page 6 - Out in the Mountains Rape crisis Vol. training The Burlington Women's Rape Crisis Center is holding a volunteer training session starting September 16. The Rape Crisis Center provides information and support to victims of sexual assault, their families and friends, and community education. The volunteer training is in four parts and includes information on counseling victims, and on the legal, medical and social aspects of sexual assault. The first night of training, September l6, 7-9:30 p.m., will be ODCH to the general public and will be conducted at the Church Street Center in Burlington. The evening will focus on the myths and facts surrounding sexual assault, methods of reducing the risk of assault and the crisis intervention work being done by advocates at the WRCC. The movie "Beyond Rape" will also be shown. Prospective volunteers will be required to attend this session as well as three additional session, September I8, 23, and 27. The Women's Rape Crisis Center is seeking both women and men volunteers to help with the Center's hotline, public education, publicity and fundraising. To register for the training and for more information, ‘please call 863- 1236 during the evening. For confidential AID S Information Call 1-BOO 882-AIDS E PRESENTS A WORKSHOP FOR MEN. led by Walter l. Zeichner, MACP, NCC and a staff of past participants For Information and enrollment registration call (802) 863-5510 or write to Walter Zeichner 323 Pearl St. Burlington, VT 05401 ‘Workshop Date: Oct. 10-12 Time: Friday 5 p.m.-Sunday 5 pm. Location: Northern Vermont Cost: $300.00 sliding scale Experience your Male Heritage. Challenge your myths. Together we will have an opportunity to experience the full excitement of being men. ‘Q3: § Coors Boycott Committee speaks out Don't Buy Coors Beer -- a message from the Coors Boycott Committee, P.O. Box 6382, Hartford, CT, 06106 Coors is anti-lesbian and anti-gay: Joseph Coors is the founder and chief financial backer of the Committee for Survival of a Free Congress, where one of its leaders wrote, "I know what...I feel about these queers... We could get in our ears and run them down while they march.” The‘Coors Company has made substantial campaign contributions to California State Senator H.L. Richardson and Assembly Member Alister McAllister, who led the drive to defeat AB-l, the California Gay Rights Bill. Prospective employees have been required to answer questions about their sexual preference as part of the company's infamous lie detector test. Coors ls anti-labor: Coors brewery workers maintained a strike for a year and a half in protest of being subjected to the lie detector tests that require information on personal finances. religious and political beliefs and sexual practices. Workers also opposed the search and seizure of their personal effects by Coors‘ private police force. The company then manipulated an election, to eliminate the union, in which only strikebreakers were allowed to vote. Coors has busted l9 unions in the past 20 years. During the United Farmworkers Strike, Coors volunteered to use his trucks to haul scab grapes from California into other states. Coors distributors have historically been forced to sign contracts binding them to use scabs in the event of a strike. Coors is racist: William Coors, chairman of the board, called a meeting of workers, on company time, to urge employees to work against the Civil Rights ct of 1964. Joseph Coors helped found and bankroll the right wing think tank, the Heritage Foundation. The Reagan Administration relies heavily on the Heritage Foundation's recommendations to eliminate affirmative action, cut back on social services, abolish the minimum wage, and encourage closer ties with the apartheid regime in South Africa. In l984, William Coors told a black audience, "One of the best things they (slave traders) did for you is to drag your ancestors over here in chains." Coors ls antl-womam’ Joseph Coors organized and funded the most vicious enemies of women's rights: Phyllis Schlafly, Senators Denton, Helms and Hatch -- all of whom are committed to denying women their rights and reducing their legal status to that of serving their husbands and fathers. After the Equal Opportunity Commission filed suit against Coors, more women were hired, but according to sworn affidavits, Coors did his best to see that women were subsequently fired or forced to resign. The boycott is working! Since 1977, Coors has expanded its market from ll to 38 states, yet less Coors beer was sold in 1985 than in 1977.