__ Page 2, Out in the Mountains Help Fund City Library with Books on L/G Topics As a Lesbian, I would like to encourage our community to contribute to the Buy a Book Campaign sponsored by the (Burlington) Fletcher Free Library. Although I am not one who usually participates in the clamor of mainstream fund drives, I am making an exception and speaking out passionately for this campaign for several important reasons. First, this fund drive is of special importance to us as lesbians and gay men because it is structured to allow contributors to specify which category of books to which the money will apply. This means that we can specify the purchase of lesbian and gay books, fiction or nonfiction on the form provided by the library (found at check out counter or call 863-3403 to have one sent to you). We need only check the box marked ‘other.’ If one wishes to reinforce the reality of our multi-faceted ex1'stence, (s)he could be very specific, writing in lesbian herstory, gay health, etc. Furthermore, the source of my passion for this project is the fact that the City of ut ' ‘ e oun a" s regrets to announce the departure of one of its favorite editors. Her professionalism, creativity, and vigilant eye for typos will be sorely missed! GOOF BYE SUZI!! We'll miff you!! Shalon.... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0 Purpose The purpose oi Out in the Mountains is to serve as a voice tor lesbians. gay men and our supporters in Ver- mont. We wish the newspaper to be a source oi lntor- tion. support and affirmation for lesbians and gay ' n We also see it as a vehicle ior celebration of the s and diversity at the lesbian and gay Editorial Policy We will consider tor publication any material which broadens our understanding at our iiiestyles and at each other. views and opinions appearing in the paper do not necessarily represent those of the stall. This paper cannot, and will not endorse any candl- dates and actions at public officials on issues of particu- lar importance to lesbians and gay men We will not publish any material which is overtly racist. sexist. anti-Semitic. agelst. classist, or hompohobic. AI rnaterlals submitted must be signed and include an address and/or phone number so we can contact the author should we need to consider edtoriai revisions. However. within the pages oi the newspaper, articles may appear anonymously. upon request. and strict con tidentlailiy will be observed. No revisions or relectlons oi materials will occur without daiogue with the author. We welcome and encourage all readers to subrnlt materials tor publication and to share your comments. crlticlsrns and positive feelings with us. This paper is here for you. The deadlne tor submitting material tor each issue is the l5th oi the month prior to publication Materials should be sent to: out in the Mountains PO Box 438 Hinesburg VT 054161 Out in the Mountain: is published by the Out in the Mountains collective: Elizabeth Mae. Howard Russell Jim Shirlock. Suzi Shira. Philip Roberts. Linda Wheeler, Terle Anderson Gilles Yves Bonneau, and Antonio Bola. r000COOO000000000OOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOO0000000OOCOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00001 Burlington will match individual donations 2:3. A contribution of 6 dollars will hence translate into nine dollars of lesbian/gay buying power. Even a small donation of $2 will yield $3, enough to buy a pamphlet, or be pooled with other small monies to buy one larger book. (It is possible that small donations may have tremendous symbolic impact.) This plan provides a unique opportunity for us to increase the holding of the lesbian/gay section, to be partially funded from city money. It is rare that we can get such direct service from the lavender tax dollar. If we as lesbians and gays undertake this project of filling the stacks with books relevant and representative of our lives, we not only increase our presence, but also prove our strength to ourselves as well as the heterosexual community. As the (general) heterosexual community continually under-estimates our numbers and activity, we can hereby assert ourselves as a force in the community, not to be wished away Beyond this, the presence of affirming books Out in the Mountains Subscriptions Subscriptions to ‘Out in the Moun- tains’ are available for $10 per year (10 issues), $5 for low-income and unem- ployed people. By subscribing, not only will you guarantee prompt delivery of the newspaper to your mailbox (in a discreet plain envelope, of course), but you will help to under- write the sizable costs of assembling, printing 4 and distributing the news- papen In addition to subscriptions, we welcome contributions to support our continued existence. Checks should be made payable to ‘Out in the Mountains,’ or OITM and sent, along with this form, to: Out in the Mountains PO Box 438 Hinesburg, VT 05461 Name Mailing Address M One-year subscription ($10) Low-income/unemployed ($5) Donation I'd like to get involved as a newspaper staff member. Let me know how I can help. purchased by our efforts, will provide support and hopeful role models for our sisters and brothers looking for validation on the library shelves. Such visibility may well facilitate the coming out of those isolated in youth or heterosexuality. All of us, regardless of where we find ourselves, will gain access to new worlds and ideas through the acquisition of positive materials. Let us build a public library accounting for us, the lesbians, the gays of this public. We have an opportunity to assert ourselves in a visible realm and in a permanent way. Every positive image is an affirmation of ourselves. Let us be this gift. Thank you. U.U. to Hold Seder Un Tuesday, April 14, at 7:30 p.m., the Unitarian/Universalist Church in Burlington will hold a Passover Seder for members of its congregation. Kay Stambler and Gene Bergman will lead the Haggadah part of the Seder. All are welcome.. The menu is potluck and has been prearranged. If you want more information or are interested in attending and bringing something, please call the church at 862-5630 to make arrangements. For confidential AID S Information Call 1-800 882-AIDS