page 4 - Out in the Mountains " Tgday l Sl’i0L/ box/5 ‘.'b0\/3 and 9iYi9 égiwrls I’ Is This Any Way to Run a March? On Thursday, January 15. seven members from the lesbian/gay community, primarily from the greater Burlington area, met for- the first planning meeting for Lesbian/Gay Pride - June, 1987. Much of the discussion during the evening centered around whether or not to have the annual lesbian/gay pride march this year. Those gathered for the meeting expressed disappointment more people did not attend. This would be the fifth year for Vermont’s Lesbian/Gay Pride March. People that have been involved in past lesbian/gay pride events talked of how much energy is needed to successfully pull off Pride weekend. Many, many hours of work usually falls on a few people. Veterans of past marches are being very cautious about making commitments for the possible events that may take place this June/87. These guarded observations’ shouldn't discourage people that feel lesbian/gay pride in Vermont is an important event. There has been some debate whether there is a need for the march at all. Concerns were expressed about the "same old thing" by the "same old crowd." But others at the meeting felt the march should be planned. For many lesbians and gay men wanting to participate in pride weekend for the first time, this "coming out" event can have a very important impact on their lives. Is the possible lack of interest from the lesbian/gay community concerning pride weekend enough to deny those that need the boost of celebrating our lives? The question this year seems to be whether or not we are going to send a message to all the citizens of Vermont that we are not going away - even after the vicious attacks we all suffered during the recent ERA campaign? The consensus at this first meeting was to move ahead with plans for Lesbian/Gay Pride/87. (Possible date could be Saturday. June 20”‘). However. if people want the march to happen, more than seven people will gig; to participate in the planning process. We need your ideas and energy for such things as a theme, slogan(s), events around the march, speakers. etc. Lesbian/Gay Pride in Vermont can happen. The 1937 Lesbianfliay Brigg Qrganjzjng amt; (not affiliated with XLQR, the sponsors of the last three Pride weekends), invites all to share your talents and interesm. Next meeting: Feb. 2, Monday, 7:30 p.m., Peace and Justice Center. Please join us. Submitted by Philip Roberts