july . August 1986 - page 5 Statewide network plots course b y 13 d T r c b i t 5 c h unable to attend thc m¢¢ting_ sparked response, especially letters to the editor. discussion of the Sept. 6 meeting of the Mona the same lines. everyone was "\Ve are a statewide coming-together of 513” Human Rights Commission in “''8¢d "3 W"i‘¢ V°”“°“‘ ACLU 350"‘ "W individual lesbians and gay men and groups Montpelier. The consensus of the group was ERA and B3)’ rishts. 53"“ ‘ht ACLU‘! of such, forming a network of persons active 10 provide a Spokesperson and to 3“ as position on those matters is imminent. in advancing our common interests, including man)’ DCODIC i0 fllicnd 35 Dossiblc. A di5°“55i°" °f r““d”‘i5i“8 f°”°"’¢d- cducalional opponunjgiu and political Heather Wishik mcntioncd (h: but including of the idea introduced earlier of action." expanding prohibition against discrimination 561508 “D 8 fundraisins DFOCCSS TOY Ihc Such was the definition of the Coalition in |'¢M31 h°U5in8. which d0CS not deal With C°3“ii°“ Similar ‘0 U“il¢d W3)’'5 and 350“! which was agreed upon by the 30 pcoplc discrimination based Ion sexual preference. "V508 i0 C0m¢ UP Wm‘ |'|=|m¢5 Or D0-SSNJIC attending the third statewide meeting of She emphasized the need for people to act Contributors of 31-000 Contributions (of lesbians and gay mcn in south Royalton as as local coordinators of action (writing, m0f€)3,' 5;m,,day_ jun: 3_ phoning, buttonholing legislators) in response Th‘: MCCUHB ¢nd€d Wiih an infofmfll The three~hour meeting covered a wide to pending legislation, and the need for a |'°5°‘"‘i°“ ‘° ha“ 5h°"‘¢" m¢°li"85- range of topics ranging from announcements 135k f0I’C¢- t0 Coordintltc Quick media of the then-upcoming Pride celebration to discussions of the group's purposes. The meeting began with announcements. Then Heather Wishik reported on the O] statewide lesbians‘ meeting in South Royalton June 1: the_ 20 women attending declared themselves Lesbians of Vermont (LOV), an autonomous group affiliated with the Coalition. The group discussed issues of positive visibility, legislation, organizing a telephone network for rapid responses to events, and coordination with the men's group. They intend to have one workshop on legislation and one on the media. Ed Trebitsch and Jeff Tewell reported on the statewide gay men‘s meeting June l in White River Junction. The nine men discussed C.A.R.E.S. (see Resources), the newly advertised position of AIDS public health program coordinator. promoting regional organizations such as SAM and RAGS (see Resources) and forming a central agency for soliciting funds for related organizations, along the lines of the United Way. Louise Brill reported on the networking that the statewide meetings had already accomplished. Writing letters and telegrams and phoning legislators has been a problem in the past, she said, but much can be done with our increased interpersonal connections. ‘If C.A.R.E.S. lets us know, we'll act.” she said. Howard Russell added a success story: within a week of last year's Pride rally, the ’ governor asked to talk about liaison with representatives of Vermont's lesbian and gay -4 ues. Ed's $1 Bud Night Wed. Ladies Night Thurs. Boys N'ght Out communities. The group unanimously agreed to have four joint meetings a year -- with additional special meetings if necessary. Beth Dingman raised the question of the structure and definition of the Coalition. After much discussion, consensus was to rotate coordinators and to consider Out in the Mountains the group's mouthpiece. The discussion of the goals and focus/of the group will continue at the next meeting, to be coordinated by Lo ‘ E "ii d J ft‘ Tewell, Sunday, Nov. 2. ms: n an 6 Open 7 Days a Week A letter from Terje Anderson, who was Mon_-Fri_ Open at Sat. + Sun. Open at 8pm 0 Downstairs Is Open Tues., Thurs., Fri., and Sat. Checks should be made a bl ‘O . th . ' p ya e to ut *:...:“::,*:".:‘:':‘ °' °"** Md Out in the Mountains . PO Box 438 Hinesburg, VT 0546] Name 0 M .. Agéltggs 135 Pearl Street Burlington, Vermont 802 863-1343