DEC.2006/JAN.2007 I out in the mountains at Beth Jacob Synagogue PO Box 1133, Montpelier, VT 05601. Services: Fridays 7 pm, Saturdays 802-229-9429 - www. bethjacobvtorg. Burlington Friends Meeting (Quaker) 173 N. Prospect St., Burlington, VT 05401. Sundays 11 am, Wednesdays, noon. Call Joan Knight: 802-863- 8755 Burlington Unitarian Universalist Circle ’ ‘ PO Box 221, Burlington, VT 05402. Public Neo-Pagan rituals every 3rd Saturday 5:30 pm in UU basement. Contact Wally: 802-985-9795. www. -buuc@ Cathedral Church of St. Paul (Episcopalian) 2 Cherry St, Burlington (corner of Cherry and Battery). Justice-focused congregation, open to all. Sunday Services: 8:00, 9:15 and 11:15 am. Rev. Canon Tanya Wallace: 802-864-0471 x16 - Central Vermont Sangha’ (Tibetan Buddhist) PO Box 517, Montpelier VT Champlain’ Valley Unitarian Universalist Society An Official Welcoming Congregation PO Box 857, Middlebury, VT. 802— 388-8080 Christ Church Presbyterian - More Light Church UVM Burlington, VT 802-862-1898 Christ Church (Episcopalian) An inclusive and affirming congregation. North Main Street, Bethel, VT. 802-722-9064 Church of Our Saviour (Episcopalian) ‘ An inclusive and affirming congregation. Mission Farm Road, Killington, VT. 8'02-422-9064 College St. Congregational Church Open and Affirming across from the YMCA in Burlington 802-864-7704 Covenant of Avalon A warm and inviting earth-based Pagan fellowship sewing southern Vermont and northeastern NY. www.covenantofava| - mothergrove@covenantofavalon. org — covenant_of_avaIon Divine Science Church of Vermont Service 10:30 am, first Saturdays at V the Unitarian Universalist Church of Springfield, 21 Fairgrounds Rd., Springfield, VT. 802-773-1624 - Faerie Camp Destiny PO Box 531, Winooski, VT 05404- 0531. First Congregational Church 38 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington, VT. Home of the first Church Civil Union in Vermont. 802-862-5010 First Congregational Church - Thetford , Open and Affirming Congregation. . Tom Kinder, Pastor-: 802-785-2915 First Unitarian Universalist Society I of Burlington An Official Welcoming Congregation 152 Pearl St., Burlington, VT 05401 Services Sunday 9:00 am and 11:15 am. Interweave Monthly GLBT Potluck Information, 802-862-5630 - First Unitarian Parish (UU). An Official Welcoming Congregation. Main Street, Derby Line VT. Rev. Jane Dwinell: 802-873-3563 or 802— 334-8831 ' First Unitarian Parish of Chester 802-875-3257 First Unitarian Parish of I-Iartland Beverly Boke: 802-263-5487 Ohavi Zedek Synagogue Shabbat Services: Friday 6 pm, Saturday 9 am 8: 18 minutes before sunset Saturday. Daily Minyan: Sunday — Thursday 7 pm. (Hebrew School for Fams. w/ kids.) 188 N Prospect, Burlington. Joshua -Chasan, Rabbi and David Steinberg, Associate Rabbi. 802-864-0218 - Second Congregational Church UCC Bennington Hillside Street, Bennington. www.secondcongbenn. org St. James Episcopalian Church A welcoming community of open hearts and discerning minds. Rte 7A, Arlington, VT. 802-375-9952 - St. Johnsbury Unitarian Universalist Church Rev. Brendan Hadash: 802-525-3856 - St. Michael Episcopal Church Wed noon Holy Eucharist; Sundays 8 a.m.: Holy Eucharist and sermon, 10 a.m.: An open and affirming congregation of the Episcopalian Church welcoming LGBT persons. 18 Bradley Ave, Brattleboro. 802-254- 6048 Trijang Buddhist Institute Northfield. Chanting: Wednesday and Saturdays 10-10:45 am. 802- 485-4140 - trijangbuddhistinstitute. org. . Unitarian Church of Montpelier 130 Main St. Montpelier. 802-223- 7861 Unitarian Universalist Church 117 West St., Rutland, VT Rev. Frederick Gailor: 802-775-0850 Unitarian Universalist Church of Springfield 10 am Sundays, Fairgrounds Rd, Springfield. 802-885-3327 Unitarian Universalist Congregation / Upper Valley Bruce Johnson: 802-6.49-882,8 - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Stowe 4:30 Sundays, St. John's on Rt..108. FMI Call Lynn: 802-253-9313 United Church of Putney - UCC Open and affirming. Kimball Hill Road. Sunday Svc 10:30. Call Rev. Susan Tarolii: 802-387-6654 Vermont Gay Men's Spiritual Support Brotherhood , 5 Raymond Pl, Burlington, VT Vermont Open Circle of Wicca 8: Wicce _ (PO 1345, Middlebury, VT 05753. opencirc| Vermont Organization for Weddings of the Same Gender (VOWS) Rev. Brendan Hadash 964 Beach Hill Rd, West Glover. 802-525-3875 I Help keep us up-tn-rlute! The Source is maintained by OITM volunteers. To add, delete or update any listings, e—mail us at Student . [See complete SOURCE listings at: resource.htm] Support American Veterans for Equal Rights (AVER), formerly GLB Veterans of America PO 29317, Chicago, IL 60629. Coming Out Support Group R.U.1.2? Community Center hosts a coming out 8: questioning support group for adults every second and fourth Thursday. 34 Elmwood Ave. Burlington, VT. Questions call 802- 860-7812 Friends in Adoption 44 South St., PO 1228, Middletown Springs VT 05757. 802-235-2373 Gay & Bisexual Men's Support Group Keene, NH For LGBTQ Adults age‘ 23+. Mixed Group: 2"“ & 4"‘ Thursdays, 6:30 pm. Women's Group: 15‘ 8: 3"’ Thursdays 6:30 pm. Shawn: 800-639-7903 _ Lesbian Partners of Abuse Survivors Anne: 802-763-8850 Open Men's Support Group (open to all men) Tuesdays 6:45-8:45 pm. Senior Dugout/Games Room, Council on Aging Memorial Hall. 240 Main St:, Northampton MA. FMI contact Allan Arnaboldi: 413-352-9887 x 10‘or Rainbow Support Group: . R.U.1.2? Community Center hosts a support 8: group for LGBTQ individuals with developmental disabilities the first Thursday of every month. 34 Elmwood Ave. Burlington, VT. Questions 802-860-7812 R.U.1.2? Queer Community Center Burlington, 860-7812, thecenter@ - Sex & Love Addicts ‘Anonymous < PO 5843 Burlington'05402 SLAA Meeting (GLBT) Wed, 6-7 pm @ Capital Dist. Gay & Lesbian Community Ctr., Albany, NY Straight Spouses of GLB Partners Keene, NH Jane Harris: 413-625- 6033 - eharis@va| Support Group for Men Who Have Experienced Childhood Sexual Abuse and/or Neglect - Fridays 7-8:30 pm. Men's Resource Center, 236 N. Pleasant St, Amherst MA. Allan Arnaboldi: 413-352-9887 x 10 - aarnabo|di@ I ' Survivors of Incest Anonymous Mondays 6-7 pm. UCC Bethany Church, Blue Door Room (basement). Main Street. Montpelier. 802-229- 2153 or 802-454-7822 Vermont Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG), NE Regional Director. Peggy Gage 12 Lincoln St., Exeter, NH 03833. 603- 772-21 13 Lake Champlain Area: Lil Venner 23 Birchwood Ln, Burlington 05401 802-863-4285 Vermont Lesbian 8: Gay Parents I Meeting 802-658-6045 Transgender International Foundation for Gender Education PO Box 540229, Waltham , MA 02454 781-899-2212, 781-899-5703 - Transgender Radical Action, Networking, 8: Support (TRANS) PO Box 5687 Burlington, VT 05402. 802-472-8115 Women - Active Lesbians of the Monadnock Area (ALMA) ‘ PO Box 1845, Keene, NH 03431. Amelia Earhart Underground Flying Society - PO Box 746, Lebanon, NH 03766 Burlington Women's Council PO Box 0583, Burlington, VT 05402 CRONES (For Women over 40) 21 Hawthorne Cir., So. Burlington 05403. Alverta: Fiction Writing Circle Informal group meets in Burlington area to provide social support, editorial feedback, and career tips for women working on fiction and ' commercial creative writing projects. Vicky: | Golden Threads Lesbian Contact ’ Publication PO Box 1688, Demorest, GA 30535. Mary Davidson: 706-776-3959 - HIV/HepC: Peer support to Women living with HIV 8: Hep C 8: their families. - , - Twin States Network, PO Box 882,- Bellows Falls VT 05101. 888-338- 8796 - - www. Huntington Open Women's Land 802-434-3953 -_ MOB New England BDSM and kinky social organization for women who play with women. 617-598-1061 X -1209 - bostonmob@ ao|.com - Lesbian Book Group Meets monthly in Putney, usually on the fourth Sunday of the month. Novels, memoirs, poetry, and non fiction books by women autho‘rs. Tatiana: 802-387-2781 -tatianas@ S ,. Sex, Lies, 8: Language Women's writing group focusing on topics of sexuality, sensuality, and the erotic. Putney: 802-387-5452 Towanda! Women's outdoor group. Hiking, biking, kayaking, and skiing. Contact us for weekly updates. towanda2@ - users.adelphia. net/~towanda2/ ' Umbrella Women's Center 1107 Main St.,_Ste. 102, St. ‘ y Johnsbury, VT 05819. 802-748-8645 Women's Information Service (WISE) 79 Hanover St. Lebanon, NH 03766. 603-448-5922 24 - Hour Hotline: 603-448-5525 . Youth Creating Change. _ St Johnsbury, VT. Lore Caldwell: 802-748-8645 Gay/Straight Alliances in Vermont Schools: Bellows Free Academy: 5. Main Street, St. Albans 05488 - 7 Gail Grismore: 802-527-7576 - gsa/bfa/home ' Brattleboro U.H.5.: Prism, Fairground Road, Brattleboro. Andrea Carlson: 802-257-0361 or Tracy Binet: 802- 257-0356 Burlington H.S.: schools/bhs/index.htm. ,- aschwart@ Cabot: PO 98, Cabot, VT 05647. Charlie Wanzer: 802-563-2289 ' Champlain Valley Union HS: 3 Box 160, Hinesburg, VT 05461. Meg Howard: 802-482-7182 Manchester HS: Byron Brown: V Middlebury Junior _UHS: ‘Charles Avenue, Middlebury, VT 05753. Howard Giles Middlebury Union HS: GAIGHT Charles Street, Middlebury,yVT 05753. 802-382-1 1 15 or 802-382-1 1 17 Missisquoi Valley Union HS: RR2, Box 268, Swanton, VT 05488. Paula Bowen: 802-868-7311 x 109 - 2girls@ togethennet Mt. Anthony Union HS: Students for Diversity Bennington. 802-447-751 1 x279_ Putney-GBSA: Elm Lea Farm, Putney, VT 05346. Rose Johnson: 802-387- 2044 - rose_johnson@pegasus. putneycomf Rutland HS: 2 Straton Road, Rutland, VT 05701. Karen McGur|: 802-77.83-1955- www.vermontel. com/~bishop/gsa South Burlington HS: 550 Dorset St., 5 Burlington, VT 05403-6296. Karen Grace Spaulding Union HS: Ayers St., Barre, VT. Lisa Lemieux, Marty Morris, Julie _ St.‘Johnsbury HS: Andra'_Hibbert - andracorin@aol.co_m ' U-32 H‘S:_ RD2-Montpelier VT 05602. Ellen Cooke: 802-229-0321, G/Learn (Gay/Lesbian Education and Resource Network). 1 PO 113, Norwich, VT. 802-649-5297 or 802-296-3858 North Country GLBTS Alliance. Littleton; NH. 603-444-0418 or . _. Outright Vermont Resource for youth 22 and under. Support line: 1-800-GLB-CHAT. PO 5235 Burlington, VT 05402. Check (out vi‘iww;'~forall ‘our groovy events and much more! info@ outrightvtorgl . :