CALENDAR May 1986 - page 11 May Events Out in the Mountains Monthly staff meeting, 6 pm, Peace and Justice Center, Burlington. Newcomers welcome. Integrity 7:55 pm service, Seventh Anniversary Potluck Dinner, St. 8:45 pm Integrity Paul’s Cathedral, Battery and Pearl Streets, Burlington. (Vi interfaith Coalition forHLesbian and Gay Concerns Meeting to plan for_June l5 Interfaith Service, 7 pm, Unitarian/Universalis: Church, Burlington. VLGR Business meeting, 7:30 pm, Peace and Justice Center, Burlington, Planning meeting for Pride Celebration. Integrity 7:55 pm service, 8:45 program, St. Paul's Cathedral, Burlington. Vermont C.A.R.E.S. (Committee for AIDS Resources, Education and Services). Statewide meeting to plan AIDS education efforts in Vermont, 1:30 pm, Barre. For location contact: 862-5917 (Terjc) or 479-1795 (Heather or Susan). Fundraising Lesbian/Gay Pride Celebration Pearl's, 5 pm, Burlington. Dancing, fun, party for Vermont special door donation, surprises and Suggested prizes. $2.00. Vigil of Hope Candlelight program on the steps of the State Capitol, Montpelier, 8:30 pm. Sponsored by Vermont C.A.R.E.S. as part of national Memorial Day observance "for AIDS. "To remember the dead and fight for the living.” Statewide lesbian meeting 1 pm, South Royalton Royalton. am to eat brunch together before the meeting). Statewide gay men’s meeting, I pm, location to be announced. (For House, South (some women will meet at ll more information, contact 862-5917). Terjc at Statewide lesbian and gay men’s network meeting 1 pm, South Royalton House, South Royalton. (Plan to arrive at ll am and eat brunch together.) Fourth Annual Vermont Lesbian and Gay Pride Celebration A variety of activities scheduled for the weekend. See June Out in the Mountains for Schedule. They’re lurking everywhere! from page 7 Pat, are heterosexuals. There are rumored to be several heterosexuals in high ranking positions in Vermont state government. Should heterosexuals be teach children? allowed to One of the most erroneous of all the stereotypes about heterosexuals is that they are all child-molesters. Actually, heterosexuals are no more likely to molest children than any other people. Some heterosexuals are excellent teachers. Wltnl Should parents do if their children exhibit “straight” mannerisms? Parents should not panic at signs of heterosexuality in their children. Adolescent heterosexuality is often just 3 Dhase of normal development. In extreme cases of aggressiveness or coquctttshness, parents might be advised to seek the services of a professional counselor. Can heterosexuality be "cured?" Many people think a person’s sexual orientation can be changed. Such attempts at "conversion" are almost always unsuccessful. Nevertheless, some of the experimental procedures used in sexual behavior modification attempts include electric shock therapy and the administration of convulsive drugs in aversion therapy. Prefrontal lobotomies have also been used to "modify" sexual behavior. How does modern ps_w:ho1ogy view the heterosexual? The American Psychological Association does not classify heterosexuality as a mental disorder per se, but rather'recognizes the number of related disorders which can accompany it. Modern psychology views heterosexuality as a completely natural and normal alternative form of sexual expression. There is no evidence to indicate that heterosexuals are in any way inferior to other people. Should heterosexuals be given "equal rights?" Many "straight liberationists" are demanding the right to be able to lead happy and fulfilling lives without the threat of discrimination. Some straight couples proudly proclaim their lifestyle by holding hands in public or by opposite-sex dancing. Some eighty cities and towns across the country, as well as the state of Wisconsin, have enacted legislation which bans discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. it isn't enough to "tolerate" heterosexuals -- they should be fully accepted as equal members of society. Glelehrating an fsnniberzarg? Send us your anniversaries! We want not only to keep us all informed of lesbian and gay news, we want to note our personal and commu- nal celebrations. If you have ever wanted to publicly proclaim your anniversary(for example), this is your chance. To have your anniversary published, we need to receive the following information by the 15th of the month preceeding publication. Please send the full names of both partners, number of years as a couple and anniversary date. Please specify if you want only your first names published.Send to Out in the Mountains PO Box 438 Hinesburg, VT 05461