June Page 3 from page2 which depicted female students and faculty working on science projects, giving lectures, sitting in classrooms, and enjoying each other, a scenario much more in keeping with reality. They also sponsored a heated debate between Gloria Leonard, Quote of the Month ..."They’re just a bunch of ugly dykes that can’t get laid..." - Playboy photographer David Chan commenting on the UVM students protesting his presence. editor of "High Society," a glossy porn magazine, and the director of Women Against Pornography (name unknown to author). Pornography is an $8 billion per year industry, and Playboy alone has a circulation larger than-Time and Newsweek combined. All of those profits come from the marketing of women’s bodies, and end up, in large part, in the hands of increasingly wealthy men. David Chan is a member of this segment of men who make their living from objectifying and selling women’s bodies as commodities. Many lesbians and gay men are familiar with Playboy’s frequent, extensive layouts depicting female couples engaging in sexual acts. This sort of spread is, apparently, a tum~on for many straight men. Obviously, judging from Chan's description of the protesters, this thrill does not stem from respect for lesbian love or any aknowledgement of its beauty. Rather, lesbianism is seen by the pomographers and readers as the ultimate degradation a woman can experience and the porn industry centers on degradation. Chan and his cohorts have a vested interest in keeping women separated and powerless, hence their hatred of lesbianism. They know that women united are powerful and will not need to Letters to the Editor AIDS Donations Dear Friends, "AIDS" problem and want to make a donation for research, but don’t know where to mail a check. I personally recommend the following. This is the one that Elizabeth Taylor works so hard for - I have been donating for two years now: . American Foundation for AIDS Research 9601 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90210-5294 (213)273-5547 Editor's Note.- AMFAR is an excellent group: they fund important research projects overlooked in the government "grant game." Readers who wish to make a contribution for AIDS education and service work in Vermont should consider contributing to the Vermont Committee for AIDS Resources, Education and Services: Vermont C.A.R.E.S. Box 5428 » Burlington, VT 05402 It was great! Dear Friends, I was given a copy of last months issue by a friend. It was great. I am not alone. Your newspaper has helped me more than you could possibly imagine. I would like to work on the staff sometime. You could What about Lesbians? To the Editor: 7/Iay issue: I loved "Dear rice" and was pleased to see -.; review (of Richard Plant’s [h_e j iFlZlll°lC). However, I wondered at the omission of information about lesbians in the review. Your writer used "homosexuals" mostly and "gay males" on occasion. For shame! If Plant inadvertently or on purpose omitted women, the reviewer ought to have let us know. From reviews in the straight media also, I’ve been unable to tell whether this "comprehensive" account mentions the role of lesbians. In any case, incomplete as it may be, such a book deserves attention. and it's available at the public library (or will be shortly). I urge members of the lesbian and gay community to show those of us at the Fletcher Free Library who select books that a work such as Plant’s is not too specialized--that a strong interest exists in gay/lesbian subjects. If such is the case, make your reading needs known. If you want your public library to carry lesbian/gay books, check them out. Use yo_u; library. P.S. Keep up the fine work, OITM. Sincerely, Suzi Wizowaty send me information. I am making so many great changes in my life. Six months ago I finally came out of the closet. Your paper gave me so much hope. Enclosed is my subscription. Could I please get the June issue as soon as it comes out. Thanks! Julie sell their bodies for male pleasure. which should put pomographers out of business. Therefore, Playboy hates not only women, but especially lesbian women and that is why this issue is of importance to the gay community. Sarah Coy Gays ‘ Unite Green Mountaineers, In order to address the immediate and long range needs of the Gay community, we need to build sustainable communities and cooperatives. We would like to start an affinity group (Lavender Circle?) which would engender the kind of bonding necessary to participate in making social change happen. Are you confused, annoyed, ANGRY by recent allegations of U.S. complicity in creating a genetically engineered virus, so hauntingly familiar to us as HIV, considered by many to trigger AIDS? Whether it be laboratory splicing of two infectious animal viruses, or the U.S. Army’s Biological Warfare labs at Fort Detrick. Maryland, these genetic engineering efforts seem to signal a call to action if our brothers and sisters are to survive. Rumors, theories, and conspiracies abound. Some may provide us with more shop talk, some may be an eerie 1980's vision of a Nazi "Pink Triangle" genocide. In any case, we are "up against the wall." Some of us here in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont are sickened by this unfolding holocaust. The mainstream U.S. media may ignore such bio-warfare theories created by our U.S. Army at Fort Detrick or by the Soviet’s cancer research experiments or even SOmC Pentagon officials admitting a role in AIDS research tinkering...yet we cannot afford to ignore our misfortunes. Groups are forming in the country, not only in an effort to pressure our government to take action on AIDS related issues, but also to mobilize in demonstrations and civil disobedience. "Act Up" is one such newly continued, page 4