PUBLISHED SINCE 1986 - VOLUME XXI, NUMBER 11 8: 12 I Executive Director: Greg Weaver . IT|IIllI1tllII‘I5 CONTRIBUTORS THIS MONTH: Kim Howard, Kris Rowley, R.U.1.2?, PETA, Paul Olsen, Leah Vlfittenberg, Miki Thomas, Sarah Flynn, E.J. Haley, Lindsay Cobb,.Tobias Novak, Dok Wright, Fran Moravcsik, Leslie Freeman-Dykesen, Merle Exit, The Museum of World Treasures, Uuvia Mulvaney-Stanak, Heather Reed, Ray Remillard, John Scagliotti, Andrew Collings, Michelle Barber, Joe Swinyer, Taylor, Bob Bolyard, Leslie and Shahn Freeman-Dykesen, Stuart Granoff, Alison Bechdel, Glen Hanson, Allan Neuwirth, and Robert Kirby. Editor: Lynn McNico| | Art» Director: Don Eggert Webmaster NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE: Rivendell Media, Inc. lTel (908) 232- 2021 Rivendell Marketing is the leading authority on the gay and lesbian press in the United States and Canada. As a media rep firm, Rivendell Marketing represents over 200 local gay and lesbian publications. Since 1979, Rivendell has helped to further define the market to give advertising agencies the facts they need to make the correct advertising decisions within fliis market. Rivendell provides the only accurate annual reporting on the gay and lesbian press as well as competitive tracking repons. Currently, they place advertisements in the gay press for every major advertising agency in North America. 7 ' Advertising: Roland Palmer & Greg Weaver Advertising Designer: Don Eggert ' Community Compass: Lynn McNicol Community Classifieds: Tina Giangrande & Greg Weaver Our Daily Agenda: Dan Brink ‘ The Source: ‘fine Giangrande & Greg Weaver’ I BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Michelle Barber, Miguel Bernard-Rivera, Brian Cote, Tina Giangrande, Kim Howard, Kate Kinney and Greg Weaver SUPPORTERS: Out in the Mountains was founded in 1986 with a grant by the Haymarket People's Fu_nd. In addition to advertising income, Mountain Pride Media's current funding sources include the Samara Foundation of Vermont, the Vermont Community Foundation, IBM Burlington, the University of Vermont, individual private donations and hundreds of volunteer hours. Mountain Pride Media is a Vermont non-profit corporation with 501(c)3 status. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: The purpose of Out in the Mountains [OITM] is to serve as a voice for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people, and our supporters in Vermont. We wish the newspaper to be a source of information, insight, and affirmation. We also see OITM as a vehicle for the celebration of the culture and diversity of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities here in Vermont and elsewhere. . EDITORIAL POLICY: We will consider for publication any material that broadens our understanding of our lifestyles and of each other. Wews and opinions appearing in the paper do not necessarily represent those of Out in the Mountains. This paper, as a non-profit organization, cannot and will not endorse any political candidates or actions of public officials on issues of importance to lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transgendered persons. We reserve the right not to publish any material deemed to be overtly racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, ageist, classist, xenophobic, or homophobic. , Unless otherwise specified, all submissions of articles, photographs, graphics, and advertisements herein are the property of Mountain Pride Media, Inc. and any re-publication or broadcast without written permission is prohibited. We are not responsible for the return of unsolicited materials. All contributions are donated to Mountain Pride Media, Inc. for our use including, but not limited to, publishing in print and electronic (Internet, Web, etc.) versions, advertising, marketing, and archival purposes with appropriate attribution to the original author. No assumptions should be made about the gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation of any contributor or any person named in these pages. Out in the Mountains is not responsible beyond the printing of corrections for errors in any submitted materials. Writers’ guidelines are available on request. All materials submitted must include a name and a contact number. However, within the pages of the newspaper, articles may appear anonymously upon rermest, and strict confidentially will be observed. LEGAL: Out in the Mountains (ISSN ‘I08‘l -S562) is published on the last Wednesday of each month by Mountain Pride Media, inc. It is printed by BD Press in Fairfax, Vermont. The newspaper maintains offices at 34 Elmwood Avenue in Burlington, Vermont, USA. The bulk mail subscription rate is $29 per year within the USA. Mountain Pride Media, Inc., DBA Out in the Mountains Tel (802) 861-OITM or 6486 l Fax (802) 860-0705 PO Box 1122, Burlington, VT 05402-1122 USA I Our website is hosted by Vermont Design Works, 130 West Canal Street in Winooski, Vermont, USA. The site is updated with the current issue of OITM and our online archives by the 10th day of each month. OITM is available in alternative formats upon request and is printed on recycled newsprint containing 30% post-consumer and using 100% soy-based inks. @2006, Mountain Pride Media, Inc., DBA Out in the Mountains I All Rights 3 nutintllemlullltllins l-DEC.2006/JAN.2007 l MOUNTAINPR|DEMED|A.ORG The Readers’ Survey and a. S077:—Of G00d—bye ast July, about halfway through my year as editor, a survey went out via Pride Day in Burlington and in the pages of OHM for two months. A total of 21 people filled out the form at Pride, and a few more were good enough to cut it out of the paper and send their answers to us. The survey now may also be found on our Web site at pridemediaorg. I let the survey sit for longer than it should have, probably, thinldng we might get a few more turned in. Now, finally, you get to see the results. One thing We discovered is that it's not easy to draw conclu- sions from multiple choice ques- tions and answers, and some ‘surveys were only partly filled out. Anyway, here’s our report card (possible answers: Very good, Good, OK, and Poor): How do you feel about the overall layout of the newspaper? Results: VG—12, G-9 National,,state and local news? Results: VG-10, G-9, OK-1, OK to P-1 The Rest of Our World? Results: VG-4, 13-G, OK—4 News of LGBT community orga- nizations and events? Results: VG-12, G-6, OK-3 Our new Youth Zone section? Results: VG-3, G-9, OK-2 Arts and Entertainment? Results: VG-11, G-6, OK-2 The comics? Results: VG-10, VG to G-1, G-5, OK—4 The Daily Agenda and Source? Results: VG-6, G-10, OK-1 Our editorials? Results: VG-1 l, G-10 Do you feel represented in our coverage of different groups? Results: VG—5, G-9, OK-3 We also received specific com- ments and share them with you here: - Layout: 0 “The graphic design layout is great” 0 “Like new layout" 0 “Keep up good work” Rest of Our World: 0 “Rest of Our World - like this a lot!" 0 “Could use more Rest of Our World" '= 0 “Wish Rest of Our World was in larger print on white paper.” Comics: 0 “Enlarge Dykes to Watch Out For - too small to read - I need a magnifying glass to read this" 0 “Comics not funny — How about some satire? Some color? The conundrum of bisexuality?” 0 “I’d like more Alison Bechdel, maybe Hot Head Paisan” Youth Zone: 0 “I haven't been in VT l: sag - but it seems that much of R.U. 1.2? and OI TM is done by a crowd a generation older thanl am. I wish I could think of a produc- tive way to get more 20-some- things involved; but=not‘.hin‘g‘s* ‘»‘~' coming to mind at the moment. , It'd be great if you can think of . anything-” “It could be that there is Sun- ply an overall lacking of local events etc. geared toward 20- somethings in the area, but I never think to look in OITM for potential things to do.” 0 “Youth need an’ outlet - keep it going! They also need support.” 0 “Most important." Local Coverage: 0 “More local people write more things in the paper” “Need more local community from around VT I realize it’s difficult to get info from small communities.” - “Would like more rural coverage for us country bumplcins north of the Notch!" 0 “Rutland area seems to be a dead zone." Content Wishes: 0 “More coverage of transgen- dered and transsexual issues, we so often forget the ‘T’ on “LGBTQA.” “BDSM stuff I rarely see." “Get more G & L businesses to ' advertise!” “As a straight ally I don’t feel’s enough resources" “More women/lesbian.” “I appreciate it when you up- date me on what our state and national politicians are doing to help or hinder the cause. Why do gay Republicans seem to be so silent‘? Help get Bernie re-elected!” [Ed. note: as a non- profit organization, OI TM dogs not endorse candidates]. 0 “More articles for middle age and elder issues, getting out and staying out. W111 there be legisla- tion protecting assisted living I of nursing home care or is it back in the closet? Hrnrn! Think - about it.” 0 “A gay crossword puzzle, eroti- ca, would be fun, poetry or po- litical cartoons, party recipes? A limerick? Lighten up a little.” General Comment: 0 “Better circulation.” 3 “Cheery and mostly readable.” 0 “I look forward each month.” Our progress in response to the survey results is up to our readers to decide. We have ap- preciated hearing from folks who lent us their insight into at least some readers’ thoughts. While this is the last OHM for now, we still welcome your feedback, thoughts and feelings about our progress. Please email them to voices@ mountainpridemedia org. 0 it’s time to say good-bye, which I’ve also been put- ting off. This year - almost a year - that I’ve served as editor I V is coming quickly to a close, right along with the calendar year of 2006. It’s really impossible to put into words in this brief space what this experience has meant to me, and how hard it is to say good-bye to 01 TM. My perspective has been widened and my heart has been touched by so many of you who have shared your stories, your en- ergy and your dreams. You are the reason that this paper has been such a success for so long. The hard work of the board these past months, to try to keep the paper alive, has gone far be- yond the call of duty. I want to thank each of you for all you have done. You have much to be proud of. » So, I'm not going to say “good- bye,” after all. We don't really know what will come after this, and I believe that our community, which has been so supportive, will go on to find a new way, or ways, to spread the news, make con- nections, and share our lives with each other. We will build new bridges, con- tinue fighting for our rights, and caring for each other. So be well, and here’s the best of everything for the New Year. And I'll be seeing you, on down the road.V Lynn McNicol Editor Q- ,_ ,—-" ‘