24 nut in the mountains I DEC.2006/JAN.2007 I MOUNTAINPRIDEMEDIA.ORG tnmmunitv tnmpuss S 1 December 1 at Outright Vermont Outright will observe World AIDS Day on Friday, December 1, at 241 N. Winooski Avenue. Free confidential and anonymous oral HIV testing will be offered from 10 am to 6 pm; a movie, And the Band Played On and Talk Back with Franklin will be held from 3-6 pm; and the Friday Night Group will be held from 7-8:30 pm. First Friday Art Walk December 1 is World AIDS Day and, during First Friday Art Walk, a number of participating venues will cover a single work of art in recognition of the occasion: Day With(out) Art began on December 1st, 1989 as the national day of action and mourning in response to the AIDS epidemic. On Friday, December 1, from 5 to 8 pm, more than 40 galleries and art venues will stay open late to welcome walkers. Pick up your copy'of Art Map Burlington or check out wvvw.artmapburlington.com. Womyn's Night On Friday, December 1, Karen Gre- nier will play at Higher Ground in South Burlington from 8-10 pm; to be followed by DJ Precious and DJ Llu from 10pm to close. A T ‘ Tickets to the show are $5 in advance , and $10 the day of the show, which will be presented by Robert Toms & Shoebox Theatre. — I Outright Offers Variety of Activities Here's the December schedule for Out- right Vermont’s activities for youth look- ing for a safe place to be, fun things to do and learn. Outright is at 241 N. Winooski Ave. in Burlington. FMI visit www.out- rightvt.org or call 800.GLB.CHA'I'. The Friday Night Group meets every ' Friday evening, no matter the weather or holiday. Come meet other lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth ages 22 and under! Free pizza first Friday only! From 7-8:30 pm. Join Sex w/Dan and Katherine on Sat- urday, December 2 from 7-8:30 pm. This program is Outright Vermont's monthly discussion where queer sexualities and bodies are affirmed, celebrated, and discussed with the purpose of preventing the spread of HIV. This is a sex-positive discussion guided by youth with input from Dan (our long-time sex-ed volunteer) and Katherine (our Health and Wellness Coordinator). We emphasize the impor- tance of being comfortable with your own body,.setting and understanding your own limits, and open communication with relationship and sexual partners. Come by to chat from’ 7-8:30 p.m. and for free pizza! Content is age appropriate for any- one in high school or beyond. For ages 22 and under. Sex. Proud. will be held on Saturday, December 9th and Friday December 15th, from 7-8:30 pm. Come by for Outright Vermont's monthly HIV-specific workshop series encouraging young, queer people to interact and talk about how to stay safe from HIV and other sexu- ally transmitted infections. Each month we focus on a new topic. The first five youth to show up get $10 and will be entered in a $50 cash prize drawing at the end of the year! Content is appropriate for anyone in middle school, high school or beyond. For ages 22 and under. Saturday Night Socials will be held on December 16th and 23rd at Outright from 7-8:30 pm. Drop by for Outright's youth social/hang out group that meets every Saturday and features boi/grrl movie nights, queer crafts and outdoor adventures! Come meet other lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and questioning youth ages 22 and under! A Mad Tea Party will be held on Saturday, December 30 from 7-8:30 pm. This NEW group is like a coffeehouse, featuring local performers (musicians, poets, etc.) and it is a chance for older youth to socialize with folks they might not find at a Friday Night Group. All ages (22 and under) are welcome, but we especially encourage youth ages 18-22 to come by, have a cup of tea, hear some great music, and meet some folks your age. Vermont Artist to Hold Exhibit in NH On Friday, December 1, Allison Teague, of Newbury, Vermont, is opening her new show, The Mill Project, a Portrait in "Fume; at the Post Mills in Lebanon, New Hampshire. The show is an installation and digital photography exhibit of the mill in Post , Mills, with photographs and artifacts from the period and the mill itself. The opening of the month-long show will be at the Un- derGround Gallery, from 5-8 pm Dec. 1. V World ‘AIDS Marathon. _ December 1 The Richard M. Brodsky Foundation and Kisumu AIDS Marathon Organization are co-sponsoring the 2006 Kisumu World AIDS Marathon in Kisumu, Kenya, an area severely affected by higbirates -of HIV and AIDS. - All net proceeds from the marathon will go to AIDS, research andvarious AIDS and cancer charities, the vast majority in Kisumu and Kenya. For more information, see the Web site at wvvw.worldaidsmara- thon.com. . In the Life Focuses on AIDS on December 3 Vermont Public Television will air "The Changing "Face of AIDS" on In the Life at 11 pm on Sunday, December 3. The show will be available to viewers across the state by antenna, cable and satellite. For more information, call 802- 655-4800 or see www.vpt.org. R.U.1.2? Transexuall Transgender Support Group The transexual/transgenderlsupport group meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month from 6:30 to 8 pm at the R.U.1.2? Queer Community Center, 34 Elmwood Ave. in Burlington. For directions, please call the center at 860-7812. Barnard’s Home for the Holidays Festival A tiny town in almost-rural Vermont will turn a periscope on village life in Barnard (near Woodstock) circa 1840-1870 with a participatory, multi-faceted "Home for the Holidays" festival offering staged and costumed vignettes, themed music and food from 2:30-7 pm on Saturday, December 16. There is no charge to join the guided walking tours by lantern light to witness splices of past lives and to enjoy themed music. A hearty Farmhouse Supper at Ba,rnard's Town Hall is priced to appeal to families at just $10 per person or $20 per family (any size). Queer Elders Post- Holiday Party The Queer Elders Project and the R.U.1.2'? Queer Community Center will hold a post-holiday luncheon for Elder LGBTQ women and men on Saturday, January 20, 2007 from 1 to 3 pm at the Queer Community Center, 34 Elmwood Avenue, Burlington. Food and drink will be provided by the sponsors. Escape the post-holiday and winter doldrums! Come to the Queer Elders lun- cheon! Elders are usually from ‘age 55 up but drivers’ licenses will not be checked at the door. Contact Shawn Lipenski at the Center at 860-7812 with queries and comments. Self-Defense Class for‘ Women There will be a Se_lf-Defense and Life Sav- ing Skills Seminar offered to women on Saturday, December 16 from noon to 4 pm, at the Fitness Center behind Borders _ Bookstore in Burlington. Cost is $50. Space is limited, so call Karen Davoren to RSVP at 802-468-0010. ' fiie even: we: §m:§i.i=ae speakei~.s,.. mussi;ia2is,l‘a._j the MS r.;:.:i§'£. refreshmentiswaztd time for sei%d.at§ty arid. sélerite. @9336 us? For more iriformation call 8O2.63.2243“.7 Post-Election Study on Same-Sex Marriage Rights Researchers from PRlSMresearch.org at the University of Kentucky and the Uni- versity of Memphis are looking for GLB participants for an online survey about experiences related to the debate over the recognition of civil marriage rights for same-sex couples. To participate in the survey, please go to wvvw.coe.uky.edu/surveyor/ ?Survey=NovemberSurvey. Writers Needed on LGBT Issues Greenwood Publishing Group has an- nounced its upcoming series of reference books on LGBT issues worldwide, which will highlight many countries and review the status of LGBT social and political issues. The three-volume set is intended for use in high school and college libraries. FMI email Chuck Stewart, editor at LGBT- WorIdwide@sbcglobal.net or call him at 310-838-6247. *2 3» ‘°> ii I err- .~:':