April 1986' - prlge 7 Stress Works]: op _p]a1212 ea’ BYDBVMB-Ryan St., Burlington, VT from 9:30 - 3:00 For many gay men who are p.m. The morning session will focus on healthy but worried about the AIDS coping with stress and an AIDS update. epidemic, worry has become an issue During the afternoon, John will present deserving full attention. ln a culture stress reduction techniques. Participants where stress contributes significantly to are asked to bring a "brown bag lunch“. There will be a $5.00 fee, but no one will be turned away for inability to pay. (Thanks to John for some of the information contained in this article.) the vast majority of illness and death, this is good news. Ways of dealing with worry are being explored nationwide. People are finding out The Lavender Couch that worry tends to be a nasty habit WM" 'C$bi3nS 0|’ 88)’ mt" hi! 8 which can be alleviated by a firm low point in Ihcir livcs. psychothcrnny decision to go on a worry diet. This should be considered a realistic and means; non— threatening choice. Dr. Marny l. getting lots of information on "3" "Plains h0W *0 Ch00S€ afld the topic of conccfn‘ such as evaluate a ‘gay affirming therapist‘ transmission; that will meet your needs. The homophobic control in the helping professions has made many of us leery and cynical, but Hall’s book, THE being good to yourself by LAVENDER COUCH, goes far toward indulging in what you like best °35i“B 0"!’ {CNS- in life, such as free time, close Usins C13“. d0“/H-10-Caflh frjgnds, or 3 pcrsonai imp.-psi language and numerous anecdotes, Dr. such as music, Hall assures us that counseling is not This dict {aids not only [0 rcducc restricted to ‘coming out"expericnces. worry, but also helps increase B”?3k‘l=DS. 50b 1055. dcalhs. and knowicdgc, capacity, and dcsirc to depression are painful experiences you relax. Relaxation is an irreplaceable ma)’ n¢¢d hC1D t0 dcal with For life skin and its popularity and lesbians and gay men these experiences importancc are 3,-owing can be more difficult to handle because 4. finding ways of releasing stress, such as physical exercise or massage; U) wiih the above in mind, of separation from more traditional Vermonters for Lesbian/Gay Rights is SUDD0|'t nCtW0I'kS. We Should not feel sponsoring a workshop related to stress th“ ‘his is failurc Of Our f|’i¢ndS. lovers, or community, or feel guilty for searching outside this sphere for nelp. reduction and the AIDS epidemic. John Calvi, founder of Soft Touch, a program of massage and sti-cs; Getting help starts with choosing reduction therapy for people with Th6 WDC Of C011l'|S¢1ifl8 Y0“ W3“! 0|’ AIDS, will be leading the workshop. need: individual. couple. or group This will occur on April 19 at the Red therapy. This need can change over Cross Blood Center, 32 North Prospect Um‘? and 0C°35i0fl3“Y Y0“ may Want 10 use some combination of these therapies. Individual therapy allows for exploring yourself in depth but is not necessarily the best way to deal with social skills or a problem requiring a great deal of support. Group therapy will limit the time you can discuss yourself, but can provide a wide network of support. Couples therapy deals more with a relationship ‘than with individuals and can be an important step towards strengthening or dissolving a partnership. Once you have decided how many otllers will be present for your counseling session, you must choose an appropriate school of thought. Here THE LAVENDER COUCH excels as a LL.‘iI.‘h1'21fi1Ig zttt