Letters Home Dear Michael &. Marie, The time has finally come that I fill you in on certain aspects of my life. This is a difficult letter for me to write so try to bear with me. When you have asked me what I do here in Burlington, I haven't been honest with you. Not because I wanted to lie, but because if I was honest then I would be telling you what I am going to try to tell you now. About a year ago, I finally came to terms with some very powerful, confusing feelings that I have had since sixth grade. These feelings were something I could not discuss with anyone since I didn't understand them. Anyway, I tried to cover up my confusion, but last spring I finally had to do something about how I felt. What I am so delicately trying to say is that I am gay. The reason I couldn't tell you about what I do in Burlington is that my life outside of work is based on my being a homosexual not a heterosexual. I'm sure you are probably thinking all kinds of stereotypes which aren't true. The important thing to remember is that I'm the same person I was yesterday, last week, last year. I've simply informed you of an aspect of my life that you didn't know about. An aspect which is my life. You probably also think I am sick and can be cured. Well, that's another myth. It's estimated that 10% of any population is homosexual. Whether or not the individuals are out of the closet is another question. It's also been determined that homosexuality is not a mental or physical disorder - not a sickness. I can't answer why someone is gay or why I'm gay. I just know I am and I'm happy with myself as a gay individual. Just try to imagine what it would be like if you couldn't share your lives together with Mom & Dad or the rest of the family. If you couldn't tell anyone about the-school board or yacht club or even your marriage. That's what it's like for me when I'm home and I can't talk about Integrity, VLGR (Vermonters for Lesbian & Gay Rights) or VGV (VT Gay Volleyball). All of which I'm involved with. Anyway, I hope to hear from you soon. I have a'couple of books if you are interested in reading them. Love. Roger Dear Roger, Needless to say, we got your letter today. Realizing that it must have been a very difficult letter to write, I wanted to get back to you. I won't deny that your letter was a surprise as is any news that does not fall within the expected. Surprise does not mean rejection. I know both of us are still discussing the news and it's probably easier for me who has known you for far less time than any of your family. Given time people will accept. I know right now I don't think Michael really knows what to think or say. I know he agrees with me that we hope you will not avoid us. What his feelings are regarding your "coming out of the closet" as a homosexual individual I cannot say. For me, however, I want you to know you still have my love & support regardless of what you do. I'm ‘glad you have found others who can be of support. I'm sure it is not easy doing what you're doing with the current attitudes of society. What you said in your letter about being the same person you were yesterday is true. You have always been you and just as you are always learning about yourself October 1986 - page 7 so are other in what you reveal. As for anyone who is ‘different’ than what society expects, it is harder. Given the current attitudes about homosexuality, I have a feeling it will always be difficult. From what I've seen of you though, I think you have a lot of inner strength that I hope will continue to be the basis of your pride for yourself. Roger, I sincerely hope that you will feel comfortable to still come home and be with us. As for me, I hope someday you'll feel comfortable enough to tell us what you are doing, what your life is like. Yes, I'm sure it's different than what I have known. I still want Megan to know you as her uncle and to someday understand. Thanks for writing. I really hope to see you soon. Love Marie. Info needed on dual career lesbian couple! I am seeking women willing to participate in a study on dual-career lesbian couples. My investigation will explore the attitudes, expectations and satisfactions of lesbians toward both their career and their primary relationship. The study involves each member of the couple filling out an identical questionnaire. Couples that have been together in a primary relationship for at least two years, with each member engaged in full-time employment during most of the duration of the relationship will be included. Enrollment as a student is considered equivalent to employment for the purposes of the study. If you wish to participate, please contact: Natalie S. Eldridge, Ed.M., or Lucia A. Gilbert, Ph.D., Counseling Psychology Program, EDB 504, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, 78712. October Calendar, October 2 VLGR Monthly Meeting (Please note that VLGR is now having g_n_e meeting per month only). 7:30 p.m., Peace and Justice Center, 186 College Street, Burlington. October 3 Out in the Mountains monthly meeting, 6:00 p.m., Peace and Justice Center, I86 College Street, Burlington. October 4 Integrity, 8:00 p.m. service, 8245 p.m. Drogram, St Paul's Cathedral, Burlington. October 3 - 5 Discovering Women Leaders Conference: University of Vermont, Registration: Cooperative Christian Ministry.at UVM, Roddy O'Neil Cleary, Christ Church, Redstone Campus, UVM, Burlington, VT . 05401. 656-3882. 8:30 a.m. - noon, M-F. October I8 Integrity, 8:00 p.m. service, 8:45 p.m. program, St. Paul's Cathedral, Burlington. October 18 LAST DAY TO REGISTER TO VOTE All town clerks are required to be in their offices from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. October 19 Vermont CARES General Meeting, 3:00 p.m. Bethany»Church, Main Street, Montpelier. October 28 Out in the Mountains monthly meeting, 6:00 pm., Peace & Justice Center, I86‘ College Street, Burlington. November I Integrity, 8:00 p.m. service, 8:45 p.m. program, St. Paul's Cathedral, Burlington. November 2 Statewide Lesbian‘s/Gay Men's Coalition Meeting, 10:00 a.m. Royalton House, South Royalton. November 4 ELECTION DAY. GET OUT AND eVOTE. REMEMBER THE ERA REFERENDUM. November 6 VLGR Monthly Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Peace &. Justice Center, 186 College Street, Burlington.