Dear Lesbians and Gay Men of Vermont; I am currently researching legal and non-legal remedies for domestic violence within lesbian and gay relationships. I am interested in any experiences anyone has had with police, legal systems, shelters, etc. here in Vermont or elsewhere. I am also interested in any non-legal mechanisms anyone has either utilized or theorized for dealing with battering or domestic violence within our community. Please send any information you are willing to share with me. Confidentiality is assured and taken seriously. Anonymous letters are welcome too. Send to: Susan Aranoff PO Box 207 S. Royalton, VT 05068 from page 1 The most controversial aspect of the legislation is expected to be the provision which forbids testing as a qualification for health or life insurance. The provisions, which are in line with recommendations made by a study group of the National Association of State Insurance Commissioners, may be opposed by the powerful insurance industry lobby. Constituents concerned about House Bill 239 are encouraged to write their representatives at the State House. Montpelier, VT 05602, or to leave a message with them by calling 1-800-322-5616. PUFDOSO Thepurposeot0utlntheMountalmlstoserveasa voice for lesbians. gay men and our supporters in Ver- mont. We wish the newspaper to be a source oi lnior- support and attlrrnation ior lesbians and gay men We also see It as a vehicle for celebration of the and diversity at the lesbian and gay community. Editorial Policy we wil consider for publication any material which broadens our understandng of our lifestyles and of each other. Views and opinions appearing in the paper do not necessarly represent those of the staff. This paper cannot. and wll not endorse any candi- dates and octiom of public ottlclais on Issues of particu- lar lrnportance to lesbians and gay men We wll not publish any materld which is overtly racist. sexist. anti—Semitic. agelst. classist. or hornpohoblc. AI materials submitted must be signed and include an address and/or phone number so we can contact the author should we need to consider edtorid revisions tldentlality wll be observed No revisions or relectlons oi materids wl occur without ddogue with the author. We welcome and encourage all readers to submit materials for publication and to share your comments criticisms and positive ieellngs with us. This paper is here for you The deadine tor submitting materld for each issue is the 15th at the month prior to publication Materials should be sent to: out in the Mountains PO Box 438 Hlnesburg. VT 05461 0utintheMouniainsispubiishedbytheOutlnthe Mountains collective: Elizabeth Mae, Howard Russel. Jlrn Shlrioclc Suzi Shlra. Phlib Roberts. Linda Wheeler. Terle Anderson. Gilles Vves Bonneau. and Antonio Baio. _ Page 2, Out in the Mountains Letters to the Editor Being Harassed To the Gentleman Who is Being Harassed by Teenage Boys; I can sympathize as I am sure many other gays can to this growing problem in our society--as the AIDS epidemic worsens more violence against us by homophobes will increase. Already in New York and Boston a dramatic increase in violence against gays has occurred. We should all Problems with Harassment To the Editor, This letter is in response to the letter from Stan Woodward about "Harassment in N.H." in the Feb. 1987 issue. I personally have not had any problems with harassment. I think this is due to keeping a low profile while dealing with the "straight" world. But this is at the cost of not being "myself" at all times. This has lowered the quality of my life at many times A possible solution to Stan's harassment would be to file a formal complaint with the police, against the Out in the Mountains Subscriptions Subscriptions to ‘Out in the Moun- tains’ are available for $10 per year (10 issues), $5 for low-income and unem- ployed people. By subscribing, not only will you guarantee prompt delivery of the newspaper to your mailbox (in a discreet plain envelope, of course), but you will help to under- write the sizable costs of assembling, printing and distributing the news- papen In addition to subscriptions, we welcome contributions to support our continued existence. Checks should be made payable to ‘Out in the Mountains,’ or OITM and sent, along with this form, to: Out in the Mountains PO Box 438 Hinesburg, VT 05461 Name Mailing Address M One-year subscription ($10) Low-income/unemployed ($5) Donation I’d like to get involved as a newspaper staff member. Let me know how I can help. use a little more precaution in our dealings with strangers for the time being. Back to the gentleman's immediate problem. I feel that he should contact an attorney who might have to write a strong letter to the parents of these boys If they (the parents) feel they could be legally liable for the safety of this man or his property, they might take a more serious approach to this problem, and resolve it rather quickly. I sincerely wish him the best of luck. Name Withheld by Request teen(s) involved and have them charged" with the applicable charge--assault, destruction of personal property, etc. Even though they may be minors, the court system is set up to deal with them. The threat of going to court could result in the end of the harassment. The danger here could be an increase in harassment--either short-term, until these teens learn that you are going to stand-up for your rights, or it could result in long-term "revenge" harassment. Stan would have to weigh the possibilities and the costs to himself and then decide what action to take. ' A Gay Brother Lebanon, NH. For confidential AID S Informatioin Call 1+aoo 882—AIDS