page 2 Letters to the Editor Editors Note................. If you write ii letter to the editor we would appreciate if you would let us know it’ it is alright to print your letter in the paper. It is also helpful for us to know how you would like to be identified it you have okayed us to print your letter. Any letters which do not include this infonnatlon will not be printed. Thanks for your help ! Harassment in NH What are we gays going to do about harassment by teenage boys? I have taken it about as long as I can! They throw things at us (me), and call me names, and throw eggs at Halloween all over my house and car! I have tried calling police, talking to their parents, without much luck. Most teenagers are fine - no problem - but even the police and his folks can’t stop him from harassing me! It's time we did something about it! But what - and how? Anyone got any bright ideas? What do they gain from harassing me - the names mean nothing to me now, so I try to ignore the narne-calling. But, when I'm out walking my dog and things get thrown at him, then I get mad! Maybe I'm going through a bit of holiday depression - the weather tends to keep me home a lot - so I don't get out and see other gay guys We deserve to be human beings - fair Purpose The purpose of ()iil in the Mommiins is to serve as a voice for lesbians. gay men and our supporters in Vermont. We wish the newspaper to be a source of information, support and affirmation for lesbians and gay men. We also see it as a vehicle for celebration of the goodness and diversity of the lesbian and gay community. Editorial Policy We will consider for publication any material which broadens our understanding of our lifestyles and of each other. Views and opinions appearing in the paper do not necessarily represent those of the staff. This paper cannot, and will not endorse any candi« date for public office. We will serve as a vehicle for informing our readers about the views of candidates and actions of public officials on issues of particular importance to lesbians and gay men. We will not publish any material which is overtly racist. sexist, anti-Semitic. ageist or homophobic. All materials submitted must be signed and include an address and/or phone number so we can contact the author should we need to consider editorial revisions. However, within the pages of the newspaper. articles may appear anonymously. upon request. and strict confidentiality will be observed. No revisions or reject- ions ot materials will occur without dialogue with the author. We welcome and encourage all readers to submit materials for publication and to share your comments, criticisms and positive feelings with us. This paper is here for you. The deadline for submitting material for each issue is the 15th of the month prior to publication. Materials should be sent to: On! in the Moimtriiiis PO Box 438 Hinesburg, VT 05461. Out iii the .\loimtai'ns is published by the Out in the .\Ioimlui'ns collective: Elizabeth Mae, Howard Russell. David Ryan. Suzi Shira. Philip Roberts, Linda Wheeler, Terje Anderson. Gilles Yves Bonneau. and Antonio Baio. and square - and to treat others as such. That is the issue - are we human or are we animalistic? That’s for you to decide. I may live in New Hampshire, but I am behind all you guys and gals over there in Vermont 100%! Sincerely, Stan Woodward Monthly Pledge Anyone? I think you all deserve the heartfelt thanks of the entire gay and lesbian community in Vermont for the great job you have done in putting out OITM these last 12 months. The paper certainly has become a valuable asset to the gay community in this state. I am enclosing a check for S5 which is my first "monthly pledge," to continue indefinitely. It may seem like a small amount now, but by the end of the year that will be $60, or a page and a half in your current fundraising drive. And thus you join a small but illustrious list of gay causes which I contribute to each month in this manner. Perhaps this will inspire others in the community to do the same. Sincerely, Bob Munstock Klii Klux Klan in VT We at Vt. CARES (Vt. Committee for A.I.D.S. Resources, Education and Services) are pleased to report the continuing growth and increasing visibility of the organization. The Vermont Department of Health is in the process of hiring Vt. C.A.R.E.S. to design and implement a risk reduction program. Several grant awards are on the horizon. However, it is also with great concern that we relate a disturbing event. On December 1, 1986, Vt. CA.R.E.S. ‘ = Vt. §.A.R.E.§. received a brochure in the mail from the Ku 0'” "" "'9 M0""’“i"S Klux Klan. The envelope was postmarked from White River Junction, although the return address on the flyer indicated the existence of a Sheridan, Connecticut, post office box. There was a handwritten message on the bottom of the brochure stating, "We are here! And we don't like Marxists and traitors" Vt. C.A.R.E.S. contacted Attorney General Jeffrey Amestoy with the information since we consider this to be harassment and interference with the organization's ability to continue its effective public‘ service. _ We relate this incident for several reasons. First, other community organizations are urged to contact the Attorney General in Montpelier if a similar situation occurs. Second, it is important for all of us to understand that "this sort of thing" happens even in Vermont. Third. and most importantly, Vt. C.A.R.E.S. will neither be silenced nor intimidated into reconsidering its commitment to provide Vermonters with A.I.D.S. services, programs, and support. Sincerely, Susan L Donegan Keith Goslant Co-Chairs Letters Home "Letters Home" is for more than just letters to parents or children. We welcome your coming out stories in whatever form you’ve recorded them. We don’t want to limit the column to just exchanges with family or just letters. Please share with us your experiences with co-workers, friends and acquaintances. Recollections of those conversations are fine. In short. we want "Letters Home" to be a forum for sharing all our coming out experiences. Some of our readers have told us that it is their favorite OITM feature! Help us continue the tradition by sharing your stories. ucanunouua-onco--ug--a-novaunoaouooaooooo tenuous‘ Subscriptions to ‘Out in the to: Out in the Mountains :Mountains’ are available for $10 PO Box 438 Iper year (IO issues), $5 for low- Hinesburg, VT 05461 {income and unemployed people. By :subscribing, not only will you guar- Name Iantee prompt delivery of the news- M -|- fpaper to your mailbox (in a discreet AS3225 ;p|ain envelope, of course), but you :wi|l help to underwrite the sizable Icosts of assembling, printing and fdistributing the newspaper. 2 In addition to subscriptions, we Out in the Mountaz'nsmS.ilbscriptions One year subscription ($10) Low-income/unemployed ($5) Donation Iwelcome contributions to support four continued existence. ; Checks should be made paya- :ble to ‘Out in the Mountains’ or OITM and sent,along with this form, 0 - u - . . . . uuaauouaoneonoaaoanauoanuuuouuoanou I'd like to get involved as a newspaper staff member. Let me know how I can help.‘ alleeaeaoeooeoleaa-on.