November 1986 - Out in the Mountains - page 7 """"__'l / the complexity of medical statistics makes it difficult for the gay, communit'y to receive the specific and understandable information it needs. it was to address this need that VT C.A.R.E.S. (Committee on A.l.D.S. Resources. Education and Services) was formed. VT C.A.R.E.S. is an independent organizations that has its origin from, A Nightclub of Distinction within the gay community. VT C.A.R.E.S. is actively finalizing a risk reduction/safe sex program for high risk groups in VT, VT C.A.R.E.S., however, needs groups from within the community to sponsor meetings where this information can be shared. VT C.A.R.E.S. is asking that the established gay organizations and support groups consider devoting a meeting to the presentation of this risk reduction/safe sex program. continued, page 8 Calendar October 3l Halloween Special events at PEARLS and COLORS COL RS Singer Pam McAfee Performing Thursday, Oct. 30 November I ‘Integrity, St Paul's Cathedral, Burlington; Service, 8 pm, potluck 8:45 November 2 Halloween Talent Contest Friday, Oct. 31 $7100 1st Prize, $50 2nd Prize, $25 3rd ' 20 Elliot Street Brattleboro, Vermont Statewide meeting, South Royalton House, South Royalton, 10 am, 862-59l7 for details Tuesday November 4 ELECTION DAY. REMEMBER THE ERA. Polls open until 7:00 pm November 6 . . ____ Downstairs in the old church VLGR Monthly meeting, 7.30 pm, Peace and Justice Center, 186 College Street, Burlington November 15 In1¢_8rity, St Paul's Cathedral, gurlington. Service 8:00 pm, Program, :45 Dancing Nightly (802) 254-3646 L°"°mb°l' 15 and 16 uplc‘oming legislative session. For inlo, Nnvcmbc, :7 Ca Vermont CARES Training Seminar (see 223 7222 . _ . . ‘- ' - HAPPY THANK V article in this issue) S61 ‘N6 DEE. December I :° ’C:‘I-:‘L‘“w‘£:Ci‘g)°h‘;l'l'E‘a";5 m°””‘;’3 m°°"“Sd Deadline for discrimination _ . pm, cace an - - ~ Rainbow Coalition Lc8iS|3YiV¢ ISSUCS Justice Center, l86 College Street, :;:iclSi:O:‘n:l(:4c_‘36r-fr qucS“onS' coma“ Conference, Montpelier. Planning’ for Burlington