4 out in the mountains I DEC.2006/JAN.2007 I MOUNTAlNPR|DEMED|A.ORG in [Ila IIEIII5. Press release from R.U.1.2? ANH\/|ALTEST|NG COMMUNITY NEWS The Dialogue Project Turns the Tables; Expands Elder—Youth Dialogue BURLINGTON - The Dialogue Project, a program of the Vermont Queer Ar- chives at the R.U.1.2? Community Center, is moving forward into the next phase. The past years project involved queer elders telling their stories in response to questions from queer youth. This next cycle turns the ’ _ . tables, and gives queer elders the opportunity to ask queer youth about their lives. When R.U.1.2? intern Heidi Wagner launched the project, she visited queer youth organizations, such as Outright Ver- mont, and gathered questions that she later used in inter- views. Those oral histories were shared with artists, who created works in response to the stories. The resulting works of art, along with items from the Vermont Queer Archives, have been displayed in exhibits at Marlboro Col- lege, the Rose, Street Artists Co-op in Burlington, and the University of Vermont. These exhibitions have provided a venue for youth and elders to interact; finding new Ways to learn and communicate about each other’s lives. Queer elders are now being asked what they would like to know about the lives of queer youth. These ques- tions will be compiled at the R.U.1.2? Community Center, and oral histories will be conducted in 2007. The Dialogue Project will be a true dialogue. Anyone interested in participating, either with questions or as an interviewee, can Contact Brenda Pitmon at Brenda@ru12.org.V Martina Navratilova Slams “Gay Sheep”, Experiments Tennis Icon Condemns Tests Seeking to Alter Animals’ Sexual Preferences PORTLAND, OR - Openly gay tennis ioon Martina Navratilova is con- demning hormone-altering experi- ments on “gay” sheep at Oregon State University (OSU) and Ore- gon Health and Science University (OI-ISUT) that seek to manipulate sheep”s sexual preferences and make them heterosexual, said People for the Ethical ‘Treatment of Animals (PETA) in November. The tests are funded by taxpayers throughthe year21)08 In letters faxed to the presi- dents of both universities, Navra- tilova Wrote, “How can it be that, in the year 3006, a major univer- sity would host such homopho- bic and cruel experiments? I respectfully ask thatyou pull the plugon this appalling and mis- guided research. Surely you can find away to redirect the millions of public tax dollars that are be- ing wasted on these experiments to a more fruitful venture - per- haps by funding a gay and lesbian community center to foster dia- logue and acceptance for people of all sexual preferences?“ OHSU experimenter Charles Roselli is drugging pregnant sheep to prevent the actions of hormones in their fetuses‘ brains and cutting open the brains of rams he calls “male-oriented" (homosexual) in an attempt to -find the hormonal mechanisms behind homosexual tendencies so that they can subsequently be changed. Roselli’s cohort, Fred- erick Stormshak of OSU, has surgically installed an estrogen device in rams’ bodies in an ef- fort to alter “gay” sheep‘s sexual preferences and make them heterosexual. According to the grant applications, the experi- . x. \\ \ menters plan to extrapolate the test results to humans - with the insidious implication that homosexuality in people can be “cured," PETA said. Navratilova - who has won nine Wimbledon Women's Sin- gles championships, and with a record 167 titles in singles and 174 in doubles, holds more over- all tennis titles than any other player in history - added in her letter, “For the sake of the ani- mals who will die unnecessarily in these experiments and for the n1-any gays and lesbians who stand to be deeply offended by the social implications oi‘ these tests, I ask that you please end these studies at once.V From PETA press release,