Calendar Jan. lst Happy New Year! Jan. 3rd Integrity service at 7:55 pm. Important... this is Integrity’s Annual Meeting. Directions for the coming year... St. Paul's Cathedral, Burlington Jan. 8th V.L.G.R. Annual Meeting. Selection of officers for the coming year. Project, concerns... Peace and Justice Center, 186 College St., Burlington, VT 7:30 pm Jan. l5‘th Lesbian/Gay Pride Planning Meeting. To discuss whether or not to march this June. (See article in this issue). 7:00 pm Martin Luther King Jr’s. (Federal Holiday Jan. l9th). Jan. 17th Integrity Service at 7:55 pm, program at 8:45 pm. St. Paul's Cathedral, Burlington. Birthday. Jan. 26th O.I.T.M. General Meeting. 6:00 pm Peace and Justice Center, Burlington Feb. lst Statewide ‘Lesbian/Gay Coalition Meeting. South Royalton House. 10:30 am. Feb. 5th V.L.G.R. monthly meeting. 7:30 pm. Peace and Justice Center, I86 College St., Burlington, VT. Feb. 8th Unitarian-Universalist Lesbian/Gay Lay-Service. ll:00 am. Unitarian-Universalist Society. Head of Church St., Burlington. For more info call 8 6 4 - 3 6 l 7 . Cyclist Seeks Support on Cross-nation Trek Next summer, I will become an ambitious amazon and ride (as in bicycle, not motorcycle), from Portland, Oregon to the east coast and back. I will be passing through your area at some point. I am self-sufficient when I tour - like a snail, I carry my home with me - and am not asking for food or lodging. Realistically, I may end up sharing both with some of you, if that's how it works out, but mostly I just want to have little lesbian connections all across all the country. I am leaving Portland May l, 1987. The only real deadline I have is the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival, usually the second weekend of August. I am going to the East coast first, (via Nev., Col., Neb., of Kan., Missouri, Iowa, N.Y., Mass. to Boston), so this is not going to be a moseying across the country and stop a few days here and a few there! If there are any bikers among you, of if any of your friends are bikers, I would love to share parts of the road. I expect to reach Boston around July 10th. The next part of my trip, after visiting an old friend for a few days, is the most open. I have never been to the East coast and will have about a month between my arrival there and the beginning of the festival. There is so much there and l have never experienced any of it, much of my time between my arrival and departure will be determined by spontaneity and any responses I get to this letter. I am looking forward to an exciting winter of Oregon rain and planning this journey I have been dreaming toward for ten years! I’m ready to leave today! Happy trails, Nancy Vanderburgh, Contact Dyke, 1534 SE. Hickory, Portland, Oregon 972l4. (503) 231 9105. Dancing Nightly from pag._7,e3 During our meeting the quarterly State Meeting was discussed. OUT IN TIIE MOUNTAINS was made available and the survey discussed. Four women offered to work on a newsletter. Two parties are in the planning. Two women offered to print name/address labels for mailing. Others knew of workshops for women couples in the area. Another can tape television programs of interest to women. Catamount A Nightclub of Distinction Special New Year’s Eve Party 20 Elliot Street Brattleboro, Vermont Downstairs in the old church (802) 254-8646‘ ‘Cafe is open 5-11 pm l'v:)FrVa—relaxed drop:in spot. We are a wealth of information. Umbrella would like a lesbian on an advisory team to the board, eventually to join the board at the next opening. Space is available for us to meet at Umbrella. We will plan a regular meeting for the second Thursday of every month, from 7-9 pm beginning December II in the Umbrella office. The address is 1 Prospect Street, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Hope to see you there!