February, 1987 page 3 Burlingtoris real bookstore. 15.000 titles~—'.ind don't forget tiiitliis at the top of Church Street State Representative K. Micque Glitman, a Burlington ‘ Democrat, is ready to push for lesbian/gay civil rights Glitman, a second term representative, house Committee, where she will be in a strong position to rights measures. V During the last legislative session, Glitman introduced a bill which antibody-based legislation. has been appointed to the advance civil would have discrimination. Civil Rights Bill from page 1 to such a bill should the lesbian/gay community decide that now is the time. Mique has agreed to sponsor the bill and voiced enthusiasm about its prospects. The group discussed past legislation ‘(landlord-tenant bill) which originally included "sexual orientation" as a protected class; later, legislators dropped the language fearing the whole bill would die if "sexual orientation" were included. Because of this history, the group suggested that this anti-‘discrimination bill address only discrimination due to sexual orientation and not include other categories such as "political beliefs" and some others which were suggested. _ On December 14, the group met for the third time in Barre. An initial draft of the bill, available for review, was modeled after legislation from Wisconsin and Boston. As "Wally Written, the bill would cover only 1101151118. employment and public accommodations The committee discussed the mssibility of expanding the bill to include wills, adoption, child custody/support, fair trade practices, credit availability, marriage, insurance and abuse laws. Some of the areas may be included in other legislative action. For example, the Governor’s Commission on the Status of Women has just released a study on outlawed HTLV-III to visit The Children's Room. You'll 6 gfo MAN on the left. Call us at 8OZ—8(iZ—4H2. Judiciary which broadening current legislation to recommends include "same sex" protection. The Governor's Commission has reported that they will be willing to work with the lesbian/gay community on any legislation that we have introduced this session. It was the committee's feeling that although this expression of support is exciting, we should continue to explore a comprehensive lesbian/gay civil rights bill which would include abuse protections It was also discussed whether or not to include the language "marital status" in the bill since it was felt that often the discrimination that we face is hidden in this category. No final decision was made and this will be open to discussion at the February 1 meeting in South Royalton. The legislative subcommittee is concerned with fact finding, organization and information gathering, not decision making. The second draft of the bill will be presented to the entire statewide coalition for discussion and deciding where 'to go with it. The group is not exclusive; everyone is welcome. If you have an interest in whether a bill is introduced this session or not, please come and voice them at the February 1 meeting. domestic C violence The Out in the Mountains collective would like to thank the: advertisers, writers, artists, subscribers, photographers, readers, typists, layout people, contributors, and others who have made our first year possible. We look for your continued support in our second year.