l Vol. 2, No.5 Plans Set for June 19-20 . Lesbian/ Gay Pride Celebrfia Plans are well under way for Vermont's fifth annual lesbian/gay pride celebration. The slogan for this year’s ‘celebration will be "NOW MORE THAN EVER" to reflect the struggles we have ‘been through as a community in the past year with the homophobic ERA campaign and our beginning push for civil rights legislation in Vermont. It is also meant to reflect the opportunity we have before us in making civil rights for lesbians and gay men in Vermont a reality. The inroads have been made. V The first day to mark on your calendar is Thursday, June 11. The organizing committee for this years celebration will be holding a fundraiser/dance at Pearls, 135 Pearl Street, in Burlington. A "$2 and up" donation will be requested at the door to go toward paying expenses for this year’s celebration. ‘ On Friday, June 19, three short films will be shown at Billings Theatre on the _ _ _,_.-.;4;,';:':‘- UVM campus in Biriiington. Greetings fiom Washington is a documentary on the 1979 March on Washington. This is a particularly timely film since this October 11, another National March on Washington is being planned. The other two films are A Comedv in Six Unnatural Acts and Together andApart. - On Saturday, June 20, there will be a 1:00 PM rally on the steps and lawn of the Unitarian Church at the head of Church Street in_ ‘Burlington. The rally will include statements by’ local ’ organizers,“ state politicians as well as music by Kwanzaa. The march will begin around 2:30 and go noisily through the streets of downtown Burlington. We will then gather in front of the Unitarian Church again for an open-mike. Two showings of the film trilogy will be aired again Saturday night. Hope tr: see you all there! Kwanzaa, who provided music for the L/ G Pzide Celebration, will rctum to the 1987 Celebration. SBIANS - V I_ III‘ ‘. and GAY MEN June, 1987 I hree Movies Planned for L/G Celebration V;Three highly acclaimed films will be shown Friday and Saturday night during Lesbian/Gay Pride weekend. Showings will be at 8:00pm on Friday night and 7:00 and 9:00pm on Saturday night in Billings Theatre on the UVM campus. The first film, shown in anticipation of this Fall's national Gay Pride march in Washington. is "Greetings from Washington, D.C." The movie is '...a moving documentary celebration of the 1979 March on Washington D.C. for Lesbian and Gay Rights. The film combines the high camp humor of underground gay culture with on-the-spot vitality of the new non-fiction film. It not only portrays an historic event in Lesbian and Gay history, it introduces the diversity of people who came from all over America to participate..." continued, page 2