....___.- _ .._.._/ .5 A , - .._ ._.__._.~, _.._..._,%____._V- "V . . DEC.2006/JAN.2007' l nutintlle mnuntflns 1 Not OK to Disclose Name In your wrap-up on openly LGBT candidates around the state, Paul Olsen discusses Karen Kerin, who ran in the Republican primary for Attorney General. I was surprised to see that Olsen disclosed Kerin’s birth name, although Karen is her legal name. Even mainstream publications have style guides for this situation — not disclosing transgender status unless pertinent to the story, us- ing pronouns of the person’s iden- tity and choice, and not disclosing birth names for obvious reasons of privacy and respect. To do so belittles the choice and hard work that goes into a name change and serves to subtly (or not so subtly) dismiss that choice. Thanks for taking more care in the future. SAMUEL LURIE 'Iransgender Training and Advocacy Hinesburg Paul Olsen Responds Style guidelines from the New York Times permit citing “a person’s transgender status only when it is pertinent and its perti- nence is clear to the reader.” I As a candidate for public of- fice who has taken positions on issues impacting Ver'mont’s GLBT community, I viewed Ms. Kerin’s gender identify as relevant to the story about her unsuccessful carn- paign for Attorney General. My apologies to any 01 TM readers who were offended. PAUL OLSEN Vermont Correspondent for In Newsweekly Closing Thoughts from the Office Twenty-one years is a long time for a GLBT organization. I was recently told that OI TM is prob- ably the oldest GLBT organization- in Vermont, something that I did not know as Patrick and I moved to Vermont in 2004. . . Having served on the MPM Board of Directors for 2 9% years and most recently during our troubled times as the full time employee, it has been a great honor and a wonderful'=eXperi- ence to work within and for our community.’ I I want to extend my,apprecia- tion and gratitude to all ‘of the MPM Board Members that _I have - worked with over the years, and to our staff, volunteers, vendors_ and supporters that have made the paper a reality for our readers. I want to extend a special thanks to Euan Bear, Michel DuBois, Don Eggert, EJ Haley, Tania Kupczak, Lynn McNicol, Roland, Palmer, Joe Swinyer, Greg Thompson and Bob Wolff for their effort in mak- ing the last few montlis of 01 TM such a wonderful paper. It has been fim working everyone! Let us celebrate the greatness of Out hi the Mountains and focus on our future as one community. GREG WEAVER Executive Director Mountain Pride Media, Inc., Publisher of Out in the Mountains W"-|"$ E N D BY LEAHWITTENBERG 70" C?) ‘>‘o98~I3).Dm Sincere Thanks to: llllfl CDIIIIIIIIIIIW... There are so many people, businesses and organizations to thank for 21 years! We have enjoyed working with so many great people and organizations within our community; we find it impossible to produce a complete list for our last issue of OITM. Please visit www.mountainpridemedia.org/links. htm for the list of community organizations and supporting organizations that we have been able to put together. Thank you for your love and support! Generous tuntrihutiuns and Grants during the lust veur were made bu: IBM - Burlington The Samara Foundation Vermont Community Foundation The University of Vermont MPM and OITM Thanks You!