need to consider editorial revisions. However. within the pages at the newspaper, articles may appear anonymously. upon request, and strict con- fidentiality will be observed. No revisions or rejections at materials will occur without dialogue with the author. We welcome and encourage all readers to submit materials tor publication and to share your comments, criticisms and positive feelings with us. This paper is here for you. The deadline for submitting material for each issue is the l5th of the month prior to publication. Materials should be sent to: Out in the Mountains PO Box 438 Hinesburg VT 0546] Out in the Mountains is published by the Out In the Mountains coIiect’ve: Elizabeth Mae. Howard Russell. Jim Shirlock. Suzi Shlra. Philip Roberts, Linda Wheeler, Terie Anderson. Gilles Vves Bonneau, and Antonio Baio. Letters to the Editor Dear "Out in the Mountains": I am writing this letter in praise of your publication. Out of curiosity I picked it up in the downtown Burlington Ben & Jerry’s and read it cover to cover. I was expecting something more radical and biased, and was pleasantly surprised by its objectivity. I am heterosexual (not that it really should matter) and learned something new about homosexuality upon perusal of your publication. It is disturbing to hear about the acts of violence and discrimination directed towards homosexuals. I am glad that you also included a paragraph or so about the same sort of actions against other minorities, because not only homosexuals are discriminated against. I feel compelled to say something about the commentary on David Chan’s visit to Burlington for the Playboy pictorial on the "Girls of the Party Schools." This was the one insult to your publication - especially printed next to your editorial policy stating "we will not publish overtly racist, sexist...material..." Sarah Coy was clearly gloating over the senseless and also wasteful ridicule of a magazine that hurts no one. Out in the Mountains Subscriptions Subscriptions to ‘Out in the Moun- tains’ are available for $10 per year (10 issues), $5 for low-income and unem- ‘ ployed people. By subscribing, not only will you guarantee prompt delivery of the newspaper to your mailbox (in a discreet plain envelope, of course), but you will help to under- write the sizable costs of assembling, printing and distributing the news- paper. In addition to subscriptions, we welcome contributions to support our continued existence. Checks should be made payable to ‘Out in the Mountains,’ or OITM and sent, along with this form, to: Out in the Mountains PO Box 438 Hinesburg, VT 05461 Name Mailing Address _ One-year subscription ($10) Low-income/unemployed ($5) Donation I’d like to get involved as a newspaper staff member. Let me know how I can help. Being a "gay" paper you have taken on the responsibility of publishing the views and opinions of people concerned with a very emotional, instinctive and controversial subject - sexuality. Playboy expresses one view of sexuality, which just happens to be a very popular one, hence the stats on its circulation. Men and women read it. The magazine exploits the one thing your own publication does also - freedom of speech, expression and the press. The women who pose for the pictures do so willingly. The pictorials are always flattering, and in good taste. I totally disagree with Chan’s attitude towards the persons protesting, but again, as are you, he is entitled to an opinion. If people were confident that his statement wasn’t true it would not bother them. Sarah has also confused "Playboy" with "Penthouse" when she states that Playboy frequently publishes layouts depicting female couples engaging in sexual acts. I have read the magazine for 14 years and cannot remember one such pictorial dedicated to lesbianism, however Penthouse has such layouts in almost every issue. I also have never had the urge to perform a violent act after reading a Playboy or Penthouse, nor have I met anyone who d1d' continued, page 3 For confidential AIDS Information .2! _ fl Call 1-B00 882—AIDS