page 8 - Out in the Mountains “II CIIEEIIPIII. MESSIIGENJI MODEST IIND INTELLIGENT I'II.M." Movie review '”°“”‘?”‘ “IIBSOIIBING, SHOCKING, IIIJMOIIOIIS IIND 4 TIIOIIOUGIILY COMPIISSIONIITE." Z —AIIan Ulrich, San Francisco Examiner STONEWALL “YOU OWE 11' T0 vounsur TO SEE IT" —Judith Crist Gay men and lesbians frequently look at the period of history before the “THIS r[LM_" —New York Native development of the lesbian/gay rights movement, before our appearance in the mass media, before our emergence as an identifiable subculture, as an empty space. Our view of lesbian and gay life before the current era, before the Stonewall riots, reflects the belief that there was no such thing as a lesbian and gay community, but only individuals who lived furtive, frustrating and joyless lives. "Before Stonewall: The Making of a Lesbian and Gay Community" is a film which destroys those assumptions. Through a series of powerful interviews with lesbians and gay men who were out before most of us were even born, BEST the movie provides a valuable (and AMERICAN enjoyable) history lesson. '"°E"E"°ENT The makers of the film have FEQBTE assembled a terrific amount of research, (Non-Fiction) including a great deal of archival wL‘$:R’:";‘T5fOL,ffL material, to go along with the FILMEXPOSITION interviews. Drawn from a wide variety ‘F'”"‘E"’ of experiences, "Before Stonewall" documents that well before the S::f,'$' American public was aware of the fact, Jufiy our foremothers and forefathers were AWARD building a culture to call their own. ,N,’;‘,’,fi§lf3,’,‘,AL From the gay presence in the Harlem FILM Renaissance to homosexuality in the FEST'V“" armed forces, "Before Stonewall" gives us a legacy to call our own. Whether it is the silent movie scene of a cowboy flirting with Laurel and Hardy or the uproarious interview with a former WAC whose all-lesbian battalion squared off with General Eisenhower in World War II, "Before Stonewall" is full ofsurprises and joys. The film is particularly noteworthy for the fact that it reflects all of our experience, not just the better known story of white men. Lesbian history is particularly well-represented and people of color form an equally important part of the film's focus. Few lesbian and gay documentaries BEFORE STONEWIILI. mm hm. as wcn .hough..ou, and as The Making of a Gay and Lesbian Community well produced as "Before Stonewall.‘ D /C P G Execsugve Producer JOHN scaeuorn - - irector o- rodueer FIETA HILLER - Co-Director/Co-Producer ROBERT ROSENBERG Ma d c with h u m o r , co m p a S 5.1 0 , Archival Research Director ANDREA WEISS - Editor BILL DAUGHTON gentleness, love and commitment, it IS Narrated by nun MAE saowu an important and delightful reminder of where we have come from. "Before Stonewall" will be shown as part of the Vermont Lesbian and Gay Pride Celebration. Shows are at 7:15 j,f;‘;e19‘f,g,,"“,}’vff“§;‘:fi{l’gti:“°T;:;c “campus Annnumon ron THE mourn! a $3 suggested donation, and proceeds will help finance the Pride Celebration. TODAY}! —Jay Carr, Boston Globe