June 1986 - page 11 8 LL an-N-ruaysf ELE BEAT/on ‘D Statewide lesbian and gay men's network meeting. 1 pm, South Royalton House, South Royalton (Plan to arrive at ll am and eat brunch together) June 13 Lesbian/Gay Pride Musical Celebration. With well-known Vermont folksinger Susan Kenniston, gay singer/songwriter John Calvi, and composer/pianist Gilles Yves Bonneau. 7:30 pm, Christ Church Presbyterian, Redstone Campus, UVM, 53 suggested donation to benefit Pride 0 activities. June 14 7 Fourth Annual Vermont Lesbian/Gay Pride Rally and Parade. Keynote speaker, Gil Gerald, Executive Director of the National Coalition of Black Lesbians and Gays. Music, balloons, speeches and rabble-rousing. I pm, front lawn of Unitarian Church, corner of Pearl and Church Sts., Burlington. Rally is followed by parade and post parade rally. Wed. Ladies Night Thurs. Boys Night Out "Before Stonewall: The Making of a Lesbian and Gay Community." Award winning documentary film on lesbian and gay life before gay liberation, narrated by Rita Mae Brown. §r';‘iIY"i?3i4.”‘s37;'3ggZ2?ea° d§.‘.“;..$n"gf$ COME BE benefit Lesbian/Gay Pride activities. . June 15 Interfaith Service. Spiritual program for lesbians, gay men, and their friends and families. Sponsored by the Vermont Interfaith Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Concerns. 1 pm, Friends Meeting House, N. Prospect St., Burlington. June 19 Watch For Details VLGR - Business meeting, 7:30 Pm. Peace and Justice Center, Burlington. Open 7 pays a Week Mon.- Fri. Open at 5pm June 21 Sat.+Sun. Open at 8pm ,,,,cgmy/Burlington, st ,,“,.s D Downstairs ls Open Tues., Thurs., Fri., and Sat. Cathedral, Burlington. Service at 7:55 and program at 8:45. Movie night - "The Divine Miss M“ June 29 0 Vermont C.A.R.E.S. Open meeting, 1:30 Dm, Burl‘ngton. For location contact - _ Tm, at ;62_59,,, Heme, 0, Susan at 135 Pearl Street Burlington. Vermont 802 863 2343 479-1795 or David at 658-0147.