Calendar l2c_c.crmr__‘1 _ Thursday - VLGR (The meeting Wlll be held at l7l N. Winooski Ave. Apt.l, Burlington, VT. @ 7:30 PM 864-3617). I_)ecsmb_er._i-.7 Fri-Sun - Enrichment Weekend for Lesbian Couples Women's Counsellng Services 338 Middle St. Portsmouth, N.H. 03801. For info call: (603 431-7757). D_€(LQU_l_b_¢.L.§. Saturday - Integrity Service 7:55 PM Program 8:45 PM. St. Paul's Cathedral Burlington. December Q Saturday — Salt of the Earth Movie being shown at Green Valley Gallery. 64 North St. Burlington, VT. 7:00 PM S 5.00 more or less. Benefit for HOWL. Deeember 13 Saturday - Chlltern Mountain Club Open House at Pearls beginning 7:00 PM. Dceember 13 Saturday - Alix Dobkin Contois Auditorium, City Hall @ 8:00 PM Tickets: $ 6.50-low income, $ 7.50 General, $ 9.00 contribution. Co-sponsored by: Allegra Productions, HOWL, and Burlington’s Women’s Council. For Info: call: 862-4467. December 29 Saturday — Integrity Service 7:55 PM (This service will be celebrated by retiring Bishop Robert Kerr) Program begins @ 8:45 PM. .Dc_c9_m. bcr-2_9 Monday Out in the Mountains Stall‘ Meeting 6:00 PM Peace and .lustice Center. Business Meeting. h!_Yl_U_fI__Y_|' .8_._.LL7 ' Thursday VLGR Meeting - Annual meeting to select officers for the coming year. (Please note: VLGR will meet the second Thursday for this month due to New Years. Meeting will be at the Peace and Justice Center @ 7:00 PM. Janu_a.r.v.l5_._l°_8_7. Thursday - Lesbian/Gay Pride meeting for the annual June march. (Please note: If you want the pride march to become a reality we need your support at this meeting) Peace and Justice Center @ 7:30 PM. continued, page 6 are similar which at times can be tedious. Many of the women whose stories are presented joined the convent in order to escape a society in which they felt they did not belong. They preferred instead to live in a community comprised exclusively of Womcn. even though ultimately this society was ruled by the patriarchal church. Most of these women entered with a high degree of idealism, living their lives as ascetics, eschewing worldly possessions. Many left the Convent angry and in most cases left the church at the same time. Quite °“¢fl. these women became involved in a deep feminist spirituality. On the other hand, some of the lesbian ex-nuns are still involved with various aspects of organized religion. Also, a few of the stories are from women who have Dancing Nightly chosen to remain nuns and try to effect change from within. Somc Of these nuns live on the ‘outside’ with lovers. Each year brings a decline in the number of women entering the convent. The current pope is doing nothing to solve the dilemma faced by women in the Catholic church today. ln fact, he is attacking most of the gains made by women since Vatican ll. Hopefully, A Nightclub of Distinction COL RS Special New Year’s Eve Party 20 Elliot Street Brattleboro, Vermont Downstairs in the old church December 1986' - page 7 (302) 254-8646 young women facing the prospect of entering the convent will get a hold of a copy of "Lesbian Nuns: Breaking the Silence" before making that decision. As the title implies, the silence has been broken in more ways than one. This book is an important statement on the condition of women in the church. Unfortunately, as is too often the case, the people who need to read it most will never even hear of it.