‘ . Page 2’ out in the Mountains from page 1 ‘Wm Council. The reinforcement of these bodies pushed President Coor to sign the policy in April. Now the UVM community is protected from discrimination based on sexual orientation. Q: Have you personally dealt with any harassment on campus that convinced you that UVM needed a policy? A: As a lesbian, the type of discrimination I've met with has been typical- mentally rigorous but not physically endangering like that which many of my gay male friends have experienced. My worst experience was when I was living in the dorms. Some of my hallmates knew and were accepting of my lesbianism. However, one woman who found out couldn’t deal with it. One weekend when I was away she scrawled on the wall, for everyone to see, that I was a lesbian. My roommate was appalled and washed it off, but not before many people saw it. When I returned and my roommate told me what had happened, I felt as though my world was caving in. When I confronted the woman who had written it she said "But I'm normal and you're not." I was treated less receptively by some of my hallmates after that, but I also made some new friends with people who didn’t mind my being different and who were comfortable with their own sexuality. That incident convinced me that having a strong, protected gay community at UVM was a very important thing. OITM will not be published in July and August. Deadline for June issue is May 15. Purpose The purpose at Out In the Mountains is to serve as a voice tor lesbians. gay men and our supporters in Ver- mont. We wish the newspaper to be a source of infor- mation support and attirmation tor lesbians and gay men We also see it as a vehicle tor celebration oi the goodness and diversity of the lesbian and gay community. Editorial Policy We will consider tor publication any material which broadens our understanding at our lifestyles and of each other. Views and opinions appearing in the paper do not necessarily represent those of the stall. This paper cannot, and will not endorse any candi- dates and actions of public otticials on issues of particu- lar lrnportonce to lesbians and gay men We will not publish any material which is overtly racist. sexist, anli-Semitic. ageist. ciossist, or hompohobic. AI materials submitted must be signed and Include an addess and/or phone number so we can contact the author should we need to consider edtorial revisions. However. within the pages of the newspaper. articles may appear anonymously. upon request. and strict can tidentiailty will be observed No revisions or relections at materials will occur without claiogue with the author. We welcome and encourage all readers to submit materials tor publication and to share your comments. criticisms and positive feelings with us. This paper is here tor you The deadline for submitting material for each Issue is the i5th oi the month prior to publication Materids should be sent to: Out in the Mountains PO Box 438 Hinesburg, VT 05461 Out in the Mountains is published by the out in the Mountains colectivez Elizabeth Moe. Howard Russell Jim Shlrlock, Suzi Shira Phiib Roberts. Linda Wheeler, ierie Anderson Gilles Yves Bonneau, and Antonio Baio. Q: Do you see any way of using the policy to combat anti-lesbian/gay slurs and violence? A: We can make it known to the individuals and groups that perpetuate such anti-gay attacks that perpetuate such anti-gay attacks that the administration supports the gay community and legal action can be taken. Q: Is it possible that the University employee health and insurance benefits for families and spouses will be affected? A: I’m not sure. That kind of change would require a hard fought legal case. I suspect that the administration will put up more of a fight when money enters the picture. Q: Can the policy be used to correct old cases of discrimination? A: I doubt that it can be used retroactively. Even if it could, we would have a tough time uncovering any of the old cases. The university gay population went through a period of being very invisible during the void between the old Gay Student Union and the introduction of GLSA in 1984. Anyway, I think there are much more positive ways our energy can be used now. We can continue the work we’ve started on educating the campus on gay issues. We‘re currently conducting a series Out in the Mountains Subscriptions Subscriptions to ‘Out in the Moun- tains’ are available for $10 per year (10 issues), $5 for low-income and unem- ployed people. By subscribing, not only will you guarantee prompt delivery of the newspaper to your mailbox (in a discreet plain envelope, of course), but you will help to under- write the sizable costs of assembling, ‘printing and distributing the news- paper. In addition to subscriptions, we welcome contributions to support our continued existence. Checks should be made payable to ‘Out in the Mountains,’ or OITM and sent, along with this form, to: Out in the Mountains PO Box 438 Hinesburg, VT 05461 Name Mailing Address __ One-year subscription ($10) Low-income/unemployed ($5) Donation I’d like to get involved as a newspaper staff member. Let me know how I can help. of workshops for the Human Relationships and Sexuality class which has over 300 students. This is where our energy has to be focused. We have a confident, active group of members in GLSA now and with some work and perseverance, we will be able to lift the blanket of homophobia that still covers UVM. from page 1 H 247 sent to committee As it stands now, this bill can come up for consideration by the full House in this session (’87-88) once it has had more hearings. Plans are also underway for this bill to be introduced in the Vermont Senate next January. People are encouraged to write to members of the House General and Military Affairs Committee and share your views on this bill with them. Members of this committee are: Murphy of Ludlow Harris of Windsor Charboneau of Burlington Baker of Randolph Brooks of Montpelier Haven of Panton Stafford of Brighton Towne of Berlin Lindgren of Springfield Letters should be sent to: Representative (name) State House Montpelier, Vermont 05602 For confidential AID S Information ‘r l ’£'¥‘.'_‘_t_&1’i"';"~r / x r-."f 1 p—\ Call 1-BOO 8B2—AIDS