Fundraising campaign for OITM -1987. ll‘ you have already given, thank you. If not, please considcrmaking a contribution We need to raise $4500. .-ii.-uuIu..--nun." $300 - yes I'll underwrite a whole issue. $150 - yes I'll underwrite half of one issue. yes l’ll underwrite pages @ $40 each. other Make checks out to OITM and send to OITM. PO. Box 438, Hinesburg, VT 05461. What’s PFLAG and Why? Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) is a national organization that helps families understand their gay family member(s) and is totally committed to educating the community at large. To accomplish these purposes PFLAG does many different acti\Q'ties. They publish and distribute educational materials including newsletters, articles, and booklets. They do mass mailings of packets to various institutions, such as the military. counselors, university dormitories, nursing schools, physicians, PTAs. libraries, churches and synagogues. PFLAG speaks out! They also April 1987, Page 7 ' A Nightclub of Distinction COL RS Colors Presents The Play: Sister Mary Ignatious Explains It All to You Dates for the show: Wed., April 15 - Sat., April 18 Tues., April 21 -Thur., April 23 Call for more information. 20 Elliot Street Brattleboro, Vermont Downstairs in the old church GONG SHOW, Every Wednesday Night Dancing Nightly (802) 254-8546 operate hotlines to help distressed people and their families. Kathy Wade is a contact parent in the Rutland area. Out in the Mountains has asked Kathy to tell us what PFLAG has been for her. In Kathy's words: alone or that I need to be shunned by anyone or make excuses for him. I've always loved him deeply and known he was a special person because of his compassion, kindness and talents. Yes, at first I browbeat myself and cried. Through PFLAG, by giving them "To me it has let me be who I am’ our phone number we have talked with openly. I don’t flaunt the fact that I have a son that is gay, but I don’t feel C°"”"“9daP“ge 5 ‘COOOOOOOOOOOCOOO0000000000OO000000000OOCOOOOCOCOOCOCOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOICOOOOOOOOOO'