. . 4-=-W..-‘ cartoon creationsbegan longbefore Out in the , a e llluther Eurth leuh Illittenherg Shows Her Enuirunmentul lnrtnnns REVIEW BY LYNN MCNVICOL he first thing to catch the eye in the show room is an “earth’.’ beach ball dressed up like . a person, arms attached and rigged up as a backpack to go on trips such as the recent Global War1ni_t1giWalk along Route 7 that cartoonist Leah _ Witteriberg participated in. The beach ball charac- ter, Code Green, is a sort-of Mother Earth mascot. ;Attached to Code Green, is, of course, one of Leah’s cartoons titled “She Ain't Heavy, She’s My Mother.” Leah’s_ political cgrtoon that is pub— » _ htéiiiiiionthly orirouriéttérs page. But her Mountains, and many were published in the _"_l'9f'r’(_)s’ with Vennont.’s,CommonWoman monthly ' Vera, attended the cartoon show and was active in the Burlington Women’s Community at the time, remembers Leah as one of the founders of CommonWom¢m, which . Was published from about 1978-82. Leah, now a psychotherapist in Burlington, also wrote many articles and drew many lesbian-centered cartoons, Lynn said. In addition, Leah was also an organizer of the first Pride marches, which used the theme “Out of the Mountains and Into the Streets” — fore- ‘tic {_;~)'«9a99~3rg= :7» We can stop global warming runner of the name of this newspaper, Lynn noted. In recent years, Leah’s cartoons have taken on a more environmentalflavor, often focusing on issues of oil and global warming, while retaining a - feminist perspective. _ “We were always environmentalists as femi- nists,” Lynn said, noting_ that the issues are all connected to one another. Leah, she said, has “a feminist mind that never stops.” Many of the people attending the show appre- ciated Leah’s sense of humor. (L to R) Lucy Gluck, Rose Wittenberg Wallace and Leah Wittenberg with Code Green at City Market. PHOTO PROVIDED. “She does a lot of play on words which I like a lot," said Susan Smith, a neighbor of Leah’s. Susan pointed out a cartoon picturing four varieties of gas-guzzling vehicles, each with its miles-per-gal- lon noted, and the tag line “Wanted for Crimes of V Emission.” ' “I think it’s a fantastic show in every respect," H g She expresses her politics‘ Anyone who has read OITM is familiar with A A A with a good clear line and with humor, and that's a . great way to bring her messages to.ti1e public. soeene ouasr, soum BUREJNGTON said Sophie Quest, a local artist. “She expresses her politics with a good clear line and with humor, and that’s a great way to bring her messages to the public.” ‘ Leah said she and Lucy Gluck, also a Burl- ington activist, long ago came to the conclusion that “we have to do something about global Warming.” The - based on Code Pink, a Women’s peace group - has been employed by the two women in their scheme to get people \ talking about the environmental crisis we seem headed for, at places such as City Market and Burling- ton’s waterfront. In April 2007, Leah will show her cartoons again, downstairs from the current show, at City Market on the member‘s art wall. And there's a possibility that later this month (December), she will show a few cartoons at ECHO, the museum at Burlington’s Waterfront and a fitting place for Code Green to get people interested in talking about our environ- mental future.V Environmental Cartoons, By Leah Wittenberg, Center for Community and Neighborhoods, 82 S. Winooski_Ave., Burlington Above City Market, Business Hours (call first), Ihrough December. -10,. . . ' portable Code Green ‘ is L , : Abenaki Tribal Museum & Cultural Center 1 ACLU Foundation of Vermont = American Cancer Society. Bethel Library Chandler Center for the Arts Clara‘Martin Center , o ’ CV Shareheat Fund Friends of Carnegie Hall Friends of Kimball Library Gifford Medica|‘Center Humane Society of Chittenden Co. March of Dimes-Vermont Chapter ‘ Mountain. Pride Media Opera North Shelburne Farms i _ - United Way University of Nebraska Foundation University of Vermont ' Vermont CARES _ . . -. Vermont Campaign to End Childhood Hunger Vermont Foodbank V Vermont: Freedom to Marry Task Force Vermont Public Radio Vermont Public Television _ White Pine Association White River Valley Ambulance Women’s Rape Crisis Center When you pass your regular donations through the Fund, the charities you care about get the support they need for’ their work —— and the check issued by the Gay and Lesbian Fund of Vermont shows them how important our community "I is in the greater community. ' ‘flelpmakeflxejljistgrawl ..i FUN9 0? L ' _ www.glfundvt.org .s_. I‘;