- April 1987. Page 3 Letters to the Editor Thank You Dear Out in the Mountains, Last night I went to Montpelier to support the Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights Bill, # 247, now being considered by the legislature. I saw almost all the people I see regularly at the Vennont Coalition there; however, I also saw a lot of different faces. I thought that as a whole the hearing was very successful and I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard to support the bill. I found the testimony in support of the bill rational, informative, and non-repetitive (unlike that of the fundamentalist opposition). I would like specifically to thank Holly Perdue for all of her effort to organize and co-ordinate the people who testified at the hearing. Yours in friendship, Jeffrey W. Tewell Woodstock, VT Support Appreciated Dear Sir: Your newspaper offers so much to this community that I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you. It is your effort to provide a variety of viewpoints and perspectives including both information and opinion that wins my respect. Euan Bear’s article in the March issue on the "New Alliance Party" was of particular interest to me. It had style and was refreshing to read. There was one discrepancy that made me uncomfortable, and I would be pleased if you would allow me to correct it. It is true that the "New Alliance Party" cannot afford "yuppie food" -- any O.K. to Be Gay! To the Editor, I want to thank you again for printing my letter on "Harassment in N.H." Also, I want to thank the people who wrote letters in my favor. At this point in time, I cannot afford (financially) to hire an attorney or to take the case to court. The only thing that has happened this winter is I found my car crossways in my driveway between 2 snowbanks and 2 cigarette butts near it (and I don’t smoke). There was no damage done, it just irritated me a bit, so I wrote a gay friend of mine. I'm glad to know I have a gay brother in Lebanon. Hallelujah!‘ I'm glad to know I'm a gentleman. That is much better than .dehumanizing terms like "queer" and "faggot ." There is a bit of improvement. I had told the boys I would not answer to anything but my light name. They are complying with that- it seems so good to hear "Stanley" rather than "hey. queer- faggot, etc." My mother and I both talked to the parents of the boy concerned, and so have the cops. I also have a relative on the local police force now, so I feel much safer. In fact, he lives right across the street from me. So how's that for police protection. I think EQQQAJIQE is the answer to AIDS, harassment, discrimination. as well as current legislation. I think they should go hand in hand. I long for the day of gay UTOPIA. No diseases, no harassment. and no discrimination from anyone towards anyone! Also I wish the best of luck to Jeff Busch. What a wonderful letter he wrote. I'm behind and with him 100%. Thanks again. everyone, for being my friend- concern really helps, and so do suggestions. Keep those letters coming! It's O.K. to be GAY! in 1987! Stan Woodward Your gay brother in N.H. more than they can afford to send speakers to Vermont all expenses paid. I cannot attempt to explain how this newly developed political party handles their finances. I can only answer to my behavior as the sole contributor of the "iced bottles of champagne and platters of brie and crackers". I defend my right to give the best I have to offer. It has been said that a simple smile can buy many things. When someone smiles and says, "Gay people are a part of our community. Black people are valuable and should be respected. Women are capable of being good leaders." I will like that person, and will give the best I have to show my appreciation. Thank you David C. New Alliance Party To the Editor. I want to thank Euan Bear for her fine article/interview with Mary Fridley and the New Alliance Party in the March issue. She expressed very well what NAP is about, and what we're doing and why, and I want to thank Qlfmf for this opportunity to get word of this movement out to Vennont’s Lesbian and Gay community. Sincerely, Richard Ronner Vt. State Coordinator New Alliance Party H.247 Debate Commentaries By: Anita Betty Nuovo unemotionally read us the rules. "...Each speaker will have two minutes..." We had filled the well of the House of Representatives at the State House in Montpelier. ''...There will be one speaker in favor followed by one speaker opposed..." My heart was- pounding. Was it the expectation of some great historic moment that had my stomach tied in knots? "...There will by no applause..." I was ready to burst. The speakers that followed pulled at my emotions like the string pulls on a yo-yo. One articulate, intelligent speaker in favor of H. 247 after another recited the importance of the passage of this bill. One after another, the speakers against the bill quoted scripture at me hoping to help me change my sinful ways. vooooooooooooooooooooocooooneoooooo0one0no0onocoocoo0oneonoooooooooooooooooooooooi Yes, yes I thought as some recited tales of discrimination in housing, or credit, or employment. It was the fear of losing my inadequate-paying part-time job that kept me there in seat no. 142 as others bravely sat before the microphone. I remembered pictures from the McCarthy-era Senate hearing on communism as one after another of the speakers sat before that ever-present microphone stating their names and their arguments for or against the bill. I remembered that bygone era, "Are you now or have you ever been a member...". How many more quotations from Leviticus or Corinthians could I bear? How many more times must I hear a distorted version of Sodom and Gomorrah? Around the room I picked out faces of friends, acquaintances. lesbian sisters, or gay continued, page 4 by Philip Roberts ''I speak for all of the Westem-civilized countries of the world--homosexuality is an abomination..." So it went from the fundamentalists on Tuesday night, March 10. Nothing most lesbians and gay men haven't read before from the "right". But for many people, actually seeing humans verbally debase other humans was quite a shock. Sitting in the Vennont House chamber, being moved from Room 11 in the Statehouse because of an overflow crowd of 250 people, added importance and drama to the evening. I dare say this was a historic first for many lesbians and gay men seated in that illustrious chamber in Montpelier! For three hours the House Judiciary Committee heard emotional public testimony for and against House Bill 247. This bill would make it illegal to discriminate against continued, page 4