April 1987, Page 11 VT Pride March Update "Now more than ever" was the winning selection for this year's Lesbian/Gay Pride march theme at the March 2nd meeting of the Planning Committee. Also at the meeting, the first of two masters of ceremonies was confirmed and preliminary arrangements for poster and button designs were made. It was also confirmed that the rally will be June 20th on the steps of the Unitarian Church at the head of Church Street. The parade route is still undecided. Help and ideas are still needed. The group has decided to use local speakers from all over the state and needs your suggestions on possible candidates. "We want this to be Vermont-oriented rally." said one committee member, "and we want the whole state represented. If people can't make the meetings but have suggestions for speakers or other things they’d like to see happen. they should mail them to us, care of Out in the Mountains. Some of the runner-up themes the committee rejected included, "March and shout, the Legislature ain't got no clout," "Proud not Cowed," "March and Shout, Legislature's full of Louts," "Ten Percent won't Relent," and "Out of the Closet, into the Constitution." March on Washington Coming Together On Saturday, February 28th, 35 people from around New England met at Boston’s City Hall for the second regional organizing meeting for the National March on Washington. Seven people from Vermont attended the meeting. "We are here today sharing information about the progress each of our groups/states has accomplished thus far," was the comment of a facilitator at the start of the meeting. A number of reports were given and new delegates, with alternates, were chosen for the National Steering Committee. The focus of the march was discussed at length. The primary emphasis for the march will be lesbian and gay rights. Some people at the meeting expressed the concern that the message of the march may become diluted if other progressive movements use it to push their causes. However, it was noted that many lesbians and gay men are involved in one or more of these other movements. Several of those present felt that if an effort is not made to reach other grassroots movements for peace and justice, we would lose an important opportunity for coalition building. Clearly, this difference of emphasis concerning a central focus will continue to be debated. (A note of interest: The National Organization of Women strongly supports the march, and has donated office space and equipment in Washington, DC. Also, American Friends Service Committee has donated money to cover expenses). There were lively discussions about possible ways of transporting people to Washington, D.C. on the weekend of October 11th. Buses, cars. and planes were suggested. One exciting prospect would be a "freedom train" weaving its way down through New England and the East coast. Plans have already been developed providing a similar train from the West coast. Other ideas? Suggested schedule of events will include: Friday, October 9th, as a national day of lobbying our representatives; Sunday, October 11th, as March Day; and Tuesday, October 13th, as a day of civil disobedience at the Supreme Court. The next scheduled regional meeting will be on Saturday, March 28th, 1-4 P.M. at City Hall in Boston. For more information or to share ideas, please write V.L.G.R., Box 281, Hinesburg, VT 05461 or call 864-3617. Book Review by Jim Shirlock I’ ookin For Mr. Ri ht But I'll ettle For Mr. Ri ht Awa by Gregory Flood could easily become the gay man's constitutional. It is a book to read over and over again in the face of any adversity. This book is clearly an affirmation of who we are as gay men and more importantly, who we are as individuals. It is very clear that our individual affirmation is the central theme. When one can affirm oneself as an individual, one can affirm being gay, all relationships, and having AIDS. If the title does not capture your attention, then the table of contents most surely will. With a chapter title like I Lgft EL Heart in San Francisco. And Kev West. And L.A. And Fire Island. And Provincetown. And I hear Phoenix Is i e... along with Safe Sex: Robbjng Your Peter tp Pay Paul, you will definitely decide to indulge in reading this very worthwhile book. Gregory Flood details the type of thought processes that an individual gay man needs to feel good about himself. It is through these thought processes that one can conquer any adversity that is faced. He deals with removing negative subconscious thoughts and turning them into positive conscious behavior. All obstacles to one’s happiness can be removed. It is very clear that the person who has the power to do anything in life is you. Gregory Flood affirms the beauty of the individual. He has become a prophet and like so many others, we will hear what we want and disregard what we want. But he clearly leaves that choice to us. I feel that with the catchy titles (book and chapters), the format, the pertinent quotes, and the straightforward approach, this book will be a best-seller. The wit and wisdom will prove to be very valuable to our Calendar April 2 - mu; VLGR. Monthly Meeting. Peace & Justice Center. Burlington, Vt. 7:30pm. A r'l 4 - i. t u . Northem New England Tradeswomen’s Conference. Workshops. films, dance. More info.--Lynda Siegcl at CEDO. Rm 32, City Hall, Burlington. Vt. Call (802) 658-9300, Ext. 197. April 5 - Sat Integrity. St. Paul's Cathedral, Burlington. Service--7:55pm. Social program--8:45pm. April 5 - Sup VT. CARES Annual Meeting. 1:30pm Bethany Church, Montpelier. Vt April 3 - flgg Burlington Peace Coalition Board Meeting. 186 College St., Burlington. Vt. 7:00pm. April 14 - Tue PASSOVER April [5 - Wgg OITM, DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES!! April 16 - [pug OITM, Content & Editing meeting. 6:00pm. Peace & Justice Center, Burlington, Vt. April 17 - Fri OITM, Typing. 5:30pm. A ril - at Integrity. Celebrating Easter Vigil with St. Paul's Congregation. Sat. night, Burlington, Vt. April 19 - Sup _ EASTER April 19 - Sup Lesbian/Gay Unitarian-Universalist Brunch at Joyce's. Info call 862-8507. A ril 24 2 - Fri. at. "Mobilization for Justice and Peace in Central America & Southern Africa," in Washington, D.C. Buses leave on Friday. 24th. For more info; call 229-0800, 863-8326, or 257-4776. Vt. Central America Non-Intervention Network. April 27 - Mon Lesbian/Gay Pride. Organizing, planning meeting. Peace & Justice Center. 7:30pm. A ril - ur OITM. General Meeting and Collating. 6:00pm. Peace & Justice Center, Burlington. Vt. All Welcome!! _ Lesbian/Gay Statewide Coalition Meeting. South Royalton, Vt. 10:30am. my;-_m VLGR Monthly Meeting. Peace & Justice Center. Burlington, Vt. 7:30pm. community. If every bookshelf could have a copy and if every gay man could read and understand what is said, then the consciousness of our community would be raised higher than ever imagined possible. Let your mind reach for the heavens, read this book! I’m Looking For Mr. Right But I'll Settle For Mr. Right Away is published by Brob House Books in Atlanta